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Article Comments posted by Pattern

  1. On 12.12.2018 at 10:47 PM, Argent said:

    I don't know, still seems fine to me. You can also get to it by going to magic.wizards.com and navigating to the Story page linked in the top bar.

    The link worked for me - after some meddling with language settings in my firefox browser. Problem at first was, that preferences switched to German page version for me - where the story obviously is not linked. After switching language preferences to en-us first, en second and de third, the link worked.

    This problem might also accur with other browsers and languages, so inspecting your language settings might help to fix problems with the link.

  2. Grace called for a physicist, so here a short explanation:

    You can't apply quantum mechanical principles like changing a state by observing it (projecting the system to an eigenstate by measuring) to macroscopic events due to decoherence. Many particles interacting with each other will lead to classical behaviour if not brought into a very special environment (like with Bose Einstein condensates). So Frost observing the cosmere does not change events in the cosmere.

    An experiment showing this effect of decoherence is when you repeat the Young double slit experiment (which orinally shows interference patterns with electrons) in a heated environment. There you get a classical result with two maxima. The reason is that the electrons interact with heat radiation (photons) an therefore their coherence is disturbed - leading to a classical intensity distribution.

  3. On 4.8.2018 at 10:19 PM, ladymxdnight said:

    When I read that line the first time I thought Tarangian was pretty clearly saying half-shards contained spren that were capable of forming the Nahel bond - I was shocked when I heard this episode and realised other people had a totally different interpretation. 

    I still don't see a reason why there should be a different interpretation. Taravangians words are pretty straight forward, I don't see a hint for "metaphorical" speech. "at another time would have blessed a Radiant" can only mean Radiant spren or cousin spren. Whether it's true or not is a different question.

  4. On 30.5.2018 at 5:52 PM, thejopen27 said:

    Alternatives to the dawnshards that could be hidden in Akinah... Unmade. What if Akinah is where the Radiants after the False Desolation hid the trapped Ba-Ado-Mishram there or Dai gonarthis is trapped there. 

    I feel the Kaza Interlude implies something monumental hidden in Akinah.


    "I cannot speak", the cook said, "even to sate a dying demand. There are those who culd pull secrets from your soul, and the cost would be the ends of worlds. ..."

    One or two captured Unmade don't sound dramatical enough.

    Note that - until now- Odium has just splintered Shards. He did not destroy any world - though he had some impact on the local magics. For example, Sel is a big populated planet with multiple flourishing societies, although most of the Investiture of Devotion and Dominion was stuffed into the Cognitive Realm. Threnody might suffer from the Evil - possibly a result of Odium's fight against Ambition. Anyway, also this planet is not destroyed.
    It is possible that Odium has to destroy the planets in the Greater Rosharan system to get out of his trap as a last resort and the hidden stuff in Aimia would help him with that. Destroying every planet would be a bad strategy for the Shard that wants to be called Passion, though. Not much of that would be left when all is vaporated.

    Another thought: It is not necessarily only Odium or Sja-Anat as a proxy of Odium who could be able to pull secrets from souls on their way to the Beyond. We have seen one of the IRE in Shadesmar, there might be other cosmere-aware agents waiting and fishing for information. A Dawnshard in Mraizes cosmere collection would be a rather prominent piece.

  5. About the Fused and the black spheres:

    As far as I understood the Fused, they are Cognitive Shadows having highjacked a Singer body. The Cognitive Shadow is not able to or not willing to share the body with the soul of the Singer, while a Voidspren is content with residing in the gemheart.
    I don't see a reason why the Investiture making up a Cognitive Shadow should not be able to be stored in a gemstone. I assume the spheres Gavilar is in possession of, are normal spheres and not spherical Perfect Gemstones, since they are mostly being guarded by the spren in Shadesmar. The Unmade can be trapped in those big gems, I don't think a normal gemstone would be sufficient for an Unmade. So digging up an old (~2000 years) Perfect Gem filled with an Unmade seems to be much harder for Gavilar than getting "normal" spheres filled with Voidlight, Voidspren or the Cognitive Shadow of a Fused - however he found those.

    I would ask if Kelsier's Cognitive Shadow stapled on a new body technically is a Fused and if you really can call a Fused without a body "Fused". It still has to be fused with a body, after all ;-)

  6. About Voidbinding -  there is this WoB about the number of voidspren: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/176/#e8462

    I would tend to think that Khriss and the in-world Voidbinding chart are wrong with the number 10 (in-world the reason for this could be the influence of Vorin culture and their obsession with the number 10). Here my musings about Voidbinding:
    First we have the Fused - cognitive shadows taking bodies from Singers - who use Voidlight to access surges. If it uses Voidlight, it should be called Voidbinding. The Fused are given access to the Surges through Connection to Odium, perhaps comparable to the Heralds with their direct Connection to Honor.
    Second we have the Regals, Singers with a form of Power, who have captured a Voidspren in their gemhearts. Most likely there are nine varieties of them, and they also should need some form of Investiture to do their funk. Voidlight is just quite invisible (dark violet glow should be nearly invisible in daylight if it's not concentrated in a sphere that seems to suck in the light around it and if the Regal does not use too much of it), so we haven't seen them use Voidlight, yet. The Regals would correspond to the KR, who also access the Surges through spren.
    Ba-Ado-Mishram probably has found a way to provide the Forms of Power and access to Voidbinding without the captured voidspren - perhaps creating voidspren of herself. Re-Shephir also is able to split off Midnight Essences as separate entities, so BAM might also be able to do this.
    Third there is Renarin, who voidbinds because he has bonded a corrupted Nahel spren. Renarin uses Stormlight, so we have a hack of the magic system here. What Renarin does, definitely is not typical for Voidbinding. It's more like Vasher feeding on Stormlight instead of Breaths.

    Last there are the first humans who came from Ashyn. They were called Voidbringers by the native Singers. Their Surgebinding would have been some form of Voidbinding, since their old God was Odium. How they got access to the surges, I have no clue to.

  7. On 6.1.2017 at 2:01 AM, ccstat said:

    Thanks for another splintercast! I can't wait for the rest.

    (I say Nale the same way you do. Don't let those "nail" weirdos give you grief over it.)

    Can't wait for the rest, too!

    I also read Nale as "Na-le", heard Brandon pronounce it as "nail", but still keep reading him as "Na-le". Brandon somewhere said, that pronounciation is the reader's freedom and so there is no point in arguing about that. We all get what you mean, even when the pronounciation differs from our own.

    So, looking forward to the next episode.

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