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Hacking Feruchemy with Surgebinding


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If Stormlight can heal your spiritual aspect, which you store parts of when you fill a metalmind, could you continuously fill strength while healing the missing strength?

different from compounding as you're not always tapping, but allows you to replenish your stores very fast.

This assumes that feruchemy makes a part of your sDNA disappear temporarily in a similar way to Hemalurgy.

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Yes, that should work I think.  If you can store a Sense granted by being personally Invested like the Life Sense of Heightening's, I think you'd be able to fill a Gold Metalmind and let the Stormlight you from the sickness and vulnerability of Storing it.  

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I don't actually think this would work. When storing a attribute it would becomes the new baseline for your body. So you therefore can't heal what isn't broken. Yes the Knight Radiants can use stormlight to heal muscles and stuff but that is because something is actively being damaged. 

This is just what I think. Maybe you can use weird perception cognitive crap to make it work. 

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On 9/12/2022 at 8:54 PM, Lunu’anaki said:

Scars and injuries that you think are part of who you are don't seem to be healed by stormlight. Feruchemists might be too used to the act of storing for stormlight to "heal" the effects of them storing an attribute.

F-Gold doesn't heal old scars either. We see a certain someones scarred hands in BoM and he is probably Fullborn at this point. I assume that since Stormlight and F-Gold seem to heal in the same way, you could store the healing from Stormlight (or likely any other source of healing) in a goldmind.

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On 9/15/2022 at 7:29 PM, SwordNimiForPresident said:

F-Gold doesn't heal old scars either. We see a certain someones scarred hands in BoM and he is probably Fullborn at this point. I assume that since Stormlight and F-Gold seem to heal in the same way, you could store the healing from Stormlight (or likely any other source of healing) in a goldmind.

I imagine there is a middle ground somewhere here.   Noone is in perfect health all the time.   However stormlight seems to perfect you, and constantly work at keeping you perfected for that matter.

I imagine that identity is going to have some role to make it so that you cannot store down to below zero and insta-recharge your batteries.  I definately do think that anyone with access to feruchemy and an honor blade or something else allowing them to use stormlight would be able to store beyond their normal amount.  Storing 100% of nearly any attribute is suicide.  But if a persons baseline strength is capped at their physiological limit (being the limit that we see stormlight users push past as the stormlight reknits up their town muscle fibers constantly) then it should work great as a quick charge assist.   It won't allow for anything too broken as you still have to be weakened but the stormlight will allow your body to push past what a normal storage point could be.  

Say you can store 50% of your strength and still barely be able to function.  Now stormlight let's you store 75% of your strength.  Your muscles tear and break at all of the strain of keeping you alive and mobile but stormlight is constantly reparing them allowing you to store that much faster.  

Same idea with health.  You can push your storage points further than you normally could but you are still going to have a ton of side effects that will impose a limit... that limit will just be padded by your body being perfected at whatever point your spiritual identification baseline is at the moment of storing.  

Now if you could manipulate your identity via aluminum enough you may be able to side step off of this.   Granted I still think that aluminum could potentially offer healing benefit anyways.   Not as potent as gold or stormlight but reverse engineering the scars won't heal but arms can be grown back thing opens up a lot of potential.   

Maybe Vasher really is just that good that he never took any deforming or life threatening injuries in a fight.... or we have already seen returned mess with their identity enough to choose how they look and how they present themselves... the guy grew physically larger... bone structure and all.   Who is to say that enough investiture and a good grasp of identity (storing memories in breath??) couldn't heal a person or allow them to store and be healed back to normal with stormlight at the same time?

Edited by Tamriel Wolfsbaine
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On 9/19/2022 at 7:20 PM, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:


Maybe Vasher really is just that good that he never took any deforming or life threatening injuries in a fight.... or we have already seen returned mess with their identity enough to choose how they look and how they present themselves... the guy grew physically larger... bone structure and all.   Who is to say that enough investiture and a good grasp of identity (storing memories in breath??) couldn't heal a person or allow them to store and be healed back to normal with stormlight at the same time?

Identity manipulation...

It does seem Returned bodies match their Identity, and Vasher somehow has a strong grasp over that.

The Royal Locks also do something similar, responding to the human's emotional state.

There is definitely more to Awakening we haven't seen.

A divine breath is a powerful thing indeed, but I wonder if all this would be possible if you had a divine breath but weren't a returned (imagine you stole it via hemalurgy). You might be more limited.

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8 minutes ago, TheBreadRuler said:

Identity manipulation...

It does seem Returned bodies match their Identity, and Vasher somehow has a strong grasp over that.

The Royal Locks also do something similar, responding to the human's emotional state.

There is definitely more to Awakening we haven't seen.

A divine breath is a powerful thing indeed, but I wonder if all this would be possible if you had a divine breath but weren't a returned (imagine you stole it via hemalurgy). You might be more limited.

I love the interaction between the Stormfather and Dalinar when Dalinar learns that he can speak other languages.  Something along the lines of "why didn't you tell me I could do this."  "You couldn't.  And I didn't know.  Until you did and could."  

Intent is such a powerful thing in the cosmere and we truly will never know what things can be done with any of the systems until the characters learn it and invent it.   Vin never knew what she could do until she did it.  She burned one of Sazed's metalminds.  She even talked about knowing there was something else there.  A power she just couldn't touch and use.   This is likely the case for everything.  And the more systems collide the more we will get to see people be able to touch those powers and use them.  Imagine if Sazed had known how to make an unlocked and unsealed metalmind plus a medallion and allow Vin to burn one of his metalminds... 

The royal locks are the perfect example of these identity making a very physical change.  Siri got to a point where she didn't want to have her hair brushed even.  It was just more convenient to eat more food rest more and cut it all off only to regrow it in the same breath.  

I don't mean to derail the discussion but all of the hypotheticals of the cosmere are usually possible and just a matter of progressing to a point where people manipulate and warp their spiritwebs enough to allow these super bonkers combinations.  

Could connection compounding allow radiants to travel off world and have access to all power potential?  

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21 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Could connection compounding allow radiants to travel off world and have access to all power potential?  

Probably, but I think the real issue comes when trying to leave the planet at all. 

The issues with worldhopping surgebinders are:

How can your spren leave Roshar

How do you get Stormlight off Roshar


Leaving your spren in Roshar but compounding duralumin to Connect with it strongly could definitely work but it might damage the bond to be so far away for such a long time.

Could a Bondsmith maintain their strong Connection to the Stormfather and have infinite stormlight to do it? Leaving the planet whenever he wants to? Would he still be able to get infinite Stormlight off planet?

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