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Posts posted by AerionBFII

  1. Animated but in a few years. 

    Over the last few years animation has been getting a lot more attention, a lot more respect and frankly a lot better. It would be the best way to get a good coherent story without shrinking Roshar, Scadrial or the Cosmere down to a few locations. The budget for Stormlight for example would have to exceed Rings of Power to even mimic a fraction of how good the books are and how vast the world is. I think with the right animation studio it could be beautiful and not cringe worthy like a lot of Live action adaptions.


  2. "Sleep is good, and books are better" 

     George RR Martin

    “I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read.” 

     George RR Martin

    “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one..."

     George RR Martin

    “The great thing about reading is that it broadens your life”
     George RR Martin



    • I love all the Cosmere books but I've never been able to finish any of Brandon's non-Cosmere works.
    • Most of the humour Brandon writes is just not landing for me, there have been funny moments but when the characters are trying to be 'witty'..yeesh. 
    • Some dialogue is clunky or straight out of an action movie, Kaladin's speech to <A certain character> feels like Kal was rehearsing it in his room for such an occasion. I read Joe Abercrombie  after a Cosmere book and for me personally the character dialogue it felt more natural, like a human interaction.

    All that being said I've read these books for years and for all my moaning I'll be picking up the next.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Gray to said:

    So I just finished book 6 The Lord of Chaos, and I have no idea who the Lord of Chaos is. Is it Demondred? Do we learn in a future book? I'm just confused as to how I missed this and it makes me worried that I missed other obvious stuff

    I always assumed it was a personification of the chaos the Forsaken were told to create, famine, misinformation, suspicion, war etc.


  4. I was reading Wheel of Time for the first time when Sando took over, I was really impressed how he took over from another author and was able to emulate another authors writing style while staying true to his own. I would have preferred if RJ could have finished it but I was impressed enough to check out his own work.

    I'm not ashamed to admit I really struggled with Elantris and Emperors Soul (which I later came to love) and really enjoyed Mistborn but........ Stormlight..... Stormlight Archive really rocked my world. It was on that read that I notice a couple of things that made me really suspicious (I had no Idea the Cosmere existed at this point) enough to Join the 17th Shard and again, my world was shaken to it's core. Reread followed reread and positive fan interactions on the 17th shard made the fandom enjoyable and I'm still here. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Quinnton said:

    Hey everybody! My Name is Quinnton or Quinn, I go by both. I’m new to Brandon Sanderson and the cosmere in general. I’ve started with way of kings (epic fantasy is my favorite sun genre) and I’m on page 185. Im going to school for video game writing and fantasy/Sci-fi writing and I’m Non-Binary and go by They/Them :)  excited to get to meet everyone and explore this amazing universe!

    Welcome buddy!
    I hope you have a great experience and be careful of spoilers!

  6. The only Lightweaver we see in any detail is Shallan, over the series she discovered her powers but was warned directly to not experiment with Transformation by Jasnah which would imply she has access to Transformation. I am fairly certain Lightweavers like all Surgebinders gains access to both access to both Surges at once, it is just that transformation was more difficult and dangerous to use. If you exclude her childhood experiences with Lightweaving I believe she soulcasts blood before consciously lightweaving. 

    I think which ever Surge you manifest first is one you just have a natural affinity with, like how Mistborn generally have some metals they are better with. It's irritating because the KR we are familiar with were progressing on their own with no instruction, perhaps it is different from order to order with some wriggle room but I know Lightweavers have access to both. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Torol Sadeas said:

    Perhaps you are right. But wouldnt such a death make a lot more sense if it happened in RoW? 

    I dont know how you feel about it, but to me it would be extremely unsatisfying to see Kal just die after he finally made some progress at the end of RoW. Idk i think it would just be bad writing to have such a large arc about his mental health with almost no reward.

    A sacrificial death would be the absolute worst way to end his story in my opinion. 

    Oh I agree, I don't want Kaladin to die hahaha he is my favourite SA character but I think by the end of book 5 he will die, that's just what I feel will happen.
    I think the pay off from the mental health arc will end up being that Kaladin will move on from what has been holding him back and he will learn to grow and forgive himself.

    But the more I think about Stormlight 6-10 I am struggling to see where Kaladin fits into it, he seems to become more and more mythical by the day and he is revered by the end of ROW. I can't see how he'd be sat back letting others be in the limelight or in danger without having a major role. I mean it would be difficult to tell the story of these more minor characters without Kal overshadowing them.

    I think Kaladins legacy on Roshar will consist of overcoming adversity and being an example to others.

