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Scene #69 (haha funny number): Poem I wrote after feeling touch starved and drowsy :P


The rain falls in gentle swirls, dancing in the wind.

It patters against the grass and the concrete, a soft sound.

I grow drowsy as your breathing slows, and you drift into sleep.

Peaceful dreams await you in your mind as you reside in my arms.

The wind blows the raindrops against the window, and I rest my head on yours.

Calming words and calming music. A candle or two.

The rain. A soft blanket.

No distractions. Just us, our thoughts, and the rain.


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Scene #70: The Song Of Your Death


Have you ever had one of those moments when you’re just living your life,

and then out of nowhere,

Everything becomes cold and gray.

Lifeless and sad.

Time slows down.

Laughter dies, taking joy and hope with it.

The complex simplicity in being alive simply disappears.

And you find yourself alone, with no one else.

Just you, and the gray, and the silence, and the song playing in the background,

And that song,

That song in the background of the you, and the gray, and the silence,

Is the song of your death.


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The thing that inspired #69 was me being tired on sunday and listening to lofi while on-and-off napping.

The thing that inspired #70 was 'credits song for my death' by vivivivivi

stranger things hmm.... now that i think ab it the song is kinda ST like. 

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Yeah. I think that it was the idea of both songs and death, and I'm halfway through season four of stranger things, so my brain is haywire at the moment. Especially since I haven't really slept in days, which is how I have managed to get halfway through season 4 :lol:

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Scene #71: Was it Worth It?


I often wonder that after someone removes themselves from this plane of existence,

Do they regret it?

Do they, after finding a solution to the problem that nagged at their wounded mind for years, regret stopping their life in its tracks?

Do they turn around, having changed their mind, only to see the door slam in their face?

Screaming and begging, they bang on the door, pleading to be let back, to live again.

They’re sorry.

They weren’t in a right state of mind.

And I wonder,

Does their mind eventually wander, from thoughts of self-loathing, to thoughts of their loved ones?

Do they wonder how the ones they love took their sudden death?

Do they feel the ache, the guilt, the remorse and sorrow, of harming them in this way?

Yes, they were the ones truly in pain, they were the ones who felt empty and cold,

But imagine how their loved ones must feel now.

Guilty, like them.

Remorseful, like them.

Sorrowed, like them.

And so I ask,

I ask to those that have taken this action,

I ask this simple question,

Was it Worth It?


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15 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #71: Was it Worth It?

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I often wonder that after someone removes themselves from this plane of existence,

Do they regret it?

Do they, after finding a solution to the problem that nagged at their wounded mind for years, regret stopping their life in its tracks?

Do they turn around, having changed their mind, only to see the door slam in their face?

Screaming and begging, they bang on the door, pleading to be let back, to live again.

They’re sorry.

They weren’t in a right state of mind.

And I wonder,

Does their mind eventually wander, from thoughts of self-loathing, to thoughts of their loved ones?

Do they wonder how the ones they love took their sudden death?

Do they feel the ache, the guilt, the remorse and sorrow, of harming them in this way?

Yes, they were the ones truly in pain, they were the ones who felt empty and cold,

But imagine how their loved ones must feel now.

Guilty, like them.

Remorseful, like them.

Sorrowed, like them.

And so I ask,

I ask to those that have taken this action,

I ask this simple question,

Was it Worth It?


This sent shivers down my spine, as some of those thoughts have crossed my mind before. I don't let them stay, but still, it resonates with me.

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Scene #72: The Phoenix


“Hey,” She says weakly, “Hey, look at me.”

I look at her, and her smile, pained and dying though it is, is beautiful and heartbreaking.

“I’m in your arms, right? There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” She says, and I brush some hair out of her face.

“I wish it were for a different reason,” I mutter.

“I do as well. But, if.. if I die in your arms, then it’s right where I'm supposed to be.”

I kiss her forehead, and she smiles sadly, eyes drifting shut.

“Are you scared?” I ask, “Are you scared of dying?”

“No,” She says, “As long as you’re next to me, I’m not scared.”

“Sappy bastard,” I say, and I laugh.

She laughs weakly, and goes silent.

I watch as she studies my face, for the last time. Then her eyes drift shut.

And I break.

And as I sit there, broken and sobbing, a warm orange light begins to filter through the trees around me.

And suddenly a brilliant Phoenix appears, glowing orange and red, covered in flames.

It lands in front of me, and studies me.

Then it studies her.

It bows its head, and gently pecks her forehead.

From the spot on her forehead, a thin layer of flames spreads, until she is covered by a shimmering orange barrier.

They don’t burn her, and I feel that I have no reason to be afraid of the flames.

The Phoenix looks up at me, and I understand.

I gently pick her up, and instinctively, her body curls against mine.

She isn’t gone yet.

It’s the flames, I’m sure of it.

The Phoenix takes flight, gliding through the forest, and I follow it. I walk through the snow, through the trees, until we reach the Border.

Crossing the Border into the city, the flames dissipate, and the Phoenix is gone. I realize it has been gone for some time now. I was walking of my own volition.

Someone sees me, grief stricken and carrying her body, and calls for help.

Medics arrive soon after, and it is a blur as I watch them resuscitate and stabilize her.

Someone puts a blanket and a hot drink in my hands.

I ignore them.

Their warmth is not the warmth I need to feel right now.

A medic walks over, and kneels down.

“Do you know the patient?” She asks gently.

“Yes,” I say, and my voice croaks, like I’ve been inhaling smoke.

I clear my throat and say, “Yes, she’s my fiancé.”

The medic nods. “Congratulations on the engagement.”

It sounds like empty congratulations, but she continues speaking.

“You were lucky to get her through the forest to us when you did. She was almost gone.”

