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[Theory] Veiladin


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Ok Crazy theory time that's not entirely baseless :P

So we know from WOB that He doesn't like the tradition love triangle but that he does like conflict in relationship. We also know that we have a certain lighteyed lady who has an illusionary snarky darkeyed persona, and who has a slight, "fascination" with a certain darkeyed spear-man( now lighteyed yes, but you try telling Kaladin that). So with all the Shalladin talk going on that I dont think is going to happen, and the fact that after WOR I actually like Adolin, I think this is the kinda thing that might just be up Brandons' alley?


Thoughts, jokes,baseless speculation :D ?

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I don't think Syl would stand for it...  And it would really lower my opinion of Shallan.  Two-timing is...  Reprehensible.  It destroys people and can destroy families just as much as physical abuse can, in some ways even moreso.  Even without a family in the picture it's wrong on a level that I can't even begin to justify.  


That said, it would be an interesting read.

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There are 10 books in series, I'm sure we'll be getting some relationships between characters from different factions. Most of Cosmere books have those and there will be lots of characters changing factions before we get to conclusion. I'm for Jasnadin but anything can happen...

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Im not thinking so much two timing as Shallan getting herself in trouble by allowing herself as veil to get to know and get close to Kaladin as Veil, I dont think Shallan is truly going to be thinking of Kaladin in that manner but she is certainly fascinated by him,we know this from the viewpoint we got to see after the chasms. Im not saying it would be the best way to go about things but would leave room for some character development for both of them.

And Mraize's comments about Shallan being the hidden identity makes me wonder about Veil getting some more time on screen and exploring things Shallan might know better than to do.

Edited by PunSpren
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I don't think Syl would stand for it...


I don't think Kaladin would go for it, either.  Not necessarily because Shallan's a Lighteyes.  But because 1.)  she's attempting a long-term relationship with him under a fake identity, and 2.) she's using the fake identity because she's betrothed to someone else.  In Shallan's specific case, he'd probably claim that the reason why he didn't like it was "more Lighteyes games".  But I don't think he'd be happy if a Darkeyes was doing something similar.


Disguises might be appropriate for quick trysts.  But a long-term relationship shouldn't work that way.

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There are 10 books in series, I'm sure we'll be getting some relationships between characters from different factions. Most of Cosmere books have those and there will be lots of characters changing factions before we get to conclusion. I'm for Jasnadin but anything can happen...


It isn't so much that it is different factions so much as WHICH factions. In particular, Syl's general disgust towards the Cryptics puts the spren automatically at odds with one another.

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It isn't so much that it is different factions so much as WHICH factions. In particular, Syl's general disgust towards the Cryptics puts the spren automatically at odds with one another.

And that I count as a + for Shaladin, because Syltern would be "cute".

If Shalladin actually happens Syl and Pattern will have to just take it and that's all to it. There will be some complaining at first but nothing else. I doubt they would unbound simply because that would've been very uncool and Spren are cool. So I don't see Spren as an obstacle for relationships between different orders. BUT there is one very important thing, Spren share same ideals as Radiants they're bound to. Cryptics and Honorspren don't like each other because they're too different. Cryptics lie, disguise, etc and that's not really honorary way of doing things. Sha;lan lies a lot, while Kaladin is all about honor. So if they won't end up together its not because their Spren hate each other, but because Shallan and Kaladin are not compatible.

On the other hand Syl would be a problem with Veiladin, because as far as we know she's very bad girl and it would've had same effect on Syl as when Kaladin was letting Diagram kill Elhokar. But as I said before, 10 books = anything can happen. Veil might be anyone and she might turn into anyone. It won't be happening soon though.

Although I don't see Shallan's lies affecting her relationship with Kaladin as much as with Adolin. She told him her story if nothing else. I feel sorry for Adolin :((

Edited by Cracknut
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If Kaladin ever tried to make a move on Shallan behind Adolin's back, I'll be really disappointed in him. A Knight follows the Ideals, but a man sticks to the Codes! A man who would steal a buddy's girl is the worst kind of scum.

That said, I'll be fine with Shaladin if it happened naturally while Adolin and Shallan are kinda already split up. Also, hijinks between them are an absolute must. This Veildan idea fits into those categories. In fact, I am kinda toying with the idea of Kaladin remaining ignorant of Veil's identity. Then... heh. Cue, the Chicken Dance!

But if Stormlight was a darker series, I would say the situation between the three will develop into a sort of Arthurian romance. It's not though, so Veildan seems a bit more likely.

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While amusing to contemplate, I think logistically it's unlikely. Kaladin is leaving Urithiru at the end of WoR, while Shallan by all indication will remain. It's probably not too far-fetched to think that Kaladin's expedition will take most or all of book 3, and it's likely that he'll be out of comms with Shallan or very limited comms (this is mainly because Helaran is hard to make relevant unless Kaladin isn't available to explain).


I'm not sure how long Shallan can or need to maintain the Veil persona. The main reason she had the persona is to infiltrate the Ghostbloods; that's obviously not much of a reason any more. From a psychological perspective I can see why she might keep the memory around (and I'm sure it'll be handy as an occasional disguise) but from a practical perspective it doesn't have much value to maintain.


Even discounting those factors, I would question how long she could actually fool Kaladin. Kaladin's a pretty smart fellow and a decent investigator (enough to look into Shallan's background to some degree) and I just don't see him randomly getting involved with someone he knows nothing about. Kaladin seems like the anti-Adolin when it comes to relationships; he's intense about his relationships as he is about everything else. Not really many casual friends.


Granted, I could certainly see a short term 'relationship' if somehow they met in Book 3 or Veil became relevant for longer than Book 3 - I could imagine e.g. Kaladin accidentally botching Shallan's operation by 'saving' Veil from rough elements (imaging the conversation afterwards is pretty hilarious - 'stop helping me' ). But I can't really see anything that would last more than a scene or two.

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