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I've been writing a lot of poetry and music stuff lately, so I figured I'd share some of it :))


Promises (written more than two years ago)


If I told you I promised I’d always love you

Would you return the words and say you love me too?

And would you promise to stay by my side,

Never alone, with me ‘till we died?

Would you promise anything, or are you too afraid

Of being bound by all the promises you made?

You long to be free, flying high through your life.

Would I tie you down by becoming your wife?

You’d be linked to me, two birds chained together,

Always by my side, always and forever.

A promise is kept, and if it is broken,

It scars your soul, you’re fin'lly awoken

From the dreams you had, the dreams you dreamed,

You’ll find your life to be sadder than it seemed

Flying free sounds beautiful, it’s what you always wanted.

But if you fly alone, the freedom will be haunted.

You say you love me, I know it to be true

Otherwise why would I be here with you?

I have dreams too, things I want to be,

But I would like to be them with you right next to me.

What are dreams if they’re not shared,

What are vulnerabilities if they’re never bared?

If someone knows your weaknesses, they’ll show you your strengths

That might defeat those weaknesses, length by length by length.

Live my dreams with me, I’ll live your dreams with you,

And though I can’t promise life will never be blue,

I can promise I’ll be there if things go south,

All I ask from you is two words from your mouth.

“I promise” is all I ask, two words that mean so much

Those two words, and if we break, we’ll be each other's crutch.

We can fly together, the chain holding us side by side

Will never cause an issue if we put it there with pride.

We’ll build that chain, link by link, completely willingly,

Then fly through life, fly away, fly so thrillingly.

So say those words, I beg of you, I ask of you, I plead,

For, my love, your promise is all I’ll ever need.

I’ll sign a contract, join our lives, I’ll use my blood as ink,

To prove that ours is a boat we'll never ever sink.

You’ll be free, but not alone, we’ll be free as one,

Knowing that our life together has scarcely begun.

Will you fly with me?

Promise me?

Be with me?

Because you know,

I will.

I do.

I’ll go.


Made to Hurt (2 years ago)


I'm broken

I'm bleeding

I'm falling apart

I'm broken


I'm broken

You have destroyed me

Crushed by your words

Crushed by your lack of love

I thought you cared.

You said you'd be there.

But now

You're gone

But it's fine

I'm fine

Yeah I'm broken but it's fine

Don't mind me, I annoy you anyway

And I really don't have anything to say

Nothing that matters

Nothing but the pitter patter

Of my heart racing

Only you

My thoughts gracing.

I may have a feeling of loneliness and loss

Unrealistic expectations with a mighty cost

I want to be heard, want someone to care

Someone who wants our lives to share

But me being me, it's a hopeless case

A fact that I can't quite bring myself to face

You are you

And I am me

I suppose I may never see

A day where I find real comfort

I was merely made to hurt


Not Lit (2 years ago)


I know that I hurt, and that's it

I feel like ev'rything's been hit

I'm in much distress

An emotional mess

My life right now is not lit


Contradictions (2 years ago)


Uncertainty is certain.

The inability to count on anything is always to be counted on.

Feeling lost is always found.

Impossibility is possible.


Hope (2 years ago)


I felt all kinds of sorrow

No happiness could I borrow

I feel so pained

The terror reigned

I have no hope for tomorrow.


Drown (2 years ago)


I feel broken

I feel like I need to cry

But my tears are dry

They refuse to flow

They're stuck in the dark hollows of my once-bright eyes.

I'm in pain, but it's not physical

My heart aches, a feeling I didn't know 'til now.

My voice breaks with emotion that refuses to show on my face

The tears must be flooding my mind

Because I feel like I'm drowning

I can't come up for air

Because my painful emotions weigh me down

As I drown

I drown...



Dragon Lullaby (under two years ago)



In the land of ice and fire

The power of desire

Grows strong and weak,

Bold and meek,

Where strange events transpire


The creatures of fire and ice

Before you know the price

Will draw you in

Adventure begins

More chance than a roll of the dice


Ice and fire cover the land

Impossible to understand

But find the dragons,

Follow their passions,

Then all the pain withstand


They said the skies won't be ours

That we cannot go that far

But on dragon wings

We'll share vows and rings

Then write ourselves in the stars



Depend On You (...year and a half? Ish?)


