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Investiture and Dwellings



A bunch of semi-related questions:

  • Does Investiture have some sort of issue with dwellings?
  • Why did the Mists evaporate when entering a tent or a building?
  • Why do spheres have to be hung out in the Highstorm in order to be infused? Is there a boundary at the window, or could spheres sitting just inside an open door on the leeward size be infused?
  • Does a bit of canvas or a wall really prevent Investiture from the Spiritual Realm seeping through to permeate spheres and people, or is it because this Investiture is locked in the Physical Realm and cannot pass through even something that thin?
  • Why was it that Dalinar could enter Urithiru but the Stormfather could not?
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Each type of Investiture operates different, in most of these cases.

Mist is a more literal extension of Preservation's mind and will than stormlight, so in that case I dont think it's as much an issue of innate function as the Vessel's Choice.  

Spheres just need to be out in the storm or close enough to it to absorb the energy, and most Rosharan dwellings have thick crem-covered walls to survive the Highstorm.   Stormlight is technically a Gas so it still needs proximity and/or contact for most things, it's not literal Light rays.  

Normal Barriers will not stop anything from the Spiritual realm (where Space and Time dont really exist).  Stormlight crosses realms through the Storm itself, after that it's in the Physical Realm and has to do business with matter and physics.  

Im not sure what you are referring to in the last part, but the Stormfather's literal body is the Storm, so he seems to only percive things near his Radiant (Dalinar) or what the Storm itself is touching and the Tower is physically above the Storm most of the time.  He has both sensed events and acted in the Tower (or at least in it's proximity during a Storm) but other than perhaps respect for the Sibling I dont know of anything actively keeping him or his senses out.  

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On 7/7/2022 at 3:24 PM, Duxredux said:

Why do spheres have to be hung out in the Highstorm in order to be infused? Is there a boundary at the window, or could spheres sitting just inside an open door on the leeward size be infused?

I suspect if you had gems or spheres by an open window during a highstorm, they would probably get infused, but its kind of a bad idea to have n open window during a highstorm

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