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Feruchemical charge on a base metal then converted to an alloy



If Wax, who is a twin born, was to store a Feruchemical charge in Iron would he then be able to take that base metal and turn it into steel and burn it. The Feruchemical charge is keyed to his identity and stored in iron. He is already able to burn steel which is an alloy of iron. Would the process of converting iron to steel destroy the Feruchemical charge or would some remain and alter the affect on his steel alomancy. 

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Generally, even if it was your own investiture, it would scramble things enough that you would not be able to recover it.  When you burn a Metalmind to get the Feruchemcial effect it is magnifying whatever the existing Charge would do, so I think it would do the same Nothing that the Metalmind lets you tap.  Alternatively it might behave like a bad alloy and make the Allomancer sick. 






So, about Feruchemy. If someone takes, for example, a copper metalmind, fills it with memories, and then a tin metalmind, fills it with senses, then melts them together into a bronze metalmind, would you be able to tap anything from it, and what?

Brandon Sanderson

If you made an alloy of them, you would not get anything out of them. You would know there's Investiture in there, but you wouldn't be able to pull it out. 


Even if it's your own?

Brandon Sanderson

Even if it's your own, yup. They would interfere with each other to the point that you wouldn't be able to get anything out. Sorry.

Tel Aviv Signing (Oct. 18, 2019)



Edited by Quantus
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18 hours ago, Fuzzosaurus said:

If Wax, who is a twin born, was to store a Feruchemical charge in Iron would he then be able to take that base metal and turn it into steel and burn it. The Feruchemical charge is keyed to his identity and stored in iron. He is already able to burn steel which is an alloy of iron. Would the process of converting iron to steel destroy the Feruchemical charge or would some remain and alter the affect on his steel alomancy. 

Don't be so sure that the jury is out on this one, it sounds like Brandon has seriously considered introducing these types of hacks, but...

(speculating and reading between the lines):

...they may simply be too complicated to make practical use of on-screen:


Mason Wheeler

It seems that taking something metal that is Invested and melting it down, and reforging it, does not destroy the Investiture in it. For example the spike that got turned into a bullet.

Brandon Sanderson

Well, and the-- yeah. There are other examples as well.

Mason Wheeler

If that doesn't ruin its Invested nature, what would happen if Wax were to take one of his ironminds, have that melted and alloyed into steel, and then tried to burn it?

Brandon Sanderson

So you are saying mixing in-- right. Um, this would probably not work. But I'd have to go to the document on this one, because I've theorized in it. So I'm going to say probably won't work, but I have to go to my document, so Notes And Find Out. As soon as we get into the really detailed-- One of the things I want, even when I was building the Mistborn magics, is I wanted it to get really complicated. Because, my philosophy was making a wheel is easy to understand what's going on. Making a car uses all the same physics and simple tools, but is infinitely--well, you know, not infinitely--hugely more complex. Making a spaceship goes beyond that. And I wanted when we dug into all the actual mechanics it all works, but it's like the difference between making an abacus and making a computer. And we're starting to stray-- not into computer-making realms, but starting tjo stray into combustion-making realms, and so these are the sort of things that I just can't talk about off the cuff as easily. Because I have this document and I'm like "this, this, this, this." Does that makes sense?

So I'm going to say that probably wouldn't work. I believe what is going to happen there is you're probably going to end up with one of these things where you see a reservoir there but you can't access it that happens quite a bit when things get muddled once you mix in other metals and things like that. But I can't give you 100% on that without the notes to double check myself.

Footnote: This question was previously answered here.
Orem signing (March 10, 2018)

'Facts' thus far:

The Iron-Feruchemy Investiture could be Invested in a steel metalmind fair and square, but it couldn't (easily) be drawn back out with (only) feruchemy.

There shouldn't be any Identity/Connection hurdles in Wax's case (iron+steel)

Investing a metal with its associated feruchemic attribute (in a way that does not introduce Identity/Connection hurdles) causes that metal to bestow its associated feruchemic attribute when burned allomantically.

I'm not aware of anyone listing out all the possible twinborn combinations that could make use of this hack; if it could be shown that none of them break the magic system too hard we might be able to shake loose more information...

Personally, I think twinborns like Wax should be able to augment the resonance-ability between their powers when burning (for example) ironminds which have been reforged into steel. Near as I can tell, this would just give him (more) precise control over the force he pushes with, IE: more effective steel-bubble deflection, tighter control over acceleration/deceleration while in flight, and greater capability to push on specific parts of objects (rather than their center of mass).

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