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Chasm Climber

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Posts posted by Chasm Climber

  1. Na, not buying the he's under a canopy explanation, I had thought of that too.   It's repeatedly stated that nothing stays dry in the weeping on their trip out to the center, let alone the Everstorm/Highstorm, yet Sebarial is dry.  Something is up I say.  Of course, there is no solid evidence, but like I said I'll keep my eye on Sebarial.  

  2. Sebarial was inexplicably dry during the final scene in the Everstorm.  Dalinar thought that to be pretty much impossible given the rain and wind.  Maybe he it's as simple as him having found the secret to the moisture sucking fabrials that Navani uses.  I will certainly be keeping a suspicious eye on Sebarial in the future, I think there is something very different about him.  What it is, a world hopper, herald, or whatever I don't know, but I have a feeling there is something going on with him.  

  3. Hoid.  She is going to get with Hoid and become his world hopping partner.  That is the ultimate scholarship for Jasnah, to search and understand all the world, not just limit her to Roshar.  Just read how annoyed they are with each other when she shows up and he's waiting.  First sign of true love, I say.  ;)

  4. @Kurkistan and all those thinking about possible purposes of the lines on the map and weird moon patterns of Roshar. 


    Has anyone put out the theory that Roshar is part of a Binary or trinary planet group or something similar?  With the moons being actual planet sized bodies.  I have thought it might be the case since TWoK.  I think it would just fit Brandon to write something like into Roshar.  It would also help explain the crazy non-normal seasons that they have, and possibly could influence the weird highstorm pattern as well. Since we know highstorms are predicted by complex math, and calculating orbits of a binary (or more) planet group would certainly fall into the complex catagory.  Brandon seems to like a physical explanation to the strange aspects of the worlds he writes, and I really can't think of much else that is semi-possible to explain the crazy seasons.  I guess it could be a crazy axis wobble or something as well.  What do you all think?

  5. So I don't think anyone has brought this up yet.  On page 513 with the shard plate art pretty much ends the discussion over which way Shallan will go  ;).  


    Shallan has drawn Adolin in his shardplate, he is the one in Ironstance in the lower left.  Right above that she has him with face plate open and "SIGH" written under it.  Of course the kicker that seals the deal is that she double underlined "sigh."  If it had been single underline then I could see her leaving Adolin for Kaladin, but not with the big double underline.  ;)


    On a real note I'm not sure which way she'll go, but I sure hate love triangles.  First read I thought Adolin for sure.  Second read through I leaned more towards Kaladin.

  6. Ok so I have lurked for awhile now, and I haven't seen anyone talk to much about the Ryshadium and I find them very interesting so here goes.  


    I think that there is a lot more going on with the Ryshadium than we know at this point.  Wit/Hoid who knows a whole lot about what's going on in the cosmere and on Roshar has this to say,



    Those horses, the Ryshadium...those had surprised him.  He was glad that there were still some things that could do that.  



    When Hoid is surprised by something... well we should take a closer look, and expect some awesomeness.   


    Also they Ryshadium know when their master is in danger. See Gallent charging through the entire Parshendi army to try to save Dalinar in WOK. I also recall the time when Adolins friend after the battle on the plains refuses to drink with him back in the war camps because Adolin is unpopular.  Sureblood attempts to confort Adolin:


    He often did that when Adolin was feeling annoyed, as if trying to improve his master's mood.

    pg. 333

    There seems to be a direct emotional link between the Ryshadium and their rider.  I perosonally think there is a link very similar to the Nahel bond, but obviosly not with the same powers involved, that goes on between rider and Ryshadium.  I suspect this will not play a major plot centric role in the series, but it is part of Brandon's great world building to have these intelligent BONDED horses on Roshar. We know that only the "worthy" can bond with the Ryshadium.  Sounds a lot like the Nahel bond to me.   


    These, plus the quote that has been mentioned about the only the radients having Ryshadium in the beginning, really makes me think there is something going on. 


    Personnal side theory: Sureblood's death and loss of the bond will leave cracks in Adolin's soul and open him to a possible Spren bond.  

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