A house needs a foundation

A tree can't grow without its roots

The earth supports a mountain

And I could never live without you.

Cause I depend on you

And you know that if you need,

You can depend on me, too.


Defied (also year and a halfish?)


Take it in stride,

Not giving up, throwing away my pride

I'll come right out the other side

Cuz way back when, those tears I cried

Come back to now, those tears have dried

And I'm stronger now, roll with the tide

No I won't be defied


Love? (Yearish ago)


How do you love me?

What do you mean 

When you say those words?

Tell me the truth

Even if one of us ends up hurt

What if I don't love you the same way

That you love me

When you tell me you love me at the end of each day

What do you mean?


Dino Poem (Maybe a bit over a year ago)


Diplodocus plods along

Pterodactyl's terrific in flight

Stegosaurus is sweet but strong

And T-Rex is all ready to fight


Velociraptor is small and fast

Plesiosaur swims, small tail, long neck

Parasaurolophus' head thing is vast

And Triceratops is cool as heck



Certainly lives up to its name

All the dinosaurs that came before us

Deserve tons upon tons of fame


Voyage (little over a year again)


You voyage into the bright light of day

And long to reach that ne'er before sought land

Where bare a touch, and there you'll always stay

And there your thoughts and dreams fore'er expand


It can't be found on map, but in your mind

The way grows clear, you know where you must go

You travel through all things, and then you find

A place wherein all things you somehow know


A place where those you love are always near

A place where pain and guilt refuse to be

A place where you no longer feel fear

And in this place, you'll fin'lly be with me


Come taste my sweet, intoxicating breath

Come have a taste of what they all call Death


Good In Me (pretty recent, end of March)


I don't like my hands

I don't like my nose

I don't like my chin

Or my eyes, my feet, my toes.

There are days when I wish my body was shaped differently

But you help me see the good in me


Ocean (written yesterday) (tw mostly vague mentions of abuse) (not based on true events)


I am the ocean

You are the sand

You think you're the strong one

But I'll take command


I am the ocean

You are the stone

I break against you

But I'll break down your throne


I am the ocean

You are the rocks

You try to chain me

But I'll break through the locks


I am the ocean

You're acting smug

As you pull me in,

Force me into a hug


I am the ocean

You think it's bliss

But my life flows away

When I feel your kiss


I am the ocean

You're kissing my corpse

But the tide will come back

And you'll feel my force


That's all for now, I tried to keep them all fairly in order of when they were written. I'll post more when I write them, or when I find old ones that I want to share.

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Adventure of our Dreams (over a year ago)



A dragon's flame

A sword's blade

A forest glen

Or a thief's raid



Let's go on an adventure

We'll sail the seas and see the world

A great big grand adventure

Racing the wind, our banner unfurled

The adventure of our dreams

Stranger than you've ever seen

So make a wish upon a star

Our adventure will show us

Who we are



We are pirates

Scouring the seven seas

We are rebels

Doing whatever we please

We could be soldiers

Going off to fight a war

And as we go, maybe we'll learn

What it is we're fighting for





Let's go

We can climb a tree

Let's go

See what we can see

Let's go

Just you and me

On an adventure of our dreams



We are warriors

Fighting off beasts of woe

We are wizards

Helping the forests to grow

We could be astronauts

Exploring space to its ends

But through it all, no matter what

We'll always be best friends




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You Deserve The World (But Not This One) (October)


You deserve the world

But not this one

You deserve to run and play

And have fun

You don't deserve the pain

Just sunshine and clean rain

Yeah, you deserve the world

But not this one


[untitled villain song] (October)


Heroes write history

The truth is a mystery

The heroes, they lied

Now listen to my side


Haunting Tune (October) (to the tune of jingle bells but in a minor key lol)


Dashing through the leaves

On a headless horse named Jack

Through the fields we go

Can you hear that whip go crack?

