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  1. sorry, I must be missing something, what easter egg?
  2. I really wish kenton becomes a world hopper. kenton and khriss romance is good
  3. So I am just done with white sand. And I liked it really well! I thought it wouldn't be as good - considering it a graphic novel and all, but after reading this, I cant help but wonder why brandon doesn't want to be a novel. It would do really well as a novel, I am sure. It is as good as the newer mistborn novels, and it has brilliant world building, a crazy new plot and quite unlike sanderson, not very explained magic system. Also How do you people like this? ( and also did you find any references to cosmere? I haven't . and no hoid? wow)
  4. if I remember it right, metals dont have breath because they were never alive or were they part of anything alive. So in case you soul cast something that already has breath into metal, I guess the metal would still have the breath. I could be wrong though, I have read war breaker only once.
  5. Allomancy. I am too impatient to store everything. Beside what fun when you gain nothing? mistborn for the win!
  6. yep I think ending was a bit rushed too. But the overall book was great. Though I wanted a bit more romance between David and megan. Firefight is going to be my fav of the series ( Ironically the well of ascension was my least favorite original mistborn trilogy )
  7. Sup guys, new fella here ( sorry, if I am not allowed to create a new topic for this) So today bands of mourning is going to be released. So anyone has alredy read the book? Reviews please?
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