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[RoW] How are Fused Made?


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He made Fused by infusing their original souls with investiture, investing them to the point of becoming Cognitive Shadows. We don't know if Odium forces can use Adhesion at all, we've never seen them do that, and they say it's not a true surge. I don't think Shards manipulate Surges like Surgebinders do, Shards can do it on a much greater scale, and can use Connection in a way Adhesion can't achieve.

I think the Void refers to lack of emotions and rhythms. The first humans that came to Roshar couldn't express emotions with their speech or hear the tones of Roshar like Singers did, that's why they called them Voidbringers. And if Moash is any example, Odium can take away all emotions from somebody, and leave him void and emotionless.

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@alder24, that makes a lot of sense. I forgot that Eila Steele tells us the origin of the term Voidbringer. 

Also, Odium talks to Moash in RoW and mentions the ability to form a Connection (one of the interludes I think), so I can see him using that without necessarily accessing any kind of bonding/Adhesion surge. 

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