The werewolves, they all howl

At the moon shining so bright

What fun it is to laugh and sing

This haunting tune tonight


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On 4/17/2023 at 7:04 PM, DramaQueen said:

You Deserve The World (But Not This One) (October)

They're all so good but this one especially :0000 would you be ok of i adapted it into a song, maybe? I'm always trying to write songs but i'm terrible at coming up with lyrics, and this is such a lovely premise. If you're not comfortable with that though i understand.

Srsly though all of your writing is delightful!!!

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8 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

They're all so good but this one especially :0000 would you be ok of i adapted it into a song, maybe? I'm always trying to write songs but i'm terrible at coming up with lyrics, and this is such a lovely premise. If you're not comfortable with that though i understand.

Oh I have a tune for it already!! Some of these are songs, I just don't have sheet music or good recordings of them so all you guys get is the lyrics :P. I could DM you a (bad, acapella) recording if you would like!

But thank you, that's such a compliment!

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On 4/23/2023 at 7:25 PM, DramaQueen said:

I could DM you a (bad, acapella) recording if you would like!

Totally, yes pls!!! (Sorry it took me so long to reply, you know when you open the notification at a time when you can't respond and then forget about it? That happened ;-;)

I kind of made a tune and chord progression last night for that and the villain one as well ahahahahhaha would you be interested in hearing?

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53 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Totally, yes pls!!! (Sorry it took me so long to reply, you know when you open the notification at a time when you can't respond and then forget about it? That happened ;-;)

I kind of made a tune and chord progression last night for that and the villain one as well ahahahahhaha would you be interested in hearing?

Sure! The villain one also already has a tune that I made, would you like to hear that one too?

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Damsel In Distress (One year/a year and a half ago)


I'll tell you a tale
Of a time long past
A tale of adventure
That couldn't last

The damsel in distress
She alone felt the dragon's breath

She dreamed of a prince
To win her heart
But sigh as she might
No one played that part

The damsel in distress
She alone felt the dragon's breath

For years she waited
But no one came
She saved herself
But died from shame

The damsel in distress
She alone felt the dragon's breath

She sold her soul
To be set free
She lost herself
But gained the key

The damsel in distress
She alone felt the dragon's breath
She alone felt the dragon's breath


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bronze (idek, like three years ago?)


I remember
Times when we were golden
I'd see your face and smile
The smile still finds it's way
But it's bronze instead of gold
And has been for a while

I remember
Times when we were silver
The stars would light your face
The stars still shine as bright
But yours is a different light
The silver's been replaced

By bronze
Still shining but not as bright
We're bronze
Still beautiful but not quite right
Not gold, not silver
We're bronze

I remember
Time spent out with friends
All golden and together
Their lives still remain gold
But ours is growing cold
It couldn't last forever

I remember
Times when we were children
Pretending to find treasure
Those dreams had gold and silver
But we never once considered
Finding bronze, no sir

But we're bronze
Still shining but not as bright
We're bronze
Still beautiful but not quite right
Not gold, not silver
We're bronze


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Royal and Medieval (a few days ago)


I drink the blood of my enemies

From a goblet

Carved from the skull of a dragon I

Slayed years ago

I am majestic and regal

Royal and medieval

Some may call me evil

But they wish they could be the same.


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  • 2 months later...

Love Song Duet


I wanna dance

Oh, underneath the moon

Come take a chance

On a late night in June

I'm dancing,

You're singing


I love you


I wanna sing

Oh, underneath the stars

You'll be my [queen/king]

The whole night is ours

You're dancing,

I'm singing


I love you too


I wanna play

Oh, underneath the night sky

We'll be okay

If it's just you and I

We're dancing,

We're singing


Oh, we'll be true




Set me free from this cage of bones and blood

Lay me down in the earth, let me sink in the mud

I feel my soul

Long to be whole

With my body far

In the ground below


Villain Song [extended] (a recording of this one will definitely be forthcoming)


Heroes write history

The truth is a mystery

The heroes, they lied, 

Now listen to my side


You learn the worst about me

There's something cursed about me

And you don't wanna face it

So you erase it


I know the way you see my actions

You think they tear you apart

But why do you seem to think those actions

Mean that I don't have a heart


Heroes write history

The truth is a mystery

The heroes, they lied

Now listen to my side


Your hero gets to go

Down in a blaze of glory

All I get is hell

Those are the only flames I bear


And still you think I'm wrong

So I'm screaming out this song

Hoping that someone will hear me

Hear me


Heroes write history

The truth is a mystery

The heroes, they lied

Did you listen to my side?


