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Trell, why now thoughts

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I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned or if there's a better place for this, so please correct me if I'm wrong.


The other day I was re-listening to the Final Empire, when I got to the part where Kelsier was talking to the gang after destroying the Pits of Hathsin (Chapter 33), when Kelsier says the following:


"I pretty much ended atium production in the Final Empire for the next 300 years or so."

With Era 2 being 300ish years after Era1, could Trell be coming in "force" because it knows that atium's, or The Lost Metal's, "production" will be returning for the first time in over 300 years? (I have a dumb theory on Trell being an Odium-corrupted avatar of Autonomy that makes absolutely no sense)

This is definitely up to what Harmony wants to do, or has been doing, with the excess Ruin.  I say excess Ruin because, in my mind (I'm tired, so I'm probably not thinking straight), to remain as Harmony (and not become Discord), there needs to be an equal parts Preservation and Ruin, but Ruin has more "power" of the two.  So, the excess Ruin needs to go somewhere, maybe Harmony's reuse the Lord Ruler's previous method of "draining" Ruin's power (if it works why change it?).

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll need to go rethink my life for a bit.  And I look forward to everyone telling me why I'm wrong.

Edited by Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack
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I think this makes plenty of sense, Trell could totally be increasing his efforts right now in an attempt to gain access to atium.

It would actually explain why Trell is targeting Elendel Basin. I could see a perpendicularity being in the Elendel Basin or directly in Elendel. What makes me think is the amazing fertility of the land. In Hallandren they also have a very rich land and Brandon has said that is because of Endowment's perpendicularity there, so it would make sense for a perpendicularity in Elendel also. He has also said Elendel basin's lushness is because Harmony is making the mists give nutrients to the ground and stuff, but a perpendicularity wouldn't hurt.

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On 10/3/2022 at 9:16 AM, cometaryorbit said:

Does Harmony have one perpendicularity or two? I think one has to be in the South since they have ettmetal.

But one in the Basin also fits since we see Hoid there, and Khriss in BoM.

At the end of HoA, the group burned Atium to keep it from Ruin.  Since Ruin access the power due to the lack of Atium, that probably means that Harmony is unable to access that power as well. 

Edited by Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack
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On 10/12/2022 at 10:24 AM, stonehand said:

I wanna hear it!


I posted this elsewhere, but I'm changing/adding a few things and I still don't think it's very likely.



Trell is an Odium-corrupted avatar of Autonomy.  I believe there's a WoB that states that Odium and Autonomy worked together to defeat Ambition, and Odium was planning on double-crossing Autonomy after offing Honor.  Trell is either A. byproduct of Autonomy and Odium attacking Ambition together, B. their way of defeating Ambition (think Captain Planet like), or C. Odium's planning on keeping a connection to find Autonomy's other avatars.

To add to A: Maybe there's a bit of Ambition in there as well and is looking to collect Ruin's power that MIGHT be returning (Let's call it "pulling a Hoid").


In the Alloy of Law epilogue, Miles Hundredlives says the following,


You are fools!  One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you.  And you will be ruled by them.  Worship.  Worship Trell and wait...

From what I understand, (at least some of) the shards of Andonalsium are associated with specific colors.  Ruin - black, Preservation - White.  I don't remember why, but I associate Odium with red, and in this case Autonomy is the gold.  The red "mist" stuff that Wax sees while talking with Harmony could be part of Odium's power.  So, Trell is part Odium, part Autonomy?  All completely stupid speculation on my part.


Edited by Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack
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I think that the Atium potentially returning may be a key part, but here's another factor: Southern Scadrial.

The North and the South have made official contact for first time ever, the South have incredible technology but few Metalborn while the North have many Metalborn but have somewhat stagnated technologically. Them coming together in peaceful ways would result in Scadrial as a whole becoming incredibly developed extremely quickly which I'm assuming is what Trell doesn't want.

Trell, or rather his 'Faceless Immortal' says stuff along the lines of "Scadrial's people have become too dangerous, so I'mma kill them all" at the end of BoM.

This is likely in response to the North contacting the South. 

Edited by JustQuestin2004
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Just looked back at the scene in question and the Faceless Immortal pretty much says it word for word. Check it:


Page 434 of the Bands of Mourning 

"But you need us!" Suit said. "To rule, to manage civilisation on-"

"No longer. Recent advances have made civilisation here too dangerous. Allowing it to continue risks further advances we canno control, so we have decided to remove life on this sphere instead."

 So there we have it. 

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