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6 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

Halo is very good game. 

the Flood was the best Halo antagonist imo. Although the forerunners were pretty cool


The Flood is my favorite.

But I'm not gonna lie, grunts are kinda hilarious :D.

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6 minutes ago, Sequence said:


The Flood is my favorite.

But I'm not gonna lie, grunts are kinda hilarious :D.

Oh yes! they are the single best enemy. They make me sad sometimes though. I was playing through one of the campaigns with my brother and after one of them died another one said "that was my best friend!" It was tragic. 

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2 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

Oh yes! they are the single best enemy. They make me sad sometimes though. I was playing through one of the campaigns with my brother and after one of them died another one said "that was my best friend!" It was tragic. 

Yeah, that's true.

Sometimes it's sad when they try to run and get shot in the back too.

Someone made a post in the Waypoint forum (may it rest in peace) a few months ago about how grunts can be like 200 years old, so the grunt you just killed might have survived through the Human-Covenant war, all the way through the Great Schism, through the Flood outbreak, and all of that only to be punted off the edge of a space ring by a green robot man.

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9 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Yeah, that's true.

Sometimes it's sad when they try to run and get shot in the back too.

Someone made a post in the Waypoint forum (may it rest in peace) a few months ago about how grunts can be like 200 years old, so the grunt you just killed might have survived through the Human-Covenant war, all the way through the Great Schism, through the Flood outbreak, and all of that only to be punted off the edge of a space ring by a green robot man.

that...kind of makes me sad.

Grunts are just too great. I don't have much to add, so...yeah.


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