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Posts posted by taveren

  1. we don't know for sure how powerful he is at any point but i suspect he could have done a lot against the lord ruler with just his lightweaveing since he has knowledge on his side. no one else really knew what was going on with the lord ruler and his powers

  2. i've seen a quote from brandon that kelsier doesn't like or maybe hates hoid but never anything about why. the only reason i could think of is that kelsier believes that hoid should have taken care of the lord ruler instead of just poking around for info and new powers. if there was any other info or if you can think of a different reason please share

  3. Perhaps Shardplate is formed of multiple minor spren. Like the cloud of windspren that follow kaladin when he flys, maybe they will become his armour. it seems unlikely the armour is a single spren given that it can be dismantled into multiple pieces.

    i posted that on this thread months ago its like the second post

  4. Jondesu brought this up on anouther topic but i thought it warented its own thread. If lift was on a diferant planet and ate food would she still turn it in to stormlight. lets assume this world has a shard. i would assume she coudl get her surges to work in someway so maybe she would turn it in to that planets native type of investiture. That could be very strange on nalthian if she was makeing breaths.

  5. Hmm, would Lift be able to metabolize food into Stormlight when she was on another world, or does she need the food infused with Honor/Cultivation's investiture on Roshar for that to work?



    this is a very good question her surges should still work on a planet with a shard but maybe the investiture wouldn't be stormlight.

    could she turn food in to breaths becuase if so that would have strange implications

  6. any tampering with luck would have an effect on other people in some way. if you roll a 5 and someone luckyer rolls a 6 that doesn't make then unlucky but you could call it unlucky to be playing them. also ta'veren are forced in to places they need to be as well

  7. My opinion is that he uses luck. Since "Storing weight" is actually storing mass (WoB), I see no problem with storing luck to actually be storing whatever it is that would put you in a certain favourable position. Inworld names for things are sometimes inaccurate.


    So, Hoid would therefore be storing (In mass amounts) a cosmic thing that urges him to do things a certain way to direct where he wants to go. I don't think storing luck can affect others, only yourself, so the word "luck" wouldn't apply. If you're lucky in a game of chance, its not only your own rolls that determine your luck, but everyone else's as well, whereas feruchemy can only be given and taken by the person who stores and taps.


    Do you get what I'm saying? Or did I make no sense whatsoever?

    sounds like he made himself ta'veren

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