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Ok so I just had this crazy thought, Dalinar long before he was acting like a Radiant was the blackthorn, the supreme shardbearer. As such it is to be expected that he can do a few things the average shard bearer can't, I think that this combined with his ability as a Radiant to draw in and hold stormlight and the effects we know that has can adequately explain everything we have seen him do in Plate.

His exceptional plate features are as follows:

1. He has a sensation of touch through his gauntlets.

2. He has exceptional speed and strength

3. He glows (so do the Radiants in his visions)

4. He on once benefits from some form of gyroscopic effect pulling him back on balance.

My explanations are as follows:

1. Dalinar's view points dont really make this seem remarkable, its entirely possible that this isnt remarkable at all.

2. One consequence of holding stormlight is enhanced speed and strength... we know Dalinar is capable and while I dont have a source for this I thought I read somwhere that his gems were more drained than usual after the battle with the chasmfiend, his most dramatic exploit.

3. See 2.

4. This is the one my theory struggles with, it could be improved balance from the stormlight, although I honestly cant remember if thats a thing, or if I'm making it up to suit my theory, or again it is never explicitly stated to be an impressive thing, I just assumed it was, and from the discussions of it Ive seen/participated in, I think the majority of people here did too, although not all.

So thats my idea, plate isnt extra super special, only super special like we've already seen, Radiants are just otherwise awesome. I would note that I'm not even sure I agree with this myself, but it is a serious and plausible theory, as far as I am aware.

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So far as I understand, all Shardplate wearers can feel sensation through the gauntlets, and are granted enhanced speed and strength and balance. It's all a part of why anyone in Plate is an instant badass. One guy in Plate (if rumors follow, a relatively inexperienced warrior) was able to tear Kaladin's entire regiment to shreds single-handedly, and was only defeated when Kaladin essentially rolled a called shot at DC 20+.

Dalinar is a badass out of the Plate, so in it he's exponentially moreso.

As for the glowy, I think that's coming from the gems within the Plate, not within Dalinar.

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I've seen both sides argued on the shardplate feeling, so I figured I'd include, and I've seen coherent arguements for all sorts of things regarding the gyroscopic section, which is rather ambiguous, hence I mentioned them both stating that there is no definitive explanation for them as either special or generic plate abilities.

The plate enhances speed and strength, balance is a bit of a gray area, and whether that includes a gyroscopic effect is even more so, as I already said in this post, what I'm referring to is the crazy extra strength Dalinar shows off, eg: catching the chasmfiends claw when getting there should have been impossible even for a shard bearer, and also catching it should also have been impossible, even for a shardbearer... hence point 2 being exceptional speed and strength as in, even more so than normal plate, I'm suggesting that Dalinar was drawing in stormlight and that was making him personally stronger and faster and causing him to glow, and thats where the extra was coming from rather than merely being good with plate.

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We don't know for certain if the orders besides Kaladin's draw in stormlight. I read somewhere on here that the possible reason of why Kaladin "inhales" the stormlight is because his body focus is Inhalation (and my own thoughts: maybe increased speed/healing/strength is a byproduct of having the stormlight in you, like becoming mistborn is a byproduct of eating lerasium).

I'm in the boat of 1 and 4 being normal shardplate awesomeness and 2-3 being normal Dalinar awesomeness.

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It's occurred to me that the Knights Radiant must have been able to make Shardplate and Shardblades somehow, and given that they didn't seem to use fabrials, there's probably a Surge related to it. Dalinar might have this ability, which would fit with his character thematically.

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If Dalinar was drawing stormlight, shouldn't that have drained his Plate at least somewhat? I seem to recall that unexpectedly drained Plate gems is a major clue suggesting that Elkohar is channeling stormlight, but I don't remember anything of that sort related to Dalinar.

Dalinar is an exceptional warrior, but I don't know if there's been anything to indicate that he's superhuman (at least, not outside of the Plate).

Though I am doing a re-read soon, so I'll keep an eye out as I go.