I slowly realize what she’s saying, and she must see that I realize it, because she smiles and nods.

“She’s going to be okay.”

And I break all over again.


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Scene #73: I meant to tell you.


Listen, Listen

I know it’s pathetic,

And I should have said something sooner,

Because now it’s too late.

You’re moving on,

With someone new,

And I never told you.

I meant to, I swear,

I meant to tell you it all.

But now you’re walking away.

Leaving me to sway,

In the rain.

Listen, Listen,

Please just listen to me,

You probably didn’t feel anything,

Not for me, at least.

But I did, and I hope,

I hope it counts.

Maybe we can be friends?

Maybe you can remember me?

It doesn’t have to end this way.


Or, maybe it does.

Because now you’re leaving.

You’re living your life.

A life without me.

And I’m without you.

And I meant to tell you,

I swear I meant to.


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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #73: I meant to tell you.

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Listen, Listen

I know it’s pathetic,

And I should have said something sooner,

Because now it’s too late.

You’re moving on,

With someone new,

And I never told you.

I meant to, I swear,

I meant to tell you it all.

But now you’re walking away.

Leaving me to sway,

In the rain.

Listen, Listen,

Please just listen to me,

You probably didn’t feel anything,

Not for me, at least.

But I did, and I hope,

I hope it counts.

Maybe we can be friends?

Maybe you can remember me?

It doesn’t have to end this way.


Or, maybe it does.

Because now you’re leaving.

You’re living your life.

A life without me.

And I’m without you.

And I meant to tell you,

I swear I meant to.


That one hits different.

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Scene #74: I'm trying to protect the one thing I can't live without. That's you.


Sitting down in the basement, I go over the words. Over and over, I repeat them in my head.

There’s only one thing in this world I can’t live without. Protect it.

They’re my words, obviously. But they popped into my head, with no warning. And they haven’t left. I feel it’s a prompt.

A prompt to do something. The world’s going to hell. Flames, war, chaos, all of it.

And there's not much I can do.

I stand, and move to the workbench I keep down here.

It’s just a small table, covered in scraps and tools. Wood, metal, scraps of old projects, miscellaneous items from all over.

And I start tinkering. I don’t actually make anything, I just… tinker. Put these two things together, weld it. Glue that, cut this.

And as I do so, I realize there’s nothing I can do. I’m just… some guy. So, I keep tinkering. It keeps my hands busy, and as I tinker, I cry.

I cry because I can’t protect what I can’t live without. Nothing can.

I can’t. I definitely can’t. My breathing speeds up, alongside my emotions and mind, until eventually I snap, pushing away the table, sending everything on it clattering to the ground. And I go backwards in my chair. I put my hands to my face, pliers in one hand, breathing fast and heavy.

The words continue to echo through my head.

The door opens, and Sara walks in. Must’ve heard the noise.

She looks at me, then looks at the stuff on the floor, the half-finished projects, the scraps, she takes it all in.

Then she looks back at me, and I look up.

“Care to explain?” She asks, sympathetically.

“You’ve seen the news?” I ask, hoarse, breathing heavily.

“Yeah,” She responds, “I’ve seen how the world’s going to hell. What’s that gotta do with this?”

I grip the pliers still in my hand, and throw them against the wall.

“Everything,” I say, “The world’s ending, and I can’t do anything about it.”

She cocks her head. “What do you mean?” She says softly.

“There’s only one thing in this world I can’t live without, and I’m trying to protect it.” I say, and I point at Sara. “That’s you.”

I look down at the ground, and suddenly, I can’t cry. I just can’t.

“I can’t protect you. I feel that I need to, but I can’t.”

She looks at me for a moment and walks over to me.

As I look at the ground, I feel her hands move onto my arms, up onto my shoulders, then into my hair. Her fingers run along my scalp. I look up at her, and she gently presses my forehead to her chest, resting her chin on my head.

“You don’t need to,” She says, “I’m fine.”

I start to protest, but she shushes me, “You’ve done more for me than anyone else. You’ve been there for me through everything. I don’t know where this sudden need to protect me came from, because I’m fully capable of protecting myself, but I understand the sentiment. Thank you. But,” She continues, and tilts my head up to look at her, “Even if this does go poorly, know that I also can’t live without you. Everything you’ve done, everything we’ve been through, that’s forged a bond stronger than anything else on this planet. If you were to die, I’d follow soon after. I know the same would happen if I died.”

I look down at the ground again.

“I love you, Eric.” She says, “There’s no one else on this planet I love as much as you. You protect me, and I protect you. That’s our arrangement. Always and forever.”


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  • 2 weeks later...

Scene #75: The Knocking And The Nightmare.

Some context on this one: I used a cool website to get a prompt, and got an awesome prompt. I might turn this into a short story, or a full fledged novel. The title is as above, The Knocking And The Nightmare. The genres used in the prompt generator were High Fantasy and Suspense Romance.

This is the blurb I created.


I call it the Knocking. 

Every year on my birthday, at midnight, there is a knock at the door. 

I don’t know when exactly it started, but it’s been going on for as long as I can remember. I haven’t told my parents about it since I was 6. They don’t listen.

But it happens every. Single. Year. And every year, there’s no one at the door.

But this year, I turn 20. That’s a big year. My birthday is in 6 days.

And the nightmares just started.


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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Some context on this one: I used a cool website to get a prompt, and got an awesome prompt. I might turn this into a short story, or a full fledged novel. The title is as above, The Knocking And The Nightmare. The genres used in the prompt generator were High Fantasy and Suspense Romance.


You're welcome :D

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48 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

it was the exact one you gave me. and it gave me a story :>

I have found some things that I would like to makes stories out off....all dark and high fantasy

Edit: I found your prompt




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