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Posts posted by Fatebreaker

  1. Quote

    Few things Darth, 

    I set up clearly what I was doing and it was within the parameters of what the DA is capable of. I’m willing to retcon some things and let the Jackal smash his way free of the cage, but it would take considerable effort on his part and I would expect you to portray that fairly. If the Jackal can just flick his wrist and smash through a magically enhanced steel cage, Something I didn’t see in his bio, then you’re just granting him new powers. I understand that the mask is indestructible, but he’s limited by the force he can put behind it, since the mask isn’t magically swinging itself. And he can’t use his hands since he has to keep it on, so the amount of force he could exert is even further limited. If you want to write a post that shows the Jackal putting huge amounts of effort into smashing the cage, I’d be willing to allow him to break free. But the casual sentence you wrote earlier didn’t make it seem at all probable.

    Secondly, Whisper is a PC of Voidus, not an NPC, standing ready to engage the Jackal should he escape.

    Thirdly, while we do want to limit overpowering NPCs, the DA has the resources to make such. In conversations I’ve had with Voidus and Mac, we have to use them responsibly so that we don’t steamroll over everyone, but it’s more than fair to require a lengthier response than ‘he killed them instantly’ which in many cases is unrealistic based on your characters power set and abilities. For the most part the DA keeps its more powerful NPCs limited to the Alleys, but you’re right smack in Alleycity. We can use powerful characters and technology that make logistical sense with limited repercussions here, based on prior world building and role playing. I’m not just pulling things out of a hat, I’m using tools and narrative elements that are consistent and logical with the setting.

    So I’m happy to allow the Jackal to break out, if you lend it the proper weight. Perhaps he notices a flaw or mistake in the hastily constructed cage. But be aware Voidus does have a PC present. It might be easier for the Jackal to weight until the DA give him over to the other guilds and then attempt to break out.

    I want to stress that this is totally not personal, I have nothing against you in the slightest. I just want to maintain a cohesive  RP with solid continuity. I’m happy for the mods to weigh in as well. 


  2. "Hello! New volunteer?"

    Stumped jumped, quite literally. He flung himself away from the fellow he had just spiked. "Ambush! I knew it! My metal minds are empty and my kidneys are no good! Totally ruined!" He raised his hands an Soulcast a short stone wall in front of himself to hide behind. Unfortunately, his peg-leg reacted to his use of investiture and began telescoping out at great speed, launching him over the wall to land in a heap.

    He panicked and searched his pockets for something to defend himself from whatever had just greeted him so casually. Only the powerful and the ignorant could afford to be casual. The powerful have the strength or the resources to protect themselves from the terrors that filled the world. The Ignorant didn't think there was no reason to not be casual. The educated but powerless knew that everything was terrible and being casual was how you ended up getting eaten by refridgeraptors. 

    Stumped continued to pat himself down furiously until he found something in one of his pockets. He whipped a spike from the depths of his lab coat and shouted triumphantly, "Now you're in for it, nameless assailant and foe of the Dark Alley! Behold the power of SCIENCE!!!" And he rammed the spike through his peg-leg. At fiirst nothing happenedd, then he started glowing softly as the bioluminescence spike kicked in. Stumped sighed.

    This was definitely going to be a PR thing, he was sure of it. He sighed then pulled out a cookie. "Samples?"

    @ZincAboutIt @Gancho Libre

  3. The server's corpse didn't react, but continued to lay there motionless. The disturbance revealed the face. It was a young woman, somewhere in her mid twenties, with shoulder-length brown hair and a pale complexion. Her eyes were also frightened, as if she was gazing upon some unseen horror. She didn't move, and it looked like she never would again.

  4. The scene was not a pleasant one.

    The sky was a roiling mass of dark clouds, and a light mist hung in the air. It was night, of that they could be certain, but what hour none could tell. The upper stories of the house lay in ruins. The ceiling had caved in and the walls were mostly in shambles.The floor was a mass of debris, and it appeared none of the furniture had survived. Or the staff either.

