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Posts posted by fastlindyrick

  1. poco-lego-ideas.jpg

    Sanderson fans, especially Skyward fans!  I just submitted a Lego Ideas set featuring the DDF Poco from Skyward, based on the artwork by Ben McSweeney.  If we can get 10,000 votes of support, Lego will consider making it into an official set.  Supporting is free, you just have to make an account with Lego.  (This prevents people from bot-farming votes for themselves.)  Please consider supporting and/or passing this info to friends/groups who might be interested.

    How you can support this potential set:

    1. Go to https://ideas.lego.com 

    2. Click “log in” link in top right and create an account. 

    3. Go to the Skyward submission at https://ideas.lego.com/projects/36f34d66-8aa5-4e82-a09b-af966300d379 (or search for poco or skyward) and/or have a look around and find additional projects that you like.  You can vote to support as many submissions as you like.

    4. On the Skyward submission, click on the yellow “support” button in the top right.

    That's it!  You should have gotten a pop-up saying thank you and suggesting other projects with similar keywords.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

    Elantris. Yes... the city of Elantris.

    Thanks so much for the compliments!  Elantris is on my list for sure, though maybe not until later this year.  I've already started making notes for it, though.

  3. Hi!  I've posted some of my lego Sanderson fan art here before, but I finally made a dedicated site for it.  The page with Sanderson stuff is at http://www.secondbrickfast.com/index.php/brandon-sanderson-art if you are interested, though the sidebar also shows a few albums for a couple other authors.  Spoilers abound, but I did my best to outline the nature of the spoilers in the text before each album.  Still, if you haven't read everything by Sanderson, I suggest avoiding albums as necessary.

    If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.  Thanks!

  4. Hi everyone,


    I just finished a fan art album of Keep Venture.  There are some mild spoilers for near the end of Mistborn: The Final Empire.  It's a Facebook album but it's public so you shouldn't need an account to view it:




    I also attached the first photo here in case you prefer that option.  I plan to do a few more scenes from the Mistborn series, so if you see any errors or have suggestions, please let me know!  Thanks!


  5. Does anyone know the colors (as in livery/uniforms) for the highprinces?  Here is all I could find so far:


    Kholin: blue

    Sadeas: green (primary) and red (secondary)

    Sebarial: his banner is golden skyeel on a black field, so presumably gold and black?

    Aladar: white and dark green

    Roion: ?


    I am particularly looking to add Roion's info and to correct any errors in the list above.  This is for some more lego fan art, so I need to figure out what color parts to order for some army-building.




  6. My wife already said the chasmfiend should be named Spike, but Charlie is cool too.


    I definitely want to do some mistborn builds sometime.  So far all I have is the first pic in this album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10204700061809489.1073741838.1474667500&type=1&l=7ec045ffd3


    We were just talking about it tonight -- I'm thinking maybe I'll start with a mistborn chess set to match my stormlight chess set, to flesh out the characters before a full build.  I've got some cool special effects planned too.  I want to finish part 5 of WoR first, though.

  7. Thanks everyone!  You guys are all so nice.


    Chaos / Kobold King / Botanica / bookspren, the chasmfiend is actually a giant pain.  He falls apart very easily.  He needed to be fully articulated so I could pose him, which means he doesn't have the structural integrity to stay where I put him (hence all the clear understructure).  That said, he's the only thing I've kept together aside from the minifigures.  I will love him and pet him and he will be my squishy... [creepy voice] forever.


    Patrick Star, when I posted this I thought to myself, "I hope Patrick Star responds with another disturbing yet amusing meme."  This wasn't disturbing, but great choice anyway.


    Dihatimus, I wasn't really sure how to make Wyndle, but it sounds like he turned out ok.  He was certainly easier than Ym's freaky spren.

  8. Gleeman: I've never figured out how people estimate the number of bricks in a design.  Comparing to the official lego sets, I'd guess most of my designs are in the 5,000 to 10,000 range.


    Joe: cool!  He actually shared it on Facebook too, but for some reason his shared posts -- or at least this one -- show up on PCs but not mobile devices.  Weirdest Facebook bug I've ever seen.

  9. Twenty@20: On the chessboard, Pattern is on the front of the rock that Shallan is standing on.


    Unhinged: I did one back in March for The Way of Kings, but I'm planning a much better one for part 4 of WoR.  Hopefully I'll be done with that album in 2 months.  If you want to see the old one, it is here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10203527555737570.1073741830.1474667500&type=1&l=d7de9ddc50 , in the second half.  (That was one of my first albums, so I find it a bit embarrassing now...)


    king of nowhere: here are links to parts 1 and 2, and the smaller Way of Kings album is linked just above.

    Part 1: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10204046680875374.1073741833.1474667500&type=1&l=f1ba0bd743

    Part 2: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10204588445459150.1073741835.1474667500&type=1&l=a5db382e61


    Thanks for the interest and support, everyone!

  10. Thanks everyone.  @ The Only Joe, there 2 albums together took about 3 months, and I spend maybe 10-15 hours per week doing this stuff.


    @ Delightful, the Bridge 4 members are Sigzil (the dark skinned one), Hobber (gap-toothed smile), Rock (pot instead of spear), Skar & Moash (both fierce with long dark hair, but Moash is the angry one), Lopen (one arm and chauta), Teft (greyish hair), and Shen.

  11. DSC01, I don't know if Brandon's aware of this particular album, but he's reposted my albums several times before.  Also, Peter is aware of this particular album, so I'm sure he'll share it with Brandon if he thinks Brandon will be interested.  I notified him the last 2 times I posted albums, so I don't want to pester him, but thanks for the suggestion!

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