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Very unlikely crazy theory


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So while The Princess Bride may have been the initial inspiration for Tress of the Emerald Sea, I suspect the plot will be a little closer to The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, where the female protagonist goes to free her male friend from a mystic woman. It may not follow that plot structure, I think that it likely will lean in on some parts of that story.

However ... I'm assuming everyone reading this knows the plot of The Princess Bride, so I will come out right now and say something rather important to that plot


... don't read beyond this spoiler block if you haven't seen The Princess Bride.


Westley was taken on as the apprentice of the Dread Pirate Roberts, and actually became the Dread Pirate Roberts, as had the former Dread Pirate before him, the title passed down from one pirate to another.


Now, you may see where I am going with this. But maybe not - after all, the villain (or the person presented as an antagonist, but lets be real, the duke is the real villain so far, and the sorceress may actually be heroic or friendly) is called the sorceress (and without a capitol letter - that is odd, though the duke didn't get one either). Last I checked Charlie wasn't likely to be the sort to take on that name - he'd probably be the sorcerer if he did. Either way, it is unlikely Charlie will replace her.

Unless ...


Okay, so the rest of this ties directly to Aether of Night, the unpublished story, and this relates to something I hope is going to still be canon. So the rest of this post is in spoilers.


What if she forces Charlie to become her ship?

Think of it this way - if Ferrous aethers are still a thing, could Charlie be forced to become the sorceress's vessel as a Corpate, turned into a machine for her to sail on. Tress would then have the very very odd situation of trying to save her boyfriend who also happens to be her enemy's form of transportation.


Now, this sounds dark - they may not be able to function as a pair of gloves if this happens, unless ... - but there are possibilities. If she frees him - and if she gains Ferrous as well and so can communicate with him - they could be together, sailing the seas and looking for cups


.... or finding a way to sail the Cosmere, Tress and her boyfriend the Good Ship Charlie, exploring the Cosmere's nations, hearing stories and gathering glasses, cups, goblets, and flagons from across the Cosmere! They may even stop by Roshar and pick up a certain Edgedancer, exploring together, getting eating utensils, and stealing food! Stop by Scadrial and get a man who likes his hats and his shapeshifting girlfriend!


... Okay, this went a little odd, I will admit.


What do you think?


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3 minutes ago, Mazman said:

Wow. This sounds ... unlikely. Unlikely but possible. And it sort of makes sense considering he was inspired by The Princess Bride.

Indeed - I'd be surprised if my theory on this is what happens, but excited too. I just really want to see if Ferrous aethers are still a thing and still canon.

Edited by Ixthos
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3 hours ago, AquaRegia said:

I love it.  I don't think it's going to happen... but I still love it!

If it DOES happen, you will have earned the title "The Oracle of the Cosmere".

Thanks! :D well, lets add this to my list of Cosmere theories along with my two big ones:

  • Silverlight is located where Ambition died / a large chunk of Ambition's corpse
  • Ten people will take up Honour (possibly combined with parts or the whole of Cultivation and / or Odium)

But Charlie the Cosmere Corpate is probably the craziest :P:blink:

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