    The various servers who had been present earlier lay about the room, at least what remained of them.Some were buried under fallen rubble, some were impaled with broken pieces of wood. Gedwyn, the young doorman who had greeted the guests lay near the top of the stairs leading to the basement. His body had been crushed by a falling beam. Dried blood pooled out from his limp body, and his sightless eyes were wide in a rictus of terror. 

    Surprisingly, the stone tower was still standing, though from the looks of it not for long. Parts of it had fallen in, leaving dark gaps in the stonework. Near the top a faint light was just barely visible from the first floor. A wind whistled through the ruins of the house, and the tower groaned ominously. It swayed slowly in the wind, then stilled. It was still standing, though no one could say for how long it would remain so.

  5. Once behind bars, the Denizens felt they had humored them enough. One Soulcast a hole in the wall and they walked back in an orderly line, still talking about the tremendous raspberry and what an achievement it was for Science. They returned to the building The government was using and began discussing the furtherance of raspberry science.

  6. Without warning mist began to stream from under the door, flowing down the steps in a steady stream. It began pooling on the basement floor, slowly filling the room. The house, or what was left of it continued to shake and the low rumble increased in volume. It grew louder and louder, as if the sound was gaining momentum.

    Suddenly there was a clattering sound from the back of the room. Beads of glass began to fall on the floor at in a random pattern. The onlookers saw one of the wine barrels disappear in a pop, a glass marble falling in it's place. The rumble grew louder. Bricks in the walls of the cellar began puffing into mist now, even as various objects began turning into glass beads. The house shook with more and more violence, until it was impossible to remain standing. The rumble became a deafening ROAR.

    Finally the cellar door puffed into mist and the stream became a torrent, filling the room in but a second. The mist swirled as the roar became deafening and the house seemed to shake itself apart. Then it went totally still. The mists were motionless and the tremors had ceased. The moment seemed endless.

    Then there was a tearing sound. It was a horrible dissonance, as if reality was ripping itself in half. The room spun, and a a terribly human scream filled the air. The tremors resumed with a vengeance, flinging people around the room. Just when it felt like they couldn't take anymore there was a stupendous CRASH and then everything went black. 


    It was still dark they they began to wake up. There was no way to tell how much time had passed, or how long the had been unconscious, but it was clear that the mist was gone. The objects in the cellar were no longer mist or beads, but they looked like they had been thrown violently around the room. Wine barrels were broken, bottles smashed, the contents spilled across the floor. The cellar door was closed, and there was no telling what lay beyond...



    We are no longer in Alleycity friends, so no new characters may be added at this point with asking Voidus or myself. It wont be impossible , but there will be new parameters for them, should anyone new wish to join.


  7. 11 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

    "I... I need..."

    Riathor looked up at the question. A man was standing over him, the occasional... molasses smear on his clothes.

    "I need... a spike," Riathor finished. Now that the words were out, the tears stopped coming.

    Finally, he could be redeemed.


    Stumped blinked. The man needed a spike. People didn’t normally volunteer for this sort of thing. Well that was easy enough. He patted his pockets until he found one and pulled it out. He examined it for a second, then shrugged. He pulled out a cotton swab with a mild anesthetic and began rubbing an exposed spot on the fellow’s leg. As he worked he addressed the man. 

    “You might feel a slight pinch.”

    And he rammed the spike into the limb. 

    As the spike practically disappeared into the flesh, Stumped realized that the anesthesia was probably insufficient for a regular person. Most people didn’t have experience with being punctured regularly. The man didn’t appear to have any other spikes, so getting stabbed was unlikely to be something he was familiar with until now.

    Stumped braced himself for the screams and thought, “Well, maybe his newly gained ability to taste smells will be of comfort to him.”

  8. “Note: The awakened ovens have revolted. I’m our passion to improve our baking process, we let our guard slip. It was only a moment, but that was all they needed. We shut them down, but not before they got Wellings and Stackton. This has greatly diminished my taste for gingerbread men, as well as been a good reminder on why nothing sapient can be trusted. The other reminders are the burns on my face, but that’s irrelevant.”

