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So, I know a few of the admins around here know what this is, but I'd like to set out a challenge for anyone who wants to be an author: do Nanowrimo. If you don't know what this is, the challenge is simple: write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days (specifically from November 1st though the 30th.). You don't get anything for being a "winner" (completing the challenge) beyond a feeling of self pride, but it does teach you a lot about writing and self determination.

I'm planning on giving it a go (I was considering doing a double nano, but I think that's a bit much right now). Who else is with me?

(By the way, for anyone who's done it before and is planning on it again you'll understand this: start panicking. We've only got three days, then it starts.)

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I am doing it this year as well, but I'm actually cheating. I'm taking the story I wrote last year, the first half of Wavepainter, and adding 50,000 words to it. I'm doing this because I want to do NaNo, but I don't want to get distracted by a new project until Wavepainter is finished.

So I'm not panicking as much as I was at this time last year... actually, I wasn't panicking at all last year.

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I'm doing it, but I need to finish a couple of days early, so I'll be doing 2K words a day rather than the traditional 1700. It'll be my last great accomplishment before my mission. I have a fairly good starting place, so I'm hoping it'll go well.

Is anyone else on the NaNoWriMo website? I'm Keys on Fire, look me up!


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I will be doing nanowrimo this year. I've done it before, in high school and my freshman year of college, but I've taken the past few years off (during college because I was too busy, and last year because I had no idea what to write about). But I think I've got a promising story in mind this year so I am going to take the challenge again.

I think the story I'm working on would probably be classified as YA sci-fi...not sure about the YA, but that's what it feels like right now. Who knows, after I write more. And there will be some fantasy elements in there as well. I went to the regional kick-off party last night and I realized I need to come up with a good, short summary, so that I have something to say when people ask me what I'm writing about.

I am E. Hyde on the nano site as well.

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For those of you who read Patrick Rothfruss, he is doing NaNoWriMo.

Details here:


Not to nitpick, but isn't it a bit of a crutch for Rothfuss to do NaNoWriMo for a book he's RE-writing?

Not that I'm complaining that the first 50k words of the Stone Doors is being written.

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