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Posts posted by ccstat

  1. Do we know if everyone feels the Thrill or just those with shards? It seems Sadeas gets worse after taking the blade. Maybe the unmade have more effect on shard holders who arent bonded.

    We have WoB that even darkeyes feel the Thrill, so it is definitely not restricted to shardbearers. Also, when Taravangian arrives in Jah Keved he says that the fighting has been so terrible because the Thrill is there now, rather than hanging out just in Alethkar. So it seems to be pretty universal.



  2. Shallan's viewpoints, especially her flashbacks, show her mind blanking whenever she starts thinking about something she's hiding from herself. This most frequently involves events surrounding her mother's death, specifically her initial bonding with Pattern, his manifestation as a blade, etc. She confronts this specific memory at the end of WoR, but as many have pointed out there are still mysteries in her past that we don't know about.


    In the flashback chapter 27 "Fabrications to Distract," I found these two quotes:

    Nobody in the manor knew where Helaran went when he left.

    She lost track of time, staring at a blank sheet of paper.
    Perhaps he [Father] did not wish her to be able to speak of things she'd seen. She stopped in the hallway, her mind going blank.
    The second instance is a clear case of her coping mechanism, but what about the first? Did she stop thinking about Helaran for similar reasons? Does she actually know what he's up to?
    Taravangian speculates that perhaps Shallan had been trained to surgebind by her brother. I initially discounted that as ridiculous--clearly Shallan was discovering her powers on her own. However, if Helaran was off surgebinding with the Skybreakers and Shallan knew about it, she would likely block it out of her mind because of the connection to Pattern. I think it likely that she knew, and possible that Helaran did in fact help "introduce" Shallan to Pattern in the first place.
  3. Props to the OP! I have been trying to figure out what the Szeth-Odium connection is. Those "everstorm approaching" premonitions as Szeth is about to arrive had me confused for a long time. I'd finally come up with a (bad) theory (about how the Honorblade made him aware of Braize and Taln's screams) and was about to post it when I found this thread. The Yelig-Nar idea fills in the holes for me and makes much more sense than what I came up with. 

    Also, that WoB you quote also had me confused before, but reading it with the Unmade in mind makes it quite clear.

    Consider me convinced!

  4. I read it the same way Kurk did: listeners can see more of Shadesmar than humans can, so they see more of the spren's cognitive nature and they see them coming from farther away. 

    When Shallan views Shadesmar after the shipwreck she is astonished at how big and ominous the exhaustionspren appear on that side. And Pattern appears in his symbolhead version there, in contrast to his representation in the physical realm.


    That's not to say that angerspren and stormspren couldn't share characteristics, perhaps explaining why Eshonai associated them in her mind. (I don't think the windspren:honorspren analogy holds, though.)

  5. These stuck out to me as great finds:

    Q:  What are Oldbloods?

    A:  Oldbloods are the...years ago Alethkar was ruled by a different group of people.  A different, like, dynasty.  It's been overturned and it's been a long enough time that they're not really a threat.  But to acknowledge they're an Oldblood, they wear the tatoo that means, "We used to rule this place."  And so, it's just a lineage of people in a dynasty that used to be the kings of Alethkar.

    Q:  How do Alethi get married?
    A:  I will show you a wedding ceremony eventually.

    Q:  How did they come by the Dawnshard that Szeth got?
    A:  They historically kept all of them.

    It's nice to know that the Oldbloods are (probably) not yet another secret society. We have enough of those running around as it is. I like the historical color.


    Alethi wedding coming up: cue the shipping war.


    If I recall correctly, past questions of whether Dawnshards are distinct from Honorblades have been RAFO'd. Is that right, or is there WoB I missed? Would this response serve as confirmation that they are the same?

  6. Just a side note. I live in Atlanta, GA, but for some reason I dreamed last night that I'd gone to this signing. And at that signing Brandon answered all sorts of questions about Hoid; but more than that, Brandon wowed us all by revealing his pre-writing career as an Olympic javelin-throw coach. I notice that part isn't in your recording, so I'm guessing my dream may have strayed from reality a bit.

  7. Scanned the active posters for new numbers. Here are the range extensions I found. Some are only incremental, but a few close the gaps. Bold is a new hard boundary. Should be clear from the text, but italics highlight a lower bound while the rest are upper bounds. Unless I missed something, this should make 105 the lowest unconfirmed rank.


    845 already Shardbearer

    791 still Spinner
    549 still Kings Wit
    470 still King's tester
    438 still Ghostblood
    341 still Stormwarden
    645 still soulcaster
    298 still Silent Gatherer
    196 still High Prelan
    145 already Cobalt Guard
    128 already Hazekiller
    99 still Babsk
    74 still Idrian Monk
    64 already Obligator
    50 already Grand
  8. I think the driver was still Wit. He just lightweaved a little disguise to stop Shallan from hugging him again.

    I agree that it is still Wit in disguise. I've been trying to think of a motive for that, and hug avoidance is possible. I think it more likely that he didn't want to continue his conversations with K & A, but I'm still not sure.

