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Awakened ribbons and ropes vs shardplate

Tamriel Wolfsbaine

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I love warbreaker and it is still my favorite book...

I am halfway through WoR and was thinking about how an awakener would do against a shardbarer.  Not the blade itself but the plate.... I do believe that awakened cloth could resist a shardblade but if the blade itself was sharp enough it would pretty easily pass through any rope or ribbon sent its way without needing to rely on magical properties... 

My real question is how would awakened objects like we see in Warbreaker fare against a 1400lb suit of shard plate?   Would the ribbons and rope care about the added weight or would they perform their duties without issues?  

I guess this could be chopped up to how well awakened cloth and ropes handle the weight of objects.  We saw them toss humans with little to no effort and even saw a suit animated using the now dead body inside of it as a bit of a meat shield.  But where does that reach its limits?   If I have some rope/ribbon that does well up to 1000lbs would the added investiture of breaths allow that same material to hold strong against a heavier load?   

When Vivenna tells the banner to pick her up over the wall would that same banner that did its job effortlessly have issues if she had been in a 1400lb suit of shardplate?

Asking strictly because in my brain I love awakening but am a bit grossed out by the whole lifeless army idea and want to see the limits of the non necromancerish side of awakening in a potential duel.  I think if the invested material were to be able to contain a shardbarer a wrap of the arms and legs could be a magnificent counter.  

Please leave any other ideas for fighting shardplate in here.   I know the obvious one is build an army of lifeless and invest some stone around them (as invested stone would be difficult even for a shardblade to get through)... but the draw of just fighting with random items is too much dang fun.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm... the inherent advantage to Awakening is that it uses color for fuel on the initial Awakening, otherwise the Breaths are not used up for most of their arts. Plate in contrast runs on Stormlight and can run out of Investiture as it gets damaged or used. If I was an Awakener and had to go against someone using Plate and Blade, I probably wouldn't fight them directly and would go for a battle of attrition, which is a really bad idea but seems better than going toe-to-toe. Vasher noted that relatively thin ropes can be used to hurl boulders toward fortified positions, so I imagine there is a limit to the strength of Awakened objects, but it's certainly enough to hurl boulders. What I might end up doing is using ropes or cloth to pelt the Shardbearer with boulders and use unusually long Awakened clothing or ropes to give me added mobility while I try to drain their Plate. It's going to be hard to keep away from a Shardbearer that is actively targeting me. 

A few other ideas, but they might be hard to manage the mental Commands and visualization:

  • Sturdy ribbons that have small blades sewn into the edges. Command them to climb in through the eye slit of the Plate and cut the throat. I imagine this would be hard to Command though.
  • Awakened nets used to either immobilize or impede their movement. Similar to your idea of using something to wrap their arms and legs, it's using something that is hard to break or cut to impede their movement.
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