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Everything posted by Zionite

  1. Okay heres my crazy theory on what the future of Stormlight archive series will be like. randon has stated that Stormlight archive is actually made of 2 series.Each one made of 5 books.We are still in the 1st series but Brandons dropped some interesting hint about the 2nd series-Im just gonna focus on one. Brandon said that Braize will feature in the 2nd series of Stormlight.This makes me spin a rather crazy but awesome-if-true Theory.That the 2nd half of Stormlight will take place on Braize not Roshar.For this to happen,It means only one thing-Odium wins. Its not hard to see how this could happen Book 3-Voidbringers are awakening all over the world.Ends with Unmade being freed. Book 4-Unmade and Voidbringers on the loose causing havoc..Ends with Unmade freeing Odium from Braize(Honor is dead so cant stop them) Book 5-Unmade and Voidbringers and Odium .Ends with Humanity being dragged to Damanation (Braize). 2nd series will therefore focus on the Humanitys fight on Roshar with the Braize of a newly trained army of Radiants.It will deal with their Fight for survival,their fight for freedom from Braize and fight to kill Odium.
  2. Interesting theory.Any ideas on how this connects to Honor and Odium needing a Champion?
  3. I actually considered he bolded but I cant figure out wh Nalan would lie about the ressurection-He clearly trust Szeth.So thats why Im inclined to believe Nalan told the truth.
  4. So does that mean the True desolation will only begin at the end of book 5?
  5. I wonder if Szeth will gain the physical apperance of a Returned as well as the powers.Seems likely to me
  6. Interesting.The Quote do seem to hint at Nightblood being a Splinter.So if powered by Stormlight,It could bestow powers on its wielder just like a spren. However Nightblood is a Splinter of Endowment not a splinter of Honor/Cultivation .Splinters of Honor/Cultivation grant Surgebinding powers.On the other hand Splinters of Endowment like Divine Breath grant Returned Powers. So that means that the wielder of a Stormlight powered Nightblood will have the powers of the Returned.Fitting for Szeth who has now returned from the dead.
  7. Thanks for the reply. Judging from the info,Nightblood should feed on the rosharian equivalent of Breath.Which would be Stormlight. However Nightblood isnt a splinter like a spren so it shouldnt grant any surgebinding powers.
  8. The only issue with a stormlight adapation is that it requires to be told in a Tv show format with Movie-level specail effects.If special effects evolve to that level-and lets face it THEY WILL-Then theres literally nothing that hinders an adaptation. Nothing
  9. Not really Cosmere informed.Could someone explain to me what the powers of Nightblood are especially in comparison to Shardblades and honor blades.
  10. I think Stormlight archive would be best suited for a tv series due to its length and narrative structure.Unfortunately todays Tvshows dont have enough special effects to do it Justice-Movies can but not tv shows.We might have to wait a couple of years for tv shows effects technology to advance enough to do it justice.
  11. We have already seen fantastical armors and swords on screen-Shardplate/blades are very possible to adapt. We have already seen that fantastical wildlife on screen-Roshar wildlife are very possible to adapt. We have aready seen weird storms on screen-Hightstorms are very possible to adapt. We have already seen spirits and miniature beings on screen-Spren areare very possible to adapt. In short we have already seen fantastical worlds on screen and there is nothing that makes Roshar harder to depict than anyone of them. Also Stormlight is actually 2 series each made of 5 books-Brandons words.So yes 5 books is a good cut off piont. And Im sure if the adapting the 1st series is very successful,Holywood would be eager to adapt the 2nd series-Look at Lotr and the hobbit.
  12.   Yes the Hobbit is based off an extremely popular franchise.Howver that doesnt mean that the only way a high budget movie can be successful is if it is based on a popular property-otherwise avatar would have been a spectaular bombA stormlight movie has GREAT potential to be an original hit.Great story,Incredible visauls,new take on Fantasy,Fascinatin mythology all of which justifies its High budgets and will aid it to gain a substantial profit-If its done right of course. Also disagree Stormlight needs more budget than Hobbit-I once more piont to John carter.Oh and by the way John carter would have cost even less,If it wasnt due to staunton mismanaging funds-bear that in mind. As to your piont about stuff being cut out to make a live adaptation-Take a look at LOTR. There were changes when adapting to the Big screen but does change-the fact that the Trilogy was EPIC.(despite purist nitpicks).Stuff was cut out,shortened,rearranged but It dint dimnish the quality of the film-in fact Id argue it enhanced it.
  13. Bondsmiths have the surges Adhesion and cohesion.So what powers do you think the Bondsmiths have judging by this?Im really fascinated by this as the Bondsmiths are apparently the most powerful of the radiants
  14. John carter was a Financial failure because not enough people turned out to watch it.It cld barely recover its budget. The hobbit unexpected journey had the same budget amount and made a profit of about 3 times the Budget.Why?Enough People to watch the movie. A big budget movie will always recover its budget and more if the story and marketing is excellent.I see no reason why this wld not be the case for Stormlight archives
  15. Lol.I just noticed it.It is hilarious.Im leaving it as is
  16. With the exception of that one this one thing,everything else is doable.So id say special effects arent a problem for an adaptation As for the length,Id argue that the core story of the books does not have to be as long as the books-In fact Id argue certain parts of the story wld have to be shortened,reduced,compressed in order to avoid boring a cinematic audience.-For example Kaladins depression arc will have to be shortened for a movie audience. A movie adaption wld only cut out the non essential interludes.Essential ones to the plot like Travingan,Szeth and Enshonai will remain
  17. Apologies to anyone I offended in my posts-I did not know Shorthand was forbidden on this forums.Hence my reputation as a hoe. Now unto the the topic-I personally dont see the big deal with the level of CGi nneded for Roshar. I mean its an alien planet so what?Weve seen enough Alien planets on the Big screen at this piont. Even the hated John carter movie had an awesome Alien planet and superhuman battles.So no I feel that Roshar and its Inhabitants can be done justice with current movie technology a there is nothing within this world we have not seen on screen in one form or the other. The Story is a different matter.Whilst Stormlight series requires movie level special effects,the narrative structure seems more suited to a tv series.So thats a bit of a problem
  18. A Windrunners powers wld look like Quasi Telekiness and Flight on screen.All of which look awesome in Live action .
  19. I much rather prefer live action over anime.The chance to see Roshar and its characters Live certainly beats watching them animated. I also vehemently disagree that no movie cld proprly potray the world of Roshar. Theres literally nothing in the world of Roshar we havent seen in movie form in one way or another. I also feel the need to piont out that whether or not a Stormlight adapation is in movie,tv show or anime form there will be compromises to the story-Thats the cost of translating between book and screen. What fans need to realize is that Compromise doesnt have to be bad-.Take a look at LOTR. There were changes when adapting to the Big screen but does change-the fact that the Trilogy was EPIC.(despite purist nitpicks).Stuff was cut out,shortened,rearranged but It dint dimnish the quality of the film-in fact Id argue it enhanced it.
  20. Actually Meaghan Markle is Jasnah "s exact age.32 Angelina jolie would be a great navani,but wld be expensive if gong tv show route
  21. Why not both?An actor who looks the part and can act?. Special effects wise all this can be accomplished on a movie budget.But yes It is debatable if it can be accomplished on Tv budget. However I think it wld help if the Budget was Game of thrones sized and the series limited to 5 episodes.Also a Showrunner who is experienced with working with small scaleBudgets.It can be done.
  22. Good actor choices but they are all a Decade older than the characters they'd play. YES to stormlight archive being a Miniseries For all the reasons stated. Im thinking a 5 episode miniseries for each book.Each episode an hour long.
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