Truth and Dare (this one is very much a WIP, I had an idea and kinda just wrote down whatever lines came to mind, so they're scrambled and there is no format whatsoever, enjoy :P)


There'll always be things about you that I haven't learned

And I still won't learn them all when all the pages are turned

Oh I can't wait to meet you every day

Oh I can't wait to grow with you and watch you change

I'll get to know you every day

Every day, tell me a truth about you

And I'll dare to dream that I'll learn something new

Dare to tell me your truth

I'll dare to tell you mine too

I can't wait to wake by your side

Roll over, and look in your eyes

And say

"It's so nice to meet you today

I can't wait to get to know how you've changed"

But despite all the changes we'll make

There's one thing that will always stay

I know it sounds sappy, I know it sounds strange

But I know that I love you; I know that won't change

Tell me your truth if you dare

You know that I'll always care

I'll dare to tell you my truth

I'll give you all of my proof

Like a game of truth and dare


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Sonnet of the Stars


Come dance with me among the stars so bright

One with the constellations o’er the earth

The comets, planets, you and me in flight

As if we are amidst our own rebirth


Your fears at long long last may be relieved

Stretch forth your hand and clasp in it my own

Remove your helmet, I can help you breathe

Let empty space now chill you to the bone


One kiss and you will live and love like me

A being, essence, presence of the stars

Everywhere and nowhere; finally free

Everywhere and nowhere; finally ours


You fade away to nothingness and yet

The nothingness is still the most you’ll get


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[Untitled] (TW sexual abuse and suicide - not based off of anything that I personally have experienced, it's really dark and idek why this is what happened from a writing prompt I was given) (If anyone feels that this is misrepresenting/disrespecting people who have gone through any of the experiences it's intended to show please let me know and I can remove it, thanks (and that goes for anything I ever write - I'm hopefully going to be pretty liberal with my sharing of my writing here, so y'all can kind of be the sensitivity readers and such))


From the branches of the tallest tree

Hangs the boy who fell for me

It wasn’t I who put him there,

Yet still he haunts me everywhere


He said that what he felt was love

He said I fit him like a glove

He said that I would soon give in

He said he knew that he would win


He took no time to make his move

I never said that I approved

He held me by the waist and hips

Till all I tasted were his lips


He touched and kissed me everywhere

And tho there are no bruises there

The pain still drips like silent tears

And fills me up with doubts and fears


One way alone to end this pain

I feel it filling me with shame

I didn’t have the strength to fight him

So now, instead, I’ll hang beside him


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Oh and a recording of Dragon Lullaby can be found on my Instagram account! (Idk how Instagram works but I'm doing my best, okay?)

@valtameri_arts is my insta, btw, and the current plan for if/when I start releasing music (at least to Spotify, possibly other platforms) is for it to be under the name Valtameri okay bye

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  • 3 months later...

Most of these are just barely in progress, I'll post updates as they come!




The logic makes sense

Should stay behind the fence

Should keep up these guards

But oh, it's so hard


Cuz I look at you and my heart goes crazy

My head spins and my vision's hazy

No way that you could feel the same

But somehow I can't quench this flame




Throw my kisses in the air like confetti

I'll ask you to dance when you're ready

Wrap your arm 'round my waist

Not a moment to waste

We'll dance for a while

All my dreams be replaced

With this moment with you

Paint my grayest sky blue

And no one will tell us

What to do or not to


Glass Soda Bottles


I love blowing kisses

But kisses are wishes

And darling, I wish

That someday my kiss

Might not be from so far away

Not be scared of what they might say

But oh my beloved, today

I'll blow you a kiss

And not say


I love you like glass soda bottles

Like the loves from all of your novels

I love you like pain

I love you like rain

I love you like dancing

I love you in vain

But as the bottles shatter

The only thing that matters

Is the first three words


When someday we're older

I hope we'll be bolder

And as we lie there

I won't fear to share

All I've ever felt for you

I'll finally tell you the truth

And oh, my beloved, that day

I'll give you a kiss

And say


I love you like glass soda bottles

Like the loves from all of your novels

I love you like pain

I love you like rain

I love you like dancing

I love you...

