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  1. Historically (at least on Earth) many lullabies have been dark and dreary. According to Wikipedia, lullabies seemed to be a way for mothers to voice their fears and worries. I was curious about how the lullaby might connect to Urithiru yesterday so I did some digging. Moogle made an excellent post about all known information about Urithiru here. Of particular note I thought was the idea of Urithiru being a centerpoint of many portals that connects the various cities of Roshar. Now if we reread the lullaby again, just taking off all instances of "sleep/my baby dear". We get something a little bit different: Maybe a formula for ancient travelers to remember how to use the portals? Moogle postulated in the above thread that Urithiru was a shortcut for people to get to places in a shorter amount of time. Lastly, I wanted to put in an idea that the monster in the strongbox was a Spren. It might not be Pattern, although we did know that Pattern/Cryptics and Shallan did meet each other before Karbanath. And that Shallan has 'forgot' or made herself forget. If the garden instance wasn't the only meeting, maybe there was other times where the Cryptics were part of Shallan's memories that she just didn't realize. TL;DR: But the words monsters and glow, leads me to suspect that it might have been a Spren trapped in the strongbox.
  2. It's just my opinion but I don't think its a foreshadowing that Shallan is the destroyer. When you're ten, everything you know, everything around you, your family. They are your world, they are everything you know. You believe that you know how the world works now. And so anything that changes that 'world' that you're used to, any shifts in that perception, makes it feel like it's the end of the world. To Shallan, maybe it was her mother's death, her part in the death, or even the deaths itself. Those things cause such a shift in her perception, such a discrepancy in her worldview, that it feels to her like the world has ended. Ngl, Shallan is my favorite. And I will and can write whole papers on the complexity of her character and why everyone should love her as much as I do. But I think I have gone off on a tangent so, TL;DR: I don't believe Shallan is the destroyer, or at least that sentence doesn't mean that she will be the destroyer. Also, I'm probably thinking too much on this but the lullaby that her Father croons to her, am I the only one who thinks it could be something more? A way to Urithiru perhaps?
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