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About Lunu'anaki

  • Birthday August 24

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    All books Fantasy

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  1. I haven't been able to sleep the last couple of KNIGHTS because how RADIANT these puns are. I'm also quite amazed at the Surge of puns posted almost immediately after the thread started. Also, don't forget the time as a collective people have Invested.
  2. I thought it was Radiant! The kind of book that I dove right into then started to slow down the farther I got into it. Not because I lost interest, but because I was afraid for it to end. When I got to the last couple chapters I found myself holding my breath fearing that when I turned the page I would see the dreaded words, "The End of Book Two".
  3. I have always lurked in the shadows of Forums. Always reading, but never contributing. I am a new member, but have been visiting this site as a guest for about 2 years. What I find that is full of just as much adventure as reading the book is reading and pondering on the forum. Especially when you discover that hidden connect between two seemingly different events or characters thanks to the extremely observant fans. Hats off to you all. The invention of the Forum is great as it allows all of us come together to discuss great books, because be honest, who can't wait to talk about a great book, or chapter the moment you finish it? Luckily my cousin and I almost always end up reading the same book. Usually at the same time. We are both WOT fans, and now Sanderson fans. It's funny. I remember how I learned about Brandon Sanderson. The announcement of "The Gathering Storm" came out. Brandon Sanderson was the author listed to finish the series. I remember specifically thinking who is that? That day I drove to the book store, looked him up, and bought "Mistborn". I read all three back to back. Hooked ever sense.
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