And as our time will shatter

The only thing that matters

Is my last three words




You call me darling, same as everyone else

But I wish I could tell you how that word makes me melt

And you smile at me

Just like you smile at everybody




Blowing kisses like dandelion seeds

Making wishes like you're all I need




Your hands make me clay

I'll be whatever you say

If you can't love me as I am

I'll be someone new, soon as I can




You're my ocean, I'd give myself to you

If I knew you wouldn't drown me

But drown me with your love

Send a flood




I knew you in another life

We both just forgot

All that's left is the vaguest remnant of a thought

That you should be mine

And I should be yours 

I should hold your hand

And hold all your doors




I wanna say hello and I love you

Send you the songs that remind me of you

I wanna grab your hand

Run as fast as we can

And explore the world as one

Just for fun




If I were stone, you'd hold the chisel

My walls were up, you launched the missile

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a super silly goofy little song lol



I'm a little quirky

Without the "ky"

Change the "i" to a double "e"

Yeah, I like girls and they like me

Q, U, double E, R, quirky


And a couple more serious ones

hear and see


you said you loved me but that cant be true

you cant love a girl that you never knew

you took my hand and started to run

we fooled around, we had some fun

but all you wanted was a mirror

never even tried to hear her

never listened when i spoke my mind

you couldnt hear and you were blind

you didnt see how bad it got

didnt even spare a thought

youre still making me cry a year later

the girl you turned into a hater

once a lover hoper dreamer 

now a fighter and a schemer

if i dont plan for the worst

then ill never finish first

ill lose at love like you lost me

but at least i can hear and see


Love Songs?


The songs that were ours aren't yours anymore

Hear them all in a way that I didn't before

You've got new songs, used to make me cry

Now I just fill to the brim with sighs


You don't deserve the love songs, just the regret

I gave you so much, but what did I get?

Heartbreak and grief led me to clarity

I put my pride on the shelf and got some therapy


You hurt me more

Than any before

But hey

Don't worry 'bout it

I'm okay


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Don’t cry

Don’t lie

Don’t feel

Don’t steal

Be quiet

Don’t riot

Be still


I cry

I lie

I feel

I steal

Can’t quiet

I’ll riot

I will


I’ll be

Just me

You can’t


Me to

Be who

You’d kill




We always grow up, never down

Seem never to swim, only drown

Life drags us on

Our past is gone

And our future is suddenly found


The pains are so hard to ignore

Once they’re gone, it’s hard to restore

The life you once knew,

The one that was you,

The life that you knew long before.


So instead, we are forced then to change

The pieces must then rearrange

A completely new puzzle

To take off the muzzle

And live once more free, though strange.


Life isn’t some static creation

It changes with new situations

It can’t be expected

It isn’t directed

Just face it with determination.


I Don't Know


Thoughts, jumbled

He, we, her, them

Up, down, red, left

Love, hate



I don’t know.

What don’t I know?

Ask me something.

“I don’t know.”

The jumble hides me

Chair here, blanket there

A mix of patchwork and wood

Metal and paint

Jumbled jumbled together

Who am I?

I don’t know.

What do I want?

I don’t know.

I want to know.

Don’t want to don’t know

I want to clean

My jumbled brain

So I do

I move the jumble

Sort the jumble

Arrange the jumble

A sitting area to the left,

A library to the right.

I shove the LOUD




I made up my mind.


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Oo. Those are really good, I especially like the last two, I really feel them right now.

Also, I think I remember you mentioning that a lot of these are/will be songs? Does that mean you have specific melodies for them?

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3 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Oo. Those are really good, I especially like the last two, I really feel them right now.

Also, I think I remember you mentioning that a lot of these are/will be songs? Does that mean you have specific melodies for them?

Yeah!! I keep meaning to record them well, but it hasn't happened yet. Except these two:

On 4/24/2023 at 10:44 PM, DramaQueen said:

I can just send them here! I'll send more recordings later but for now:


You Deserve The World (But Not This One).mp3


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