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Gravity Falls Nerds

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Bill's power level is... debated. But I really don't think you can "fight" him, not physically anyway. Bill would 100% take full advantage of Kell, I think by the time Kell realized he was being duped, he'd be done for. I want someone to write a fic about it, but it probably won't be me, because I'd have no idea where to start, lol. I really, really, really need some Ford and Marsh chatting in a coffee shop though. Those two would have SO much to talk about. And Stan and Kell OMGGGG. We love the chaotic flamboyance of our scamy bois.

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Bill's power level is... debated. But I really don't think you can "fight" him, not physically anyway.

ooh yeah your probably right, 


Edited by Justice_Magician
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Just imagine... two old men in an inter-dimensional coffee shop, one with spikes through his eyes, one with a metal plate in his head. 

"I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for my hand in the apocalypse..." the former muses, one finger running down the length of his mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream.

"Ah, don't give yourself too much credit. Ruin would have gotten free without your help. If anything, your presence brought his downfall. It was my actions and foolish pride that let Bill get anywhere."

Marsh considers for a moment. "That doesn't make your pain less real. The nightmares and guilt are there; now what do you do with it?"

Six fingered fists are clenched and released, clenched and released absentmindedly. "Move on." A whisper. "With hope for the next generation."

"I'll drink to that."

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Meanwhile a man with a single spike through his eye walks through the nearby forest searching for something.

"Well look at what we have here," he said with a mischievous grin on his face.

He looked down upon a statue of Bill Cipher with his hand outstretched.

"Care to make a deal?" 

The man shook the hand of the statue, blue flames erupted at the contact.

A maniacal laugh rang out through the forest.

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Just now, Zephrun’s Imperium said:

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I want a whole story now. ToT 

What if Ford came across the cosmere during his travels?


Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh YEEYEEYSYSYEYYSEYSEYES!!!!





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Just now, Zephrun’s Imperium said:

(ToT is a crying face ;) The Shard doesn't have enough emojis... <_<)


Just now, Zephrun’s Imperium said:

AU where Ford and Hoid switch places-

fORd cAUsed THe shATtEriNg

foRd iS adONalSiuM

Guys, help. 

Now I want to see what shards all the Gravity Falls characters would have!

I feel like Ford would be Invention

This is yet another reason why the shard is the best website. We can just call Ford Adonalsium and everyone gets it

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I honestly could and honestly want to... I'm pretty creatively swamped; I've got four fics that I'm reading, one that I'm writing, and a ridiculous amount of art to do, not to mention school. 


For you guys?

Let's do it. B) It'll make me happy, it'll make you guys happy, and we're on this earth to party hard, so why the heck not?

I'll start a doc, we can plan on there. :)  (Yes, the doc has my name on it. No, I do not care; this is the Shard, there are like 10 people on here.)


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Sorry for the double post, but I have a very important update for you Fallers. 


The world trembles... 


My cosplaying powers are too great! Now all I need is a tan trench coat... I promise pictures whenever that happens. ^_^ I do use Halloween as an excuse to cosplay every year (see my Marsh cosplay in my albums on my profile) so I'll do something more official when that rolls around! My sisters, who watched the show with me, demanded that our whole family do a GF themed Halloween this year, so I'll fit right in. 




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Thanks! My previous pair of glasses would actually look more like Ford's... It was a delight to cosplay; I literally wore the outfit all day because I didn't want to take it off. :wub: Ford is my comfort character. Although I totally concede that I have like three versions of him in my head:

So there's Ford in the show, which we're all familiar with.

There's Ford from Jersey Boy (the fic that has taken over my life for those who are unaware) where he's younger and things are more raw and he's more angry, but that version of him tugs at my heartstrings so much. Reading about him in Jersey Boy gives me a lot of love for my past self.

And then there's the Ford that I hold to as my emotional support character. I've had a character like that since 6th grade, someone I can have to look to for support. My version of Ford is a combination of the previous two; emotionally available like Jersey Boy Ford and grandparent-like like canon Ford. 

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I would love to meet Dipper and I have decided that Ford is my new dad. 

Actually, if I may go on a tangent. 

Ford is my current favorite character and idol. But it takes a disaster of world-ending proportions for him to realize how in his own world he can be. Not to say that Stan is always in the right - because he's absolutely not - but he sure is more emotionally mature than his twin at times.

And yet, Ford's flaws only endear him to me more; he is vastly complex. I really think that at the end of the day, it's a matter of how the twins learned self-perception. Stan was always told that he'd never amount to anything, so he internalized that. And Ford was pressured into being perfect, to the point that he'd ruin himself just to prove he was worth it to the one person he could never impress; himself.

I'm going to school to become an english teacher and one of the things that I've thought a lot about recently is how kids deal with labels. If you're "gifted" then you're never going to be worth anything if it doesn't come naturally. And if you're behind, then you're going to be bad at everything no matter how you try because that's just who you are.

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33 minutes ago, Zephrun’s Imperium said:

I would love to meet Dipper and I have decided that Ford is my new dad. 

Actually, if I may go on a tangent. 

Ford is my current favorite character and idol. But it takes a disaster of world-ending proportions for him to realize how in his own world he can be. Not to say that Stan is always in the right - because he's absolutely not - but he sure is more emotionally mature than his twin at times.

And yet, Ford's flaws only endear him to me more; he is vastly complex. I really think that at the end of the day, it's a matter of how the twins learned self-perception. Stan was always told that he'd never amount to anything, so he internalized that. And Ford was pressured into being perfect, to the point that he'd ruin himself just to prove he was worth it to the one person he could never impress; himself.

I'm going to school to become an english teacher and one of the things that I've thought a lot about recently is how kids deal with labels. If you're "gifted" then you're never going to be worth anything if it doesn't come naturally. And if you're behind, then you're going to be bad at everything no matter how you try because that's just who you are.

Oh man, that resonates with every fiber of my being.

I have subconsciously attached so much of my self worth to grades and achievements that if I'm anywhere except my own little "Mabel bubble"(this is a gravity falls thread, what do you expect), I don't feel like an adequate human being. I'm just gonna stop here, but yeah. labels can be extremely harmful

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