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  1. So, I suggested in the past that NB could feasibly consume enough investiture to eventually make some kind of psuedo-shard. People always brought up the smoke leaking as the main reason that this could not occur. Given that Brandon is now on record as saying that it grew more powerful, does this possibility re-open the door on this? Key word he used is "grew". Is there some reason it would no longer grow?
  2. Do we not have something like matterspren or energy spren because there isn't enough influence on the cognitive realm to create them or is it just not possible to create them?
  3. I wouldn't consider myself a great mind, but. I imagine it could be possible. Who knows how long something like this would take? I have wondered in the past if we have seen something like this happen already with the Stormfather. Perhaps he existed originally as just an entity created by people thinking of the Highstorm and as cultures developed and began to know name him interchangeably with Honor, he became some sort of shard spren. Because people viewed Honor and the Stormfather as the same, it eventually changed him and started to make him more like what we know him to be today. Understanding the process of making a new cognitive entity or a change in the cognitive realm is something I have found interesting. Depending on how easily it would be to create things there by thinking of them, you could do some interesting things. Maybe even carve out some empty space to build an academy of sorts.
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