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I'm here to introduce myself.

I've read Sanderson's books for a bit more than a year now, but just recently discovered this site.

I've read Mistborn Era 1, 2, Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker and Elantris. Planning on reading the short novels next (maybe Whitesand too).

Are Brandon's books not in the cosmere worth reading?

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Just now, Zote the Mighty said:

I'm here to introduce myself.


Just now, Zote the Mighty said:

Are Brandon's books not in the cosmere worth reading?

I think they absolutely are. It's all a matter of taste, but I really enjoyed them and the style isn't that different from his Cosmere books.

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Favorite characters, cosmere and hollow knight?

Regarding Hollow Knight, obviously Zote the Mighty, a knight of great renown (seriously though, I think probably THK).

But the cosmere, that's much harder. There are just so many... I think that Kaladin, as he is an extremely well written character, Wayne and Lift.

Probably Vivenna too.

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1 hour ago, Zote the Mighty said:

I'm here to introduce myself.

I've read Sanderson's books for a bit more than a year now, but just recently discovered this site.

I've read Mistborn Era 1, 2, Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker and Elantris. Planning on reading the short novels next (maybe Whitesand too).

Are Brandon's books not in the cosmere worth reading?

Welcome to the Shard. I do believe that you will find this... establishment to be the most friendly and welcoming place you have ever encountered.

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