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Posts posted by blad3mast3r

  1. are you doing a particle "stormlight" effect trailing off szeth?


    How demanding will this be CPU/GPU wise?


    are you doing realistic physics? ( example, hallway full of vases/guards. can u knock these over? how about lashing objects? right click?)


    also, how do you breathe in stormlight? is it automatic, or do you have to hit a key?


    can yu cut holes in any game object? 

  2. So, the other day that song "fancy" (iggy azalea) was on the radio, and I thought:


    -"hey, if you replaced "I'm so fancy" with "allomancy" you could do a cosmere parody! And It could be Kelsier





    The problem… I have not been able to think of any lyrics after that.


    So, fell free to succeed where I have Failed.



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