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How many name changes do you get?

Robin Sedai

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2 hours ago, Robin Hatter said:

I remember there's a limit, and I want to know whether or not to change my name for Ookla season.

Also, my first Ookla season! Yay!

If you go into your account settings and look under the display name tab, it should tell you how many you have left. I think you have one left, since you changed your name on the 17th.

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7 minutes ago, Robin Hatter said:

I found it, thanks!

Two display name changes in a 90-day period... looks like I won't be ooklafied this year.

You could just be extra ookla-y and change your username anyways. You could also try asking a mod if they could let you or help you change your name back, I think I saw someone who accidentally got stuck as an ookla get helped that way a year or two ago.

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I am happy to, on occasion, change this back if needed. The limit is just there so people don't change their username super frequently, as that can be quite confusing for the general community when that changes. So just message me, Robin, because obviously you just changed your username's formatting, which makes perfect sense. Participate in Ookla season and message me when you would like it back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, Ookla the Pendragon said:

@Ookla the Well-Intentioned

Could you change my name back for me? Thank you! (I PMed Chaos, but he didn't respond.)

Unfortunately only admins have that power. If he's seen it, he may just be waiting until the day of, but if you want it changed earlier I'm sure he'd be willing to. 

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In general, I do not respond to PMs very quickly, especially when I am very busy, unless it's very urgent. So though while I am happy to do this, this is not an urgent matter. (This is generally why I discourage people from changing their names too much.) So I'm happy to, but yeah, you got me during the end of my teaching semester :) 

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