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Lerks and vectroiggs


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Premise(ish): humans have colonized the four stellar systems closest to Earth's, and have colonized most of the interior of the Oort Cloud region. "Highly local" Alcubierre systems allow for "FTL" interconnectedness in the Five Systems (bland name, all I've got so far).

Out between an Earth-analogue and a Mars-analogue in the Fifth System, humans find an ancient ship left by aliens they decide to refer to as "the Composers." This is because of the music-like communication logs found on the ship. Eventually, the ship is activated and it warps to a distant location.

Humans, by now (IDK, 4000ish AD?), have developed a technology known as the "entanglement signature reader" or ESR. This device can measure the degree of entanglement between the particles making up the device, and those it in its immediate environs. The device allows humans to measure how far they are from the Oort Cloud region in the sense that a low ESR reading indicates that one is far away from the region of the ESR's origin, and there's some mathematics that can be done to establish how far in particular (maybe not the "direction," though).

So, the shipgoers fire up their ESRs and find out that they're an immense distance from the Fifth System. They find themselves near two stars, called the Dove Stars, that are spiraling with each other in a precarious gravitational balance. There are a series of Alcubierre rings set up between the Dove Stars, and a vast engineering/research facility.

Humans practice with the facility long enough to discover something of the Composers' methods and maybe their goals. Basically, the cosmogenic field-decoupling sequence was

Graveptons (graviton-lepton), glurtrons (electronuclear particles), and quiggs into

Gravitons/leptons, strong and weak vectrons, Higgs/quarks, into

G/L, S&Wv, photons, Higgs, and quarks.

But using gravitational circuitry, the Composers found ways to force unusual hulks of matter and energy to fuse. For example, they could collapse the W+/- and Z vectrons into Higgs particles, producing what humans call vectroiggs. In fact, the Composers devised instruments and circuits to fuse all manner of exotic energy and matter, as such. Samples of their synthesis:

Quarks + leptons :: lerks (or queptons)

Quarks + vectrons :: varks (or quectrons)

Gravitons + vectrons :: gravectrons

Quarks + photons :: Phorks (or quotons)

Photons + leptons :: Phleptons

Some of the preceding particle types can also be fused into these amalgams:

Varks + phorks :: vorks

Lerks + quiggs :: qlerks

Gluggs + grarks :: graggs.

Weaponization, if possible, of some of these substances include things like glugg-grark plasma, AKA graggma (as in "quark-gluon plasma" or "quagma").*

*[Another level of the Composers' powers was fusion of superpartners. E.g. the Composers found a way to produce "squark-gluino plasma," known as "splasma" and "splagma."]**

**EDIT: [Or, "squagma," "squasma," "slagma," and, "slasma". See also vepton-gloton miasma.]


... The endgame? Not sure, but involves "the Residue" [inflatons still crisscrossing the universe long after cosmogenesis, "shielded" from complete decay by quantum probability flux].

Edited by Ripheus23
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Interesting setting and idea - what is the nature of the Oort cloud colonies though? Are they stations in that region, or built into the materials that make up the cloud? Also, when you say the inner region, do you mean just inside where the cloud starts, or in the cloud, but closer to the system it orbits?


If I may offer some advice, for a non technical audience you might want to give some context to the significance of the particles you mentioned, so what forces they tie to or possible applications, etc., otherwise it just seems like random names devoid of a guiding context.

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So the whole idea of the merging is to produce particles with the properties from two particles. So a quark plus an electron would basically be an electron which interacted through the strong force. Do you intend to deal with contradictory properties for example would your phleptons move at the speed of light or have mass?

The names of all the particles both old and new, and the concept are a little confusing. I'd advise you start with something simpler, like dense material where electrons have being replaced with muons. Before talking about varks.
Maybe you should attach an appendix with this thing, saying all the particle combinations.

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Part of the story is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, like, who the heck names the constituents of matter "quarks" in the first place? But it's also meant to explore a lot of the weirder ideas---though no less valid---in the history (and continuous update) of physics.