    My ideal Kaladin ending is him traveling the Cosmere and taking a break

    Mistborn era 1 spoilers


    I didn't want Vin and Elend to die in mistborn era 1 but it happened.

     Elend particularly had learned to grow into being an emperor and he was doing a great job but still somehow Spook ended up being emperor? I was always baffled by that decision to be honest. I thought Elend had virtually no pay off.


  8. 23 minutes ago, Returned said:

    I think that seems plausible. Do you think that Taravangian's "save them all" comment might have been referring to the Shards, rather than the people of Roshar (and elsewhere)?

    I'd read this WOB if I were you (If you haven't already): https://wob.coppermind.net/events/460/#e14622
    It's probably got the most detail of what's coming until we are able to read what happens.

    I think Taravangian becoming Odium will change a lot of things for the Listeners, the War and the Cosmere but Odium will still be the big bad at the end of the day. Taravangian is a 'For the greater good' kinda guy but he is essentially holding the Shard of a God's hatred with none of the other balances (sense of Preservation, Honor etc) it will be constrained by Taravangian but he was never a 'good' guy. He will have a vision of what to do going forward and if anybody disagrees with him... well.

  9. 1 hour ago, Radiant-Twinborn said:

    Ok, so most of us know the famous, 'Honor is dead' line from Stormlight. But I am confused about that. We see other Shards getting their vessels killed, (Ruin and Preservation) and they just had another person get their power, as they became the new host. How could Odium kill Honor without a new host showing up? 

    The difference is that the Shards power was splintered, broken down in to tiny fragments specifically so it cannot be picked up by another.
    The reason Odium has splintered other Shards is specifically so that they could not be picked back up and so he cannot be challenged. 
    The death of a Shard can take centuries, when odium splintered Honor if somebody picked it up before he died completely the splintering could have been prevented. If the vessel was killed without the shard being splintered or somebody else picking it up the Shard would eventually gain sentience.


  10. 1 hour ago, Torol Sadeas said:

    In RoW there was a lot of almost religious rhetoric concerning Kaladin, not only from the humans in Urithiru, but even from Moash ("the only hand that can kill Kaladin Stormblessed is his own"). 

    I noticed this and this is what makes me think that Kaladin will die in a blaze of glory and be remembered as a legend or almost like a myth. I feel like he's destined to become a Rosharan patron saint of the downtrodden, soldiers on the battlefield and the mentally ill. 

    We've seen this trend in some of Sandersons other work where characters we love who die become the centre of a religion, or almost mythological. I feel like this is Sandersons way of keeping them alive in the Cosmere for the fans who love the characters so even centuries later they are still involved in the Cosmere long after they are dust. 

    Imagine reading the Mistborn era 4 and a character does something ridiculous and doesn't die and  somebody says "By Stormblessed's nuts"

  11. 13 hours ago, CameronUluvara said:

    Navani wallows is self-pity all the time, and I hate her because she refused to respect Dalinar's religious beliefs and completely violated his boundaries. I can't understand why he's with her, he deserves someone who respects his beliefs and doesn't insult his intelligence.

    I've never got this impression from Navani to be fair, I really liked her. She was the one who he turned to about the visions and helped him confirm he wasn't going mad and she was very patient with not asking questions. I felt like this was one of the romances Brandon got spot on but everybody is entitled to their opinion.

    Kaladin is my favourite stormlight character so I can't be to hard on her for the self pity party haha but she seems far better at getting over it and doing something productive.

    My biggest complaint about Brandon is that his humour doesn't always land for me. There are generally funny moments in his books but particularly Shallans puns and the whole boots scenario, But I can't abide Lift. She gets on my nerves something fierce and I know she is only going to get more prominent. I found Wayne irritating at first but the character really grew on me and the solid development of the character really balanced it out. 

  12. 1 hour ago, KoravelliumVsFrost said:

    Hi. So I'm wondering if all of Cultivation's machinations to get Taravangian to ascend are primarily motivated by revenge against Rayse, or if it is also part of a longer conflict with Hoid.

    I think Cultivation took out Odium because she sensed a weakness and he was a threat. I mean he was literally trying to annihilate all the shards so that was the primary motivation.
    There may have been an element of revenge to it for what he did to honor but I think she has held the shard so long her personality has been shaped to that of the Shard now.

    I think the reason she is offering to help Taravangian learn to use his powers as a shard is to prepare for the war of the gods that is building. I do not think Cultivation sees Hoid as an enemy or as an immediate threat, as for Taravangian I almost got the impression that MR.T would kill Cultivation in order to take up her Shard as soon as he can scheme how to do it. 

