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Favorite instrument

favorite board game

have you checked out lotr lcg

how about the stormlight game

favorite video game

Why couldn't gandalf just fly on eagles(I know he couldn't but you pop quizzed us soo)

Have you heard about the punic wars

Do you support the blobfish cult

how many times have you died

where do you bury your victims bodies

Are you or are you not a immortal goat who can see the 4th dimension

Are you religious

(P.S i keep wanting to say something like have you read brandon sanderson because that's always my go to question so I have an excuse to recomend it. Then I remember everybody here has read him)

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20 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Favorite breed of cat?

Favorite breed of dog?

Favorite breed of bunny?

Not sure...

Half poodle, 1/4 Shih Tzu 1/4 Bishon. If you’re wondering why it’s very specific, that’s because that’s my dog’s breed  

Netherland Dwarf. 

20 hours ago, HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES said:

Favorite instrument

favorite board game

have you checked out lotr lcg

how about the stormlight game

favorite video game

Why couldn't gandalf just fly on eagles(I know he couldn't but you pop quizzed us soo)

Have you heard about the punic wars

Do you support the blobfish cult

how many times have you died

where do you bury your victims bodies

Are you or are you not a immortal goat who can see the 4th dimension

Are you religious

(P.S i keep wanting to say something like have you read brandon sanderson because that's always my go to question so I have an excuse to recomend it. Then I remember everybody here has read him)


Monopoly/Catan/something else I’m forgetting. 

Unfortunately no but I will. 

I WANT TOO SO BADLY but it’s like 40 bucks right-

Maybe... wow I have a lot of video games but I don’t like them... Fire emblem? Clash of clans?

I don’t know. He should’ve though. There is some speculation about when Gandalf said “Fly, you fools” he meant take eagles.

I have not. Care to inform me?

Uh... sure. I support it.

Only a couple. (If you’re talking about D&D)

Under piles of books. I have mountains of them ;)

everyone keeps asking me if I’m an immortal goat. Why can’t I be an immortal unicorn?

I am religious. 

18 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

What's something you like to think about in your free time?

Favorite thread on the shard?

How Annila (one of my book characters) is going to take over the world. 

Ooh, this is hard. Mmmmm.... do the ones in the Personal Messenger count?

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50 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

I don’t know. He should’ve though. There is some speculation about when Gandalf said “Fly, you fools” he meant take eagles.


It was a trick question yknow how hobbits get corrupted by the ring despite being the most resistant and how Gandalf says he is extra affected by the rings corruption because he is so powerful (the ring works like a power multiplier, hobbits power lies in being unoticable so the ring doubles that to make them invisible. Thus more powerful creatures are more affected by the ring than hobbits) even if the eagles managed to get to mordor they would have been shot out of the air by orc arrows or killed by Nazgul on fell beasts. The only way to destroy the ring was to get to mt doom unoticed and you cant do that on one of the creatures sauron expects. You can only do it on the most subtle weak creatures that sauron ignores because of their weakness

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8 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

What's your favorite kind of music?

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Which activities make you lose track of time?

What makes you smile?

Favorite color?

Parody, of that counts.

Probably Japan. 

Reading. Apparently when people try to engage me in conversation when reading, I don’t hear them. I mean, seeing as I have no recollection, it must be true...

My dog. He’s so cute!!

Lavender, I would say. 


It was a trick question yknow how hobbits get corrupted by the ring despite being the most resistant and how Gandalf says he is extra affected by the rings corruption because he is so powerful (the ring works like a power multiplier, hobbits power lies in being unoticable so the ring doubles that to make them invisible. Thus more powerful creatures are more affected by the ring than hobbits) even if the eagles managed to get to mordor they would have been shot out of the air by orc arrows or killed by Nazgul on fell beasts. The only way to destroy the ring was to get to mt doom unoticed and you cant do that on one of the creatures sauron expects. You can only do it on the most subtle weak creatures that sauron ignores because of their weakness

The eagles could have saved them a lot of time just getting to the border of Mordor, though. (See what I did there? ;) )

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What's your favorite non-Sanderson author?

What's your favorite drink?

Do you enjoy plants? If so, what's your favorite?

If you could have any Cosmere animal as a pet, which would you choose?

What sports do you like?

What is your favorite outdoor activity? Indoor activity? 