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could some one create a new set of shard plate by fuseing a bunch of pieces of other shard plat and fuse them together with storm light? feel a little like Dr. Frankenstien asking it but it seems possible after dalianar used his sons gauntlets after the sige at the tower. though i guess niether were ready to try and heal their armor yet.

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If Dalinar was drawing stormlight, shouldn't that have drained his Plate at least somewhat? I seem to recall that unexpectedly drained Plate gems is a major clue suggesting that Elkohar is channeling stormlight, but I don't remember anything of that sort related to Dalinar.

Dalinar is an exceptional warrior, but I don't know if there's been anything to indicate that he's superhuman (at least, not outside of the Plate).

Though I am doing a re-read soon, so I'll keep an eye out as I go.

I don't think that Dalinar has, as of yet, exhibited any Radiant-like superhuman abiities. However I do think he is slowly forming a bond with a spren. There is one scene when Dalinar is fighting a battle, and he hears a voice saying, "Once these weapons meant protecting", and "life before death". This isn't Dainar thinking to himself, he actually remarks in his head, "What was that voice?" so he's not imagining.

This is almost definitely a spren in my opinion, and there is one thing to notice. This voice comes in during one of Dalinar's bouts of revulsion for the destruction he is causing, lending more credence to the idea that he is in Order 8, since destruction, the opposite of building, nauseates him. Just like when Shallan feels sick for lying. Some have pointed out that this is potentially a side-affect for contradicting the ideals of the spren you are bonding with.

could some one create a new set of shard plate by fuseing a bunch of pieces of other shard plat and fuse them together with storm light? feel a little like Dr. Frankenstien asking it but it seems possible after dalianar used his sons gauntlets after the sige at the tower. though i guess niether were ready to try and heal their armor yet.

I don't think that this would end up working out. As you have so rightly pointed out you regrow Shardplate with Stormlight from gemstones. Whoever attempts to regrow Plate and has the most plate fragments will end up with a full suit, while the fragments in other people's possession will crumble into dust. So I think that if you ever ended up getting enough small plate fragments together to try to conjoin them, other people would have regrown their plate and some of your pieces would break down. Also, if you somehow ended up with a whole bunch of fragments, I'm not sure if parts of different Plates would be compatible to growing together. Perhaps if they once belonged to Radiants of the same Order? It would definitely require some specialized fabrials I think. My gut says no it won't work, but I've been wrong before. It's certainly an interesting idea! :D

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Well, you can splice together fragments from different suits, but you can't regrow a full suit.

I wonder if you can grow, say, two right gauntlets if growing them wouldn't make either set into a full suit. Or maybe growing a second copy will produce an inert one that will either activate or crumble when someone completes their suit.

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I don't think that Dalinar has, as of yet, exhibited any Radiant-like superhuman abiities. However I do think he is slowly forming a bond with a spren. There is one scene when Dalinar is fighting a battle, and he hears a voice saying, "Once these weapons meant protecting", and "life before death". This isn't Dainar thinking to himself, he actually remarks in his head, "What was that voice?" so he's not imagining.

This is almost definitely a spren in my opinion, and there is one thing to notice. This voice comes in during one of Dalinar's bouts of revulsion for the destruction he is causing, lending more credence to the idea that he is in Order 8, since destruction, the opposite of building, nauseates him. Just like when Shallan feels sick for lying. Some have pointed out that this is potentially a side-affect for contradicting the ideals of the spren you are bonding with.

I never noticed this voice. Very possible indeed, it talks about on of the ideals of the Radiants (life before death). Also, I like to collect scraps of evidence to add to the 'Blades are tainted' discussions. This one (once these weapons meant protecting) is very strongly in favour. The spren, lets say, seems to signify that in the past they weren't tainted, and were used for protection, however now they aren't. Particularly significant in one of his 'anti-Thrill' moments. Perhaps this is the spren trying to convert him back to his 'path'? So he's started the bond, but the spren hates these sections of battle (anti-building). Towards the end of the book, Dalinar seems much less inclined to start battling things, and regains his confidence (Resolution). Very clear link to Order 8.

Great catch, as per usual, Windrunner! +1!

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