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Posts posted by Caldain

  1. Mary Poppins is almost definitely a Feruchemist and possibly a Forger as well. The flying with the umbrella, the infinite space, her creepy timeliness, it's the only way.


    I'm going to have to object to that one.  She's obviously a Time Lord, no ifs ands or buts.

  2. Well, I personally am a little harder on Mosh and Kal for trying to kill Elhokar.      The more that you think about it, the stupider it is.


    Elhokar - may not be great, but he is trying and now taking advice from Delinar.   


    First -   Maintaining him in place is a major act for stability which is important.


    Second -  Both the assassian in white  AND  many of the other Highprinces want Delinar dead.


    Third - If Delinar was killed - who would be the next in line - Not Adolin - he's mostly good, but he is not the leader that his dad is and would already have his hands full as the Brightlord of his fathers estates.


    Fourth - With both Elhokar and Delinar gone - who would REALLY take over.       If you need a small himt, his name starts with Sad and ends with eas.




    They both know that at least TWO MAJOR forces are already working to take down Delinar.     So killing Elhokar is basically giving the kingdom to Sadeas.     That is just so so stupid!   


    Who has the weakest army at this time - Delinar!        Who is considered to be massively delusinary and mentially unstable - Delinar


    If Elhokar was dead, Sadeas would immediately move from trying to assassinate Delinar to a short quick overpowering military attack to take down the Mad dog - for the GOOD of the country.      He already had most of the Highprinces in control.     Who would even try to stop him - No one!



    I can see Moash being this stupid and blinded by his hate.       But Kal is supposed to be a pretty bright character and very insightful.    But  he did not show it here.




    Edited to add additional justification:


    Kaladin might be a smart guy but a politician, he isn't.  I don't think he understands or cares about the nuances of Lighteye politics.  He generally hates the Lighteyes so I don't think he's subscribing to the Kholinar Times ;)

  3. Hey Ookla,


    Thanks for the interest.  Right now we're at four people and I'm currently checking people's temperature to see if we want to add additional members though we are looking to keep things relatively small.  We do submissions every Monday night and feedback every Friday night (generally, anyway).  I'll probably post something here in the next few days once I hear back from everyone. 

  4. Hey Megalodon,


    It doesn't look like it, at least with the people that initially were interested.  From the email I sent last monday, I only received your reply and Tyson's.  So, I think I'm probably going to start removing names from the shared folder and we'll accept one more person to make our number four. 


    If anyone else wants to make a group of their own, more power to them.  However, four people is just more manageable than 7 or 8 and its easier to keep a smaller group accountable.  I'd rather not wait any longer to get this started.


    So if anyone from the original group that expressed interest can respond to my email from last week by the end of today, then I'll keep your name on the list and the group will be maxxed out.  If not, anyone else that was interested can shoot me an IM today and I'll go on a first come, first serve basis.


    As to a google hangout, if its possible we can do one depending on people's schedule and time zone, then great.  If not, I'm more than happy with some thoughtful and well written comments.


    Megalodon, if you want to post something now.  Feel free to do so and I'd be happy to read it.  As long as we get the group of four wrapped up tomorrow, I'm going to set the submission date for next monday night.

  5. Actually, it just occurred to me that with Blackwood, we'd have 8 so we could potentially split into two groups of 4 which would be easier on everyone.  I'm not sure how people break out into different time zones but that might be an idea.


    Lime, do you have a chart of who is in what time zone?

  6. Hey everyone....


    I sent out an email on Monday to your gmail accounts so please sound off and let me know that you're still alive ;)


    Blackwood, sorry I haven't gotten back to you.  I keep forgetting to look at my messages but we're already at capacity.  But I'm waiting for roll call to make sure that number still stands.  If someone drops out for any reason, I'll let you know.

  7. Also did anyone else feel a bit like they were in Neverending Story near the end and start shouting at their book  'THE WORDS KALADIN!'


    Absolutely this.


    I went from pleading to the book to crying (manly tears, mind) and dancing around the room.  Such a great scene.


    Also, the Nightblood reveal made me drop my book and go "Holy F".  That was such a big surprise.

  8. I listen to many many audiobooks.  Kate Reading is great.


    Agreed.  I will admit I had some trouble with her voice at first when I started listening to the Wheel of Time Audiobooks but both her and her husband are fantastic.  I've heard some bad ones before but Kate Reading is not one of them.


    And I might be alone but I rather like Pattern's voice ;)

  9. Yeah, I think with seven people we're officially closed on admitting any new members.  That shouldn't stop anyone from forming their own, however.  Of course, we may have room as we go forward, depending if people want to drop out for whatever reason.  I'd like to keep this group going for awhile because I know I could benefit from a writer's group.


