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All I really want is a fight


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I need a good old fashioned fight. I want cannon characters from Sanderson's works. I can fight as Kaladin, Sazeth, Vashar, Shallan, Adolin or Eshoni. I can also be some unspecified awakener, mistborn, shardbearer, radiant, futrechemist etc.... We can have up to 4 fighters including myself. Rules will be established later.

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You know what?

Fight scenes are my single weakest piece of writing, and something I need practice with. I'd be willing to give this a go, if you're up for it. Not sure who I'd use though. Would you prefer sticking to canon characters, and if so,many preferences for the magic you'd like to fight against?

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I would really love to fight with Shallan if you can make that work but against Sazeth or Kalqdin would be fantastic. I think that a storm runner fighting a mistborn would be interesting or a mistborn vs an awakener.

We also need to take into account where exactly it is were fighting.

Edited by timemagetim
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Shallan is actually one of my favourite characters of SA, so of you want to fight her, I'm fine with it. I think it would have to be a bit more complex than a duelling arena fight though. Just besides the fact that Shallan's abilities aren't especially combat-.oriented (yet), I imagine a war of subterfuge between her and Vin or Shai would be awesome.

Basically, I'll choose whatever you want to fight against. I'd say it's probably best to sort out combatants and the fighting style before picking an arena though.

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The Investiture Equivelent to Vin's Metals.

Just Ignore me By the Way.

I'm pretty sure Scadrial is much lower Investiture - and much more efficient than Roshar. The powers are more focused and subtler. So, Vin might Sooth Shallans's wariness walking into an ambush. On the other hand, does Shallan get Pattern? If she does, Vin should get OreSeur.
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If we want to get very technical and elaborate, maybe we should try drafting someone in to referree/moderate it. You know, rule on what information either of us has, and make sure it doesn't end up in a game of one upsmanship.

And Joe, you and Swim as OreSeur and Pattern would be fantastic. Just sayin' lol

Edited by Quiver
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Having a separate person playing pattern and OreSeur would be fantastic. And yes having a referee would be beneficial as well. I think we can give Shallan a bit less Stormlight because she will still have her Shardblade/knife. 

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My Name is OreSeur. I am a Kandra, with the Blessing of Potency. I may ingest the Bones of the Dead, to assume their Shape. Currently, Lady Vin has me take the Body of a WolfHound. Due to the First Contract. I may not harm a Human. I may aid Lady Vin, by supplying her with Metals, and scouting, But I may not attack.

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I am Pattern. I am a spren. I work with patterns - small-scale manipulations such as locks as well as codes. I do not have enough of a physical presence to attack, but I can scout and provide a base for Illuminations. If Shallan uses me as a Shardblade, I can shapeshift to any weapon, but lose my subtler abilities.

Too overpowered?

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