So, the endgame idea I came up with:

During the Big Bang, when inflatons (these are a real concept) caused the rapid expansion of the universe (proportionally speaking, to the timeframe in play), not all inflatons decayed into the gravitational and electronuclear particles (gravitons and gluon/photon/W+/- & Z particles) or leptons/quarks/w/e because quantum chaos smearing preserved them. The Composers were a society of beings in a supersymmetric galaxy, who discovered what happens at the core of a supermassive black hole. Explorers'scientists find out that primordial inflatons, the Residue, can get caught in black holes, where they are not compacted at the absolute core but form a marble-sized sphere of energy around it. So, the Composers worked extensively on systems meant to "mine" black holes, to draw out the inflatonic pockets. Humans who have discovered the Composer's harvester ships, don't known where the inflatons are going, so even though there is a crazy industry built up off the dangers and payoffs of black-hole mining, it's all for the sake, more or less, of "the Treasures of Darkness," the predicted or mythical storehouse of the harvested inflatons.

Basically, black hole mining involves firing a graviton laser/graser, into a black hole, then spinning the input point for the beam so as to "coil" the gravity-tentacle inside the black hole. This can "hook onto" the inflaton, which has a built-in expansion pressure, so it compression-pushes itself out of the near-core of the black hole and across the graser-spiral. There, a massive relay is ready to hold the precious particle, which is after all immense in size for a primordial, basic particle. After initial holding, though, the inflaton is shuffled through an Alcubierre labyrinth space, to unknown quarters.

Now, in the background, entities known as the Arn and the Orn are monitoring much of the situation, especially as pertains to the Composers' derelict artifacts. The Orn fear that use of inflatonic power could vastly accelerate the expansion of the universe in general; the Arn, who are their mysterious precursors or commanders, believe inflatonic pulses might push the domain wall of the universe toward that of another structure, causing a Big-Bang like release of energy, flash-emulsifying all life and worlds in the universe.

Anyway, as it turns out, the Composers actually were dealing with an even more difficult cosmic question: what will be the consequences of the continued dimensionalization of space? For they discovered that, on an ever-expanding scale, the number of space dimensions was increasing. So, in uncounted 10(100^1000)s or whatever of years, the universe will be 4,956,731-dimensional (spatially), and then in n more years it might be 7,892,121,087-dimensional, and so on and on, dimensions without end. During every shift, a mass burst of inflatons automatically emerged from space in the universe. This flash-burned almost the entire cosmos at the time, much like a domain-wall collision would. However, the last time this took place, the number of living beings throughout the universe was low, and it wasn't until the acceleration of the universe's expansion that another massive flash-wave struck. In the sum of time, it is known that the decrease of the rate of increase itself, creates a physical gap that is filled in, on another plane of existence, a divine-like realm of transtring-theoretic logic. (Or something like that.)

But so now, there is also stellar genetics, the study of how galaxies formed, which the Composers left records of having worked like so: during the initial major shifts in the universe, instead of primordial black holes forming the seeds of supermassive black holes around which galaxies manifested over time, it was boson stars that eventually went supernova that seeded the future galaxies as such. So, many early civilizations were destroyed by, or just barely survived, being hit by the boson star nova, which expanded with most of its energy undissipated for 50,000 years out from the center of the explosion, tapering off inexplicably only when it reached the dark-matter halo of the galaxy. And the trauma of a society with such ancient, apocalyptic origins, spells trouble for itself and others, to the ends of the ages.


So anyway, the Composers discovered a system where you fired an inflatonic laser (AKA "exser") at a Calabi-Yau aurora-crystal, which would focus the exser even more, and flood the dimensionalization "machine" with pure force, intensifying the dimensionalization of the world.


Also, if two graviton-related stars collide, in the same space as two gravitino-related stars, this tetra-collision causes graviton-gravitino fusion, which is the direct source of many supermassive black holes.

Edited by Ripheus23
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