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Bloodmaker Controlled Healing

Father Tanner


Not too deep, but just something I was thinking about. At the end of AoL, it mentions if Wayne is injured with no health stored, storing health and then extracting it would leave no net gain in attempts to heal faster. However, when he is storing health it impacts other parts of him (allergies, immune system, etc). If he were trying to heal faster in the affor mentioned scenario, wouldn't storing health while wounded give him allergies and other such symptoms as well as cause him to heal from his wound more slowly? If this were the case once he stopped storing, his body would return to normal (still with the wound though), then he could heal faster from his wound than he would have otherwise. In other words, couldn't he give himself allergies and such in order to heal from a wound more quickly? A "health trade-off" of sorts. 

I understand that when pulling from a healing investiture it considers health as a single entity, but when storing it this somewhat breaks down. If you have two equal wounds, we don't heal from them 1/2 as quickly than if we only had one. 

Edited by Father Tanner
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2 hours ago, Father Tanner said:

Not too deep, but just something I was thinking about. At the end of AoL, it mentions if Wayne is injured with no health stored, storing health and then extracting it would leave no net gain in attempts to heal faster. However, when he is storing health it impacts other parts of him (allergies, immune system, etc). If he were trying to heal faster in the affor mentioned scenario, wouldn't storing health while wounded give him allergies and other such symptoms as well as cause him to heal from his wound more slowly? If this were the case once he stopped storing, his body would return to normal (still with the wound though), then he could heal faster from his wound than he would have otherwise. In other words, couldn't he give himself allergies and such in order to heal from a wound more quickly? A "health trade-off" of sorts. 

I understand that when pulling from a healing investiture it considers health as a single entity, but when storing it this somewhat breaks down. If you have two equal wounds, we don't heal from them 1/2 as quickly than if we only had one. 

I'm a little confused by the question, but I'll try to answer the best I can.

When you heal from Investiture, you heal the most serious wounds first, and all other ailments afterword.

I also don't believe that Wayne would be able to heal faster by storing his power while injured, as his injuries would heal at a slower rate while storing, and when he tapped the health he stored it would be as if he spent that time healing naturally. However, he would be able to heal from injuries that he normally wouldn't be able to if he did that.



Wayne's ability to heal himself, obviously doesn't mimic his natural ability because he can regrow fingers. So if he lost a limb, could he regrow the--just heal it roughly until he stored up enough Health and then regrow the limb at a later time? Does it have to be an instantaneous--

Brandon Sanderson

No, he could totally get that back.


And if say somebody was born with an extra finger, could they cut that off, heal that up and have a whole fingers-worth of Health saved?

Brandon Sanderson

It depends on how they view themselves. Healing in the cosmere is based on replacing-- returning you to the state you view as your natural state... Almost every cosmere magic is going to work that way, unless-- There’s certain ones that-- Yeah almost everyone is going to work that way.


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Let me try rephrasing the question. Storing health pulls from every aspect of his health (to my understanding). When healthy, this would result in a slightly poorer immune system, more sensitive to allergies, etc. Why would these not be affected when trying to store health when healing from a wound? Only part of that health is going toward healing the wound. Most of his health is still going towards keeping the other parts of his body functioning normally.

Put to numbers:

If you store 10% of your health. The health going toward healing the wound would slow to 90%, the immune system would only work at 90% capability, allergies would be 10% worse, etc. When you stopped storing and began using the health, yes the 10% of health gained from healing the wound more slowly would be a wash, but what of the rest? 

This is where the trade-off would come into play. Wouldn't you be able to bring your entire body down for a bit, but as result be able to heal one portion of it faster?

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13 hours ago, Father Tanner said:

Let me try rephrasing the question. Storing health pulls from every aspect of his health (to my understanding). When healthy, this would result in a slightly poorer immune system, more sensitive to allergies, etc. Why would these not be affected when trying to store health when healing from a wound? Only part of that health is going toward healing the wound. Most of his health is still going towards keeping the other parts of his body functioning normally.

Put to numbers:

If you store 10% of your health. The health going toward healing the wound would slow to 90%, the immune system would only work at 90% capability, allergies would be 10% worse, etc. When you stopped storing and began using the health, yes the 10% of health gained from healing the wound more slowly would be a wash, but what of the rest? 

This is where the trade-off would come into play. Wouldn't you be able to bring your entire body down for a bit, but as result be able to heal one portion of it faster?

I see what you are saying, and you may have a point, but at the end of the day, I doubt it would make an observable difference.

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On 7/10/2022 at 0:40 AM, Father Tanner said:

Let me try rephrasing the question. Storing health pulls from every aspect of his health (to my understanding). When healthy, this would result in a slightly poorer immune system, more sensitive to allergies, etc. Why would these not be affected when trying to store health when healing from a wound? Only part of that health is going toward healing the wound. Most of his health is still going towards keeping the other parts of his body functioning normally.

Put to numbers:

If you store 10% of your health. The health going toward healing the wound would slow to 90%, the immune system would only work at 90% capability, allergies would be 10% worse, etc. When you stopped storing and began using the health, yes the 10% of health gained from healing the wound more slowly would be a wash, but what of the rest? 

This is where the trade-off would come into play. Wouldn't you be able to bring your entire body down for a bit, but as result be able to heal one portion of it faster?

Ah, I see what you're saying now. I think that you may be able to see a minor improvement to healing a specific injury at the cost of aggravated allergies and a diminished immune system, as tapping health from a Goldmind doesn't seem to follow the exact way natural healing works, even if sped up a significant degree. 

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Just like with steel protection bubbles and advanced shaping of time dilation fields, there is a way to direct or extract only what you want out of allomancy and feruchemy. Wax and Wayne are able to use allomancy in ways that practically no one else can, just through experience. 

For feruchemy, it's probably much harder to become experienced like with allomancy, just because the attributes take a long time to store and are more valuable by comparison. There's probably some way you can actually store and tap feruchemical gold at the same time, suppressing health in certain parts of your body, and advancing it where it is needed more. 

If healing factor always heals the parts that need health most, then it's possible healing will also suppress the parts that need health least. Therefore, with careful direction, you could speed up recovery of brutal injuries even with no net gain. 

I may be wrong though. Like you couldn't tap more than one feruchemical device at the same time or store and tap at the same time or something. I feel like this is the direction that B.S. is going though. That the information we're given isn't whole, and that there's plenty you can do with the powers that no one has discovered yet. It was like that for allomantic bendalloy and steel, who's to say it couldn't be the same for feruchemy as well?

Edited by Illumunaire
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