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Either Cassandra Clare or Leigh Bardugo. 

... Maybe... water. 

I do enjoy plants. Trees, especially. I would say I like willows the most. They’re so... melancholy yet beautiful. 


Taekwondo and volleyball. 

My favorite outdoor activity is... I’m not sure. Swimming? And my favorite indoor one is reading and writing. 

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7 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Either Cassandra Clare or Leigh Bardugo. 

... Maybe... water. 

I do enjoy plants. Trees, especially. I would say I like willows the most. They’re so... melancholy yet beautiful. 


Taekwondo and volleyball. 

My favorite outdoor activity is... I’m not sure. Swimming? And my favorite indoor one is reading and writing. 

... How are you so similar to me?!? :P

I completely agree with all of that

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On 7/16/2022 at 11:31 PM, Shining Silhouette said:

If you could have an animal sidekick, what would it be?

What’s a word or phrase that you really like?

What would you do if you came home and found a penguin chillin (literally :lol:) in your freezer?

A UNICORN/PHOENIX. But if I had to choose an actual animal...  it would be a snow leopard, maybe. 

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet. That and also all Hoid/Wit/Cephandrious insults ever said. 

I would probably call 911...

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  • 2 weeks later...

How are you today?

What's your favourite punctuation mark?

On a scale of one to ten, how important is the internet to you?

What do you like about Japan?

Favourite breakfast food?

What's your favourite subject in school, and do you know what you would like to do as a job?

Aside from Jasnahoid, are there any other characters you ship? (Sanderson and non-Sanderson.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/27/2022 at 11:00 PM, Robin Sedai said:

How are you today?

What's your favourite punctuation mark?

On a scale of one to ten, how important is the internet to you?

What do you like about Japan?

Favourite breakfast food?

What's your favourite subject in school, and do you know what you would like to do as a job?

Aside from Jasnahoid, are there any other characters you ship? (Sanderson and non-Sanderson.)

This is not the today that it was before, but... whatever.

1. tired.
2. There are three that I like to use together. >:} Does this count as punctuation? If not, then "-". If not, then... "...".
3. 6. And only that high because of the Shard. And school.
4. HSR. And the sights. And the food. And the cleanliness. I have heard many good things about Japan.
5. Uh... pancakes?
6. English, and lawyer/author.
7. Ah, you knew not to put the Jasnahoid. Okay, here I go. *deep breath* Kaz and Inej, Biana and Tam, Jesper and Wylan, Artemis and Holly, Raoden and Sarene, Vivenna and Vasher (and maybe a bit Denth??), and I could go on and on but i'll stop there.
After I add Steris and Wax, and Wayne and MeLaan.

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22 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

7. Ah, you knew not to put the Jasnahoid. Okay, here I go. *deep breath* Kaz and Inej, Biana and Tam, Jesper and Wylan, Artemis and Holly, Raoden and Sarene, Vivenna and Vasher (and maybe a bit Denth??), and I could go on and on but i'll stop there.
After I add Steris and Wax, and Wayne and MeLaan.

*visible happiness* You read the best books and agree with all the best ships! 

What is you favorite art form to:

look at?

watch people make?

do yourself?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ahhhhhh you ship Artemis and holly and kaz and inej and Jesper and Wylan 

Ahhhhh you have awesome taste in books and ships 

Favourite Artemis fowl character and why?

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On 8/12/2022 at 8:35 PM, Morningtide said:

*visible happiness* You read the best books and agree with all the best ships! 

What is you favorite art form to:

look at?

watch people make?

do yourself?

>:) That I do. 

Writing, painting, and writing, I’d say :P

On 8/25/2022 at 6:29 PM, Shining Silhouette said:

What's your favorite sound?

Favorite movie?

Favorite cuisine?

The sound of pages turning. Or of All I Ask Of You from the Phantom of the Opera. 

Lord of the Rings!!

Asian food. 

On 9/12/2022 at 7:38 AM, Elf said:

Ahhhhhh you ship Artemis and holly and kaz and inej and Jesper and Wylan 

Ahhhhh you have awesome taste in books and ships 

Favourite Artemis fowl character and why?


Okay, this is easy for me. Just as Kaz is my favorite character in SoC, Artemis is mine in AF. Because… I mean how could I not? You understand what I mean…

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