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Voidbinding and the Parshendi forms.


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Hi All. While reading the forums here an idea came to me. If this has been discussed before then my apologies. Anyway.


What if the Parshendi forms that were mentioned in the Eshonai interlude, are actually related to Voidbinding? And what if the Voidbringers are actually type of Spren related/in-service to odium? Here's some of my thinking behind this:


- We know from WoB that the Parshendi need to stay out in a Highstorm in order to change forms, and the Parshendi article on the Coppermind wiki says that this involves bonding with Spren.

http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3238-brandon-signing-110612/ )


- From what Szeth says in the prelude of tWoK, we can assume that the Voidbringers are able to use Stormlight.


- In tWoK Jasnah says she believes that the Parshendi are the Voidbringers based on the research she has done.


-However, In the Eshonai interlude there is this quote in reference to Gavilar's assassination

"she and the others had ordered the murder of their king in a desperate gambit to stop the Parshendi gods from returning. Well, that hadn’t worked out."


So here's my theory. The Voidbringers are in fact Spren allied/in-service to Odium. Voidbinding is gained by bonding with these Spren, similar to Surgebinding. This would explain how the Parshendi change forms, and why they need a Highstorm/Stormlight to do so. What Jasnah uncovered in her research may have been referencing a particular form the Parshendi are able to take. Stormform? Voidform? This could also explain why the Parshendi want to prevent the return of their gods, as an effort to prevent themselves becoming the Voidbringers and bringing about the next desolation.


XXX---Mistborn Spoilers---XXX

For me this theory draws a parallel to Hemalurgy in the Mistborn series. We know that Hemalurgy is a magic system attributed to Ruin and its primary examples were creaturs Mutated/created from humans; the Koloss, Kandra, and Steel Inquisitors were all examples of Hemalurgy. Perhaps Voidbinding is the Roshar equivalent?


Sorry this post was so long/hard to follow. Thank you for reading.


-Postmaster Lipwig


Edit: Thanks for the catch hoser

Edited by Moist_von_Lipwig
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Hi!  I really like the thought and quotes you are offering.  I do have one little nitpick that I hope you will forgive me for.  Some people in this forum may not have read Mistborn yet.  I want to protect their potential enjoyment. 

The custom here, as I understand it, is to put spoiler tags around references to "outside" works.  There is an icon in the editor just to the left of the font box that will allow you to do this easily if you edit your post.

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In the Words of Radiance chapters released there is already evidence of him changing, or becoming different. It's very possible that he will learn to change form at some point. Or maybe he will become something slightly different from the other Parshendi due to being around a future Knight Radiant.


If evil spren are what cause the Parshendi to change into the voibdringers, I wonder if the opposite is also possible. Radiantform? Honourform perhaps?

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