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Old God Metal Info

Phantom Monstrosity

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Turns out that the old TWG archive has a quite a bit of info that's not archived on theoryland.

In particular, I thought this was very interesting


"Ask what a Lerasium Atium alloy would do."

"Ah, I've been asked this before. There are a number of theories, but nobody's really sure, since there haven't really been any opportunities to alloy lerasium with atium. You can choose which one to believe. Most require an understanding of realmatic theory to comprehend, which you need to be a Shard or Splinter to even begin to understand."

I interrupted here to ask if Sazed or Hoid would know, and he - of course - RAFO'd.

"What Lerasium is, is essentially a hack for something like your spiritual DNA. It rewrites what your spiritual self is capable of. So, combined with atium, which allows you a glimpse into the vision of everything - past, present, future - the theories say it could do one of two things. It could either create a substance so volatile that it would have world-ending repercussions, or rewrite your "spiritual DNA" (his phrase, not mine) with atium's power. Is that a vague enough answer?"


3)Does Lerasium have feruchemical and hemalurgical powers.

A: Yes. Brandon will probably be getting into these, and the other metals hemalurgical and feruchemical powers, in greater detail in the future Mistborn Trilogies. He also will probably release full charts for these as he did with allomancy.

Now, it's possible Brandon's changed his mind, since this is moderately old stuff, but, pretty interesting. It probably puts the kibosh to the 'atium/lerasium alloy makes you a feruchemist' theory, at least.

Also, this clarified a bit of "Atium's abilities are not entirely explored yet either" stuff. Being able to see more than just a few seconds in the future (if done properly) makes its power seem a little more in line with being a god metal.

Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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Oh, and there's this, which never seemed to get any attention either


"4. Every metal has a Feruchemical, an Allomantic, and a Hemalurgic property. The godly metals each also do something else. There are several interesting Feruchemical powers yet to be discovered and revealed in the next series. Feruchemy is less widely understood because there were so few practitioners in the modern era, and a lot of the time they were too afraid of capture to really study and use their powers."

I think it's interesting that the god metals have some sort of function beyond just the metallic arts.
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