  9. Mysty, I like your Hoid one. The final "Where is Hoid?" made me think of us here on 17S poring over a gigantic cosmere Where's Waldo. Which is kind of what happens.
    Live-->alive is n-->adj, and therefore much better from a grammar rule POV. I do still like the sound of living better, but I think this is the fix I'll go with.

    What's harder, Keteks, or Sonnets?

    Ooo, good question. My immediate thought was "Keteks, for sure," but on reflection that's not really true. I think it is easier to write a bad sonnet than a bad ketek, but a good sonnet is at least as hard as a good ketek.

    For me, at least, keteks are harder to write because the constraints take so much thought and revision before I get a workable version, good or not. Sonnets have fewer rules, so it's easier to pound one out that obeys all the "this is what makes a sonnet" guidelines. But my first-pass sonnets are almost invariably terrible, and it takes a lot of work to make them into worthwhile poems. I'm going with sonnets as harder because there is a lot more substance there, more words that have to work together.

    That all may have to do with familiarity, though. I generally write blank verse, but there was a period about two years ago where I was writing a lot of haiku and related forms. I then tried to experiment with cinquains, which are of about the same length but with even syllable counts instead of odd. It was so much more difficult to make the mental transition than I thought it would be.

    When I've written a sonnet or been reading Shakespeare, the next sonnet comes a lot easier than if I've just read Green Eggs and Ham. The same was true for the keteks: once I got going with them they started to form themselves much more easily in my mind. (Still haven't come up with more to post here, though.)

  10. Good suggestions. I've added the examples and categories mentioned.

    @EMTrevor, I couldn't find the tongue reference. Do you know where that was? If I can get a quote I'll add it to the list.


    I do think it is interesting that the heralds each have a body part association, but that is not same as the "body focus" found in the essences table.

    "Ash's eyes" kind of makes sense since she is called the Herald of Beauty. The others I'm still wondering about.

  11. This has a high chance of being intentional, but it stuck out to me as odd so I'm posting as a potential typo:


    I paid a lot of attention to the curses people used through the book. With Vorin speakers, each herald seems to be associated with a given body part: Ash's eyes, Ishar's soul, etc. Twice someone swears with "Nalan's hand." In another place, the phrase is "Talat's hand." (I believe it's on pg 632, Shallan speaking right before she hides inside the boulder illusion.)

    Talat is not a herald name as far as I can tell. It is close to Tanat, but not quite.


    It is likely that this is just something that doesn't fit the rules I'm trying to impose on the world. She could be swearing by a non-herald, or Talat could be a herald name. And maybe heralds share swear-associations in Vorin culture. "Nalan's hand" is used by Kaladin and by Adolin, so maybe the Talat vs Nalan difference is regional between Jah Keved and Alethkar. (The other curses seem consistent across all Vorin speakers).


    Anyway, wanted to point it out just in case.

  12.  I'm not sure that you can turn nouns into verbs for the keteks.

    This is a good point, and something I've worried about. The official description "allows for variation in verb forms," but I've got verb-->adjective, verb-->noun, and adjective-->adverb shifts here. When I analyze it, I feel comfortable with everything except verb-->noun, as you say. I think the others are justified. For now I'll leave it (I think it's just the one in Szeth's right?), but I am looking for other ways to have more non-redundant meaning in repetition.


    Also, most Keteks are written like "words/words/words/words/words" Not a judgement, but...you know. :)

    That's also true. I guess I'm just too used to line breaks in poetry. Having seen the beautiful way Navani wrote hers out into a single glyph, though, I'm becoming sold on the single-line version for keteks. 

  13. This started happening for me yesterday, and in my case it is definitely a browser issue. 


    Using Chrome in Windows 8, everything was fine through Saturday night. Then I tried accessing the mobile site using an Android phone (running Chrome), and after that something broke in my viewing of the site with the computer. Spoiler tags won't open, and none of the post formatting options are available--it looks very "html-y" as someone else said. However, that is only the case in Chrome. IE works fine on that computer, and Safari displays fine using a different machine.


    I'll update here if I figure out what caused the problem, or if it goes away. Hopefully this helps identify the issue if it is a problem for others.

  14. Thanks for the feedback, guys. I agree, Kaladin's isn't quite there yet.
    Here is an alternative Kaladin, and one for Mr. T. Both have room for revision, and both contain potential WoR spoilers.

    Failing again, never protecting,
    Oaths betrayed.
    Renew honor,
    renewing betrayed oaths,
    protecting, never again failing

    Brilliance without compassion
    required this action today
    for salvation, yet salvation
    for today's action, this requires
    compassion without brilliance.

  15. I've been trying to compose keteks for various SA characters. (I'm thinking to include them in karaokeang's WOR tour scrapbook.) Some are still giving me trouble--hopefully I'll be able to tweak them into presentability and post them later. These three are pretty close to final revision, though.

    I'd love to see what others come up with if you want to compose some too.


    Unheard screams

    own my life,

    still Truthless,

    still living,

    my own screams unheard.


    Lies held close

    dangerously hide

    self from self,

    hiding dangerous

    closely held lies.


    Protected, trained to heal;

    betrayed and wronged, overcome.

    Choosing honor, by honor chosen,

    overcoming wrongs and betrayal

    healing to train, protect.

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