  13. 13 hours ago, slavagh said:

    Why have a champion then? It supposes to be different from Shard vs Shard battle. If it will be some Bondsmith stuff, the best match is Ishar vs Dalinar. Besides Ishar, who can fight Dalinar in the Spiritual Realm?

    The implication that fight is to the death, in a specific location and specific time tells me it is exactly what it seems to be. Western-style brutal fight.

    I agree that Sanderson is great with twists. But he is also great at delivering something you can see is coming in the most satisfying way. IMHO the best moment in the Stormlight is when Kaladin decides to save Dalinar at the Tower. It’s not a twist. It was something the whole novel was leading up to. My point something is that if the whole series was pointing at Kaldin as the main man, it wouldn’t necessarily be unsatisfying.


    I'd honestly prefer if Kaladin was the Champion and it would be very satisfying, I don't think the contest of champions would be Ishar vs Dalinar. It would be great to watch but I don't think it's the route the story will go. When Ishar came to his senses briefly he seemed completely aware of what was happening to him and he was horrified, Maybe while he's insane he does damage to Dalinar's side but I don't think his arc ends with him being hoodwinked by Odium.  

    Narratively we know we have 5 Stormlight Archive books to act as a sequel immediately in the aftermath (around a Decade) after the first 5 books are finished and that they take place so it sounds like the only thing they 'win' is breathing room. Taravangian Ascended to replace a failing Rayse in order to inject a newer threat into the Cosmere which makes me think that it's going to get messy. Almost like the end of Marvel Endgame where they survive but Odium is released into the Cosmere but they are left alone to pick up the pieces on Roshar or the Oathpact keeps him Roshar bound for another year. I just don't think Taravangian will be sat on his hands, he can see further than Rayse did and a little clearer. 


    The implication that fight is to the death, in a specific location and specific time tells me it is exactly what it seems to be. Western-style brutal fight.

    I said it is just a feeling I have that the contest won't be as simple as everybody thinks, Sanderson has subverted the climax in nearly every book he has done. We are all sat here waiting for over a decade for this slugging match between champions and I am expecting some major twist. The language used in the agreement around 'Contest' makes me feel the opposite to confident. It is rather vague, it could range from a pie eating contest, a race, a fight or a spelling bee.

    I mean all I have is a gut feeling, I'd prefer a straight up fight to be honest.


  14. Since the inception of 'The Champion' idea I've been considering it more and more unlikely it will be some gladiatorial slugging contest and be something more obscure, I feel like that is too simple of walking out onto the sand and having a slugging match while the crowd waits with baited breath. I feel there will be some subversion of trope or loophole exploited here. This is Sanderson we are talking about and he's been on a trolling roll recently. 


    Since day 1 the fandom has thought it will be Kaladin because he's been the Radiant frontman or Dalinar because he seems to be the head honcho who has been dealing Odium but I don't think either of them will be the champion. I have no idea who it will be but I am leaning less and less towards Adolin, Dalinar and Kaladin. 



  15. 2 minutes ago, StanLemon said:

    I've never particularly liked this argument about Rashek. 

    First off, just about anyone and everyone would likely become complacent and at least to an extent arrogant if they went as long as he did without any real challenge. 

    Second, and more importantly. People's argument that he didn't use his full power against Vin and Marsh. My question is why would he? You don't use a bazooka against an ant. He was completely dominating that fight and quite literally the most the two of them could accomplish was ripping off his shirt. The ONLY reason he lost was because of a literal deus ex machina

    I am not disagreeing with any of that.

    Rashek effectively ruled the world for a 1000+ years virtually unopposed, an immortal with godlike power. Of course he was arrogant and he was complacent. I like Rashek as a character, I think he is probably one of the best and most interesting characters Brandon has ever made. But just because it's understandable why he was that way doesn't mean that's not what got him killed. My point was Rashek could have ended that fight anytime he wanted too. He could have annihilated Vin and Marsh and the entire Skaa army but he chose only used a fraction of his power. He saw Vin and Marsh couldn't hurt him so he chose to monologue and show off and it bit him in the ass. If he'd used his bazooka he'd probably have taken the WOA and used it's power again but he was hardly in control of his full faculties in the end and he'd been mentally twisted by Ruin until all he could do was virtually stare at the wall all day. What got him killed was a combination of his failing mental capacity, personal flaws, Ruins meddling and Vin being Preservations heir. He's still, oddly, one of my top 5 Characters though. 

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