    Stumped muttered as he jotted down the notes onto the wrinkled yellow pad. He was hampered by brace on his wrist and the bandages wrapped around much of the left side of his face. He was walking straight towards a wall, showing no sign that he registered its presence. Just befor he hit it, he smoothly Alleytravelled to an adjacent Alley. He paused to take stock of the new location and, seeing that much of it appeared to be covered in a ghastly grey flame, decided to try another Alley. 

    He hopped between several, avoiding were-koloss in one and HR staff in another. He briefly got stuck in an Alley where everything seemed to be made of molasses, but he made sure to keep his notes dry. Frustrated by the continued interruption, he made a big jump and ended up in one of the outer Alleys. This made him nervous, he was practically outside of the endless corridors that he called home. Outside, where there weren’t any Insquidsitors or thermonuclear ovens or REAL bakers. There were terrifying things like normal people, municipal codes, and, Ovens forbid, morality!

    He was just about to travel deeper into the Alleys when he heard something it sounded like desperate wails of despair. Being an expert on both despair and wailing, he found himself peeking around the corner to see what was causing all the commotion. 

    Wanting to be cautious, he soulcast a welding mask out of the nearby wall and put it on. This use of investiture happened to trigger his peg-leg, or rather it’s glitch. It became enormously heavy, requiring all of Stumped’seffort to move it a few inches at a time. He grunted in frustration and kicked it with his other leg, which seemed to end the glitch, resulting in a tumbling fall. He looked up from the tangled heap of his limbs and saw a man kneeling on the ground and weeping.

    “Uhhhh, is this a PR thing? Because I’m not certified for public relations...”

    @Gancho Libre

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

    His cheerful grin was ruined slightly by the blue skin and the scarred eye.


    What are you, some kind of blue racist?!? We of the DA are accepting of ALL people’s, regardless of chromatic inclination or number of heads.


  10. A new character, pre-approved by Voidus and Mac.


    Name: Stumped

    Physical Characteristics: A short man with a closely shaven head and a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. His dark skin is a tapestry of burns and scars, and he frequently wears bandages and wraps. His dark eyes are crazed and his nose looks to have been broken. His right leg is missing from the knee down, and has been replaced with a peg-leg of an indiscernible material that appears to be both metallic and organic in nature. The surface of it is covered in cryptic markings, strange indentations, and is often punctured by Hemalurgic spikes. He wears a raggedy lab coat and a gumboot on his remaining foot.

    Investiture: A spike granting soul casting. However, he has only practiced with non-organic matter for the most part, making it practically impossible to soulcast people. Various other spikes within the Alleys, but isn't permitted to take very much outside of them. Keeps a coppermind of his various experiments. Familiar with the uses of different kinds of investiture, but rarely has access or chooses to use them. His peg-leg contains an artificial spirit web, and due to complications during the grafting process his original web is largely dysfunctional. He has to use the bind points in the leg for hemalurgy.

    Skills: Excellent Baker. Proficient in research and scholarly activities. He has average intelligence with rare moments of brilliance. Experienced with Hemalurgy and Alleymatics. An excellent navigator, both within the Alleys and without, though he often forgets where he is. Good at running away from things.

    Equipment: His peg leg can telescope to a length of 3 meters. He can modify it soul casting for different scenarios ( make it more pointed for climbing, make the base wider for better balance, etc.) He keeps a few blank spikes in his lab coat in case the opportunity to experiment arises. His lab coat is made of a durable material that is fire and water resistant. He keeps a hand launcher that can be used to fire either flares or tranquilizer darts, but he's a poor shot.

    Weakness: Paranoid, insane, no combat training, occasional glitches when he uses investiture (the peg leg could randomly magnetize, lose all rigidity, start playing music, glow with an eerie light, start moving on it's own, root itself in place, etc.) 

    Family: The DA is all the family he needs!

    Home Planet: Alleyplanet

    Backstory: Once a brilliant scientist of the DA who specialized in R&D, Stumped attempted to graft an artificial Spirit Web onto himself via a prosthetic limb of his own design. The experiment went quite terribly, leaving his mind a broken shell of it's former brilliance. Since then, his experiments have continued with varying degrees of success. More often than not things tend to go badly. He's been burned, chewed, blasted, eviscerated, frozen, stabbed, and much more. He's been resuscitated many times, and even resurrected a few times. He's been encouraged to retire, but he won't hear of it, insisting his passion for knowledge remains as fevered fervent as ever. He's fine, really...