    As far as what stuff to submit...I'm still not sure yet.  I'm working on a book currently but its still in the rough draft phase and I'd like to finish it and let it sit before doing anything with it.  I have a couple other story ideas that I might use for the writing group and I can knock out 1k words or so in a couple hours so I should be good.  It'll be nice to have something to think about other than my novel.  But most likely, it'll be a story rather than a collection of little shorts.  I think I drove my friends and family nuts last year with all the little random bits i sent them.  They'd want more of a particular story and I had already moved on to something else.  What can I say?  Commitment is hard work ;)

  10. Sorry it took me awhile to respond, it was a crazy weekend.  I apparently cannot hold my mead the way I used to.  The life of an aged dwarf.


    Anyway, we have 7 total people for the group.  


    I am still waiting for Hawke to shoot me a message with his gmail account so I can add him to Google Drive.


    Lime - I appreciate you being the one to tackle the time zones.  That stuff always hurts me brain.


    With Words of Radiance about to destroy our social lives for the next few days (okay week for those who like to take their time reading), do people want to start next week or the week after that?  I believe we were looking at a monday or tuesday submission day.  Word limit would be 500 to 1000 or perhaps at most 1,500 words?  I'd like to make it manageable as to not overload people with too much to read or critique.



  11. Hi Hawke, go ahead and shoot me an IM and I'll add you.


    We're currently up to seven members now which is great, going to keep this thread going until the end of the week.  Depending on how many we get, we might want to split into two groups based on compatiable time zones.  But we can revisit that later.  Right now, I think, more the merrier.

  12. I've added Delightful so we're currently up to five people.  Thanks Lime for working out the times, all those timeszones make my head spin.  I'm thinking we continue this thread until the end of the week and see where our numbers are, not that it precludes people from forming their own afterwards.  I just want to get this highstorm a'rollin'. 


    If we need to, we can defintiely split into two groups.

  13. If you want to see Brandon talk about it, that's in Lecture 1 of his lectures. They've ben uploaded in another thread.

    Basically, it's when a small group of writers gets together and submits about 1000 words each week. The group then critiques that work, usually without the input of the original writer.

    That brings up a question. When will the submission date be? (I vote Monday/Tuesday, because I tend to write more on the weekend, but I don't really care.) And when will we get together to discuss the pieces? I mean, comments are nice, but it would be great if we could use the chat on each piece to talk it over with each other. Are we okay with 1000 words? I would be willing to do more.

    Yeah, I just finished watching lecture #1 and it is definitely worth watching if you've never been involved with a writer's group (which I haven't).


    The point of offering feedback to provide your perspective of the piece.  What worked, what didn't work, how the story made you feel...things like that.  


    As far as the submission day, I would say Monday would work fine.  As far as the amount of words, my feeling would be that we should have at least 500 words but no more than 1,500.  Everyone has different amount of available time to write and read other people's work so we just need be cognizant of that.


    And yeah a group chat would be great, I haven't done one yet but I'm pretty sure we can do a Google hangout where everyone hops on at a predetermined time and discusses the previous weeks submissions.  As long as we do it an orderly fashion, we spend 5 to 10 minutes on each person's story and then move on to the  next, it should go well, I think.


    But that raises a question about where is everyone from around the world because we could be looking at three people in midwest america, one in japan and another in the UK.  So we'd need a day/time that would work for everyone.  I'm EST and am usually available in the evening.

  14. Hey folks,


    So the topic of forming a writer's group came up in a thread about Brandon's 2014 lectures so I've created this thread to coordinate things without derailing the other thread.


    So far we have 4 people who are interested.  I think we want to keep the number to around six but depending on the interest, it's possible that several groups could form.


    The people so far:







    So we would have room for two more members in this group.  If anyone else wants to join up, please reply to this post.


    As far as the means of communicating, Limelleth mentioned using Google Drive which has a very cool comment section for people to make comments.  I've already taken the liberty of creating a folder on my google drive that I can share with people.  If you have google plus, you can message me on here and will add you. I think it's probably the easiest way to coordinate and centralize things.


    But if anyone else has a different idea, feel free to speak up.


    This is a judgement free zone!  We're writers looking to share our art with other writers and to gain new perspectives.  More importantly, we're looking to grow in our craft.


    So if that interests you, post below.  


    Thanks folks :)


    Edit: A good point, Limelleth.  I should have thought of that.  It's not my primary email account but still a good idea.  Anyway, I've since edited that out.

  15. I would definitely be interested in forming one as well.  I like the idea of a group being a small handful of people that will read each other's work and critique it.  I always appreciate my friends reading my work but when the only comments I get back are "It was really good." I get annoyed.  That really doesn't tell me anything ;)  I can't grow with "good"!

  16. In other news... I'm more excited about playing Deus Ex (the first one) again rather than anything coming out in this year. Man that game rocks (A bit off topic, but whatever).



    It was such a classic game, great writing with plenty of choice.  I had such high hopes for Invisible War and it was a little dissappointing.  Human Revolution was a step in the right direction but nothing can compare to the original.


    My favorite line in that game was when JC is leaving liberty island for the last time..



    "Take your best shot, Flatlander Woman."

    "How did you-" *KABOOM*

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