    Guild: The Dark Alley

    Psyche: Hyper-paranoid, occasionally intelligent, but always insane.

    Appearance[The artistically inclined are welcome to include an illustration of their character.]

    Theme Song: Still Alive, from Portal. It's a bit on the nose really.



  11. Quote

    @Darth Woodrack just because the mask is indestructible doesn’t mean the Jackal has enough strength to break the cage. The mask isn’t shaped in such a way that it would make an effective piercing or chopping tool, since it’s shaped like the head of a Jackal. In addition, he can only use the force that his neck and torso can apply, unless he wants to take the mask off. I know he has enhanced strength, but can he headbutt through magically enhanced steel bars?


  12. A DA lawyer spoke up, 

    "I believe the correct phrase is 'Hemalurgy is the only thing keeping the city from dissolving into chaos' , which is true. We apprehended the Jackal after all. We've shown nothing but good will of late, why does the villanization of our benevolent organization continue so? Furthermore, the vote to make Hemalurgy illegal has already failed."

  13. Quote

    I would say it is  reasonable for them to cover the exits, and you did say that he “walked out the door”, which would provide ample reaction time, with even the most basic coordination efforts.

    Also, handwavium isn’t required, and I’ve never used it to explain anything the DA has done. Basic Alleymatics can accomplish many things, as long as they are within the realm of the Alleys.

    In addition, it’s been previously stated that Epic abilities are considered investiture for the purpose of this RP. And I’m fine with the mask being indestructible, but that doesn’t mean you could break though the cage in an instant. Even if he could break the various metal alloys and aonic wards, it would still take time, and in that time the DA and others could surround the cage.

    In addition, how does he expect to just instantaneously leave the city? He would be on foot, even if he were to get out of the cage and escape the gathered parties that are present.

    Furthermore, threatening to get me in trouble when I’ve already said I’d be happy to discuss this matter with the mods is pointless.


  14. Quote

    @Darth Woodrack, We haven’t done anything to him yet, there’s no need to be unreasonable here. 

    As for the staff, the DA has some pretty durable and resourceful Denizens, many of whom have healing capabilities. In addition, how is the staff killing them? The Jackal can’t control it with investiture because the cage contains aluminum. It’s a carefully designed containment unit.l for powerful individuals, such as the Jackal. While he does possess many enhancements, the DA deals with enhanced individuals ALL THE TIME. Containment should be the least of your worries.

    Don’t worry, I don’t plan on killing him, but there are repercussions for actions in this rp. You’ve chosen for your character to engage in some highly hostile behavior against other players and guilds. Just because they are a player character doesn’t mean that they are invincible. We want people on the forum to enjoy themselves, but there are a number of in world reasons why this interaction would not go in the Jackal’s favor. I could have started with a twin born Denizen, or perhaps an unspeakable abomination that would have devoured him in the blink of an eye, but I’ve used restraint. The Jackal is in  Alleycity, a place that is right smack in DA territory. You’ve got to RP in creative ways if you want things to go differently.

    Multiple people have been establishing that there are many Denizens present, so it’s not like they needed to assemble or take time to get there. He mentioned his intent to leave before he ran, giving them ample time to prepare. The cage is by no means invincible, but it would take considerable time and resources to destroy. There is no reason for this to have gone any different, based on how you chose to rp.

    IRL, I have nothing against you, this isn’t personal in any way. I want everyone to enjoy themselves and be able to contribute to this collaborative RPing experience. But you’ve got to be conscious of others. I’ve gone out of my way to make sure I don’t steamroll over players I don’t agree with, or whose characters take positions that are directly opposed to mine. I understand that we’re all trying to have fun.

    So let’s try to keep our discussion rational, and if you have a major complaint, I’m happy to discuss it with the mods either publicly or in a DM.


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