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Posts posted by Ausar

  1. Okay this kinda needs clarification.


    What I mean by accomplishment isn't his best book, but what his written work has within. 

    Examples would include: magic systems, politics, or how his complex plots work.


    As since I just started reading Brandon's books, I don't have such a knowledge of the Cosmere and all of that, so I'll just post what I like and leave the topic to you guys until I read some his others books.




    My choice for an accomplishment is how he turned the gameplay of Infinity Blade perfectly into a story format.


    Infinity Blade was just an IPhone game that was fancy, but was still all about the gameplay. Brandon expanded nearly every aspect of the gameplay into a story point.


    The reason for one on one battles: Aegis Forms code of Honor

    Reason Character has armor 'from' father: The God King wants the sacrifice to happen so he can get the power of the Infinity Blade active so he gives the body of the last warrior to the people.


    Reason for the God King being in such a destroy castle: Isn't really is home, just a trap for the sacrifice.


    He used every aspect of the gameplay and turned into a plot point, expanding on everything while including his own mythos.


    So yeah, Infinity Blade. Awesome sauce.

  2. Infinity Blade: Awakening. Ausar being Siris.




    The reason the twist works so well is that not only is the reader given the backstory of an entire family fighting the God King as a sacrifice, and then we 'assume' that the family is related to the Deathless in some way, but then with one crossbow shot, the truth becomes beyond clear, and all the pieces fit to togther. Why Siris can wield the Aegis Forms perfectly, and why he has flashes of arrogance and corruption.


    And the awesome idea that most heroic, naturally pure Siris is in fact a Deathless even Radriar considers despicable? Well that's just the icing on irony cake. 


    But what makes the twist really  work is the game aspect. Remember, unlike most games with tie in novels, at the time IOS games were pretty barebones. It was literally all gameplay. Brandon turned everything in the game aspect into a plot point.


    And the main thing that the twist fixed gameplay wise was the concept of not having to regain all your experience every time you died. By making the family just one person, And don't forget, those who played the game were constantly told that this a tale of fathes avenging sons, and the twist would be even more effective for those who played the game first.


    Sorry for ranting but the fact is, Brandon literally used the gameplay mechanics and used it to create an awesome story with an amazing This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules twist. 



    So yeah Brandon, thanks for that This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules of a 'game'-changing ending.

  3. Since the only main Brandon series I've read was Alcatraz, I have to put a so far. But if I had to make a choice it would be Infinity Blade: Redemption, simply because it pointed out something that most people in sci-fi don't get: Mass Production of Teleportation devices is a literal recipe for the apocalypse.


    Also, freaking Radriar's backstory man. Dying for his subjects,  basically doing what's his father told him to do, 'redeeming' himself. Like I said, until I read the other series of books, this is my choice, so yeah, Infinity Blade: Redemption is awesome.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u09hFWKlYtI


    Okay, now this is a pretty cool bit of info.


    Seriously, it's the ring that causes the QIP disruption, not the Blade? One Ring to rule them all... sorry just had to say it.


    Also, I love the fact that the developers actually learned the lore Brandon made themselves, talking about QIP's and all that makes me really like Chair as a group.


    Also here's something you would only learn if you play the  IB2: Ausar had a wife who he brutally killed. (Ausar the freaking Vile man)

    Also, in IB2 the Worker messed up a deathless known as Thane, permanently disrupting his QIP, and in IB3, we fight a boss called Thane, who's called a QIP abomination.


    Also in three days the Ausar Rising update comes for IB3. Can't wait to see what they reveal about Ausar/Siris next.

  5. Yeah, I can tell that getting in the Cosmere will probably make me pull an all nighter again. Well, at least it has it might be explained in the future, unlike certain Infinity Blade characters.. freaking Uriel..


    But yeah, I'm definitely interested, but I also a major fan of the Infinity Blade stuff, so until I get my hands on some of the Cosmere books, I'll probably be in the non-cosmere section talking about that stuff. 


    Brandon Sanderson, able to create a gigantic world with just two novellas. Can't wait to see what he does with an entire series of books. 

  6. Just joined, mostly a fan of the Alcatraz books and the Infinity Blade novella's and basic story. Raidriar for the win! I'm obsessed fanboy at worst, bored analyzer of stories at my best. Seriously, I don't care if you respond, I'll post theories on anything.


    I want to read more more books by Brandon, and my favorite character so far is Radriar, simply because of the backstory and the ending. Kingly bastard.



    Anyways, pleasure meeting you all.

  7. Maybe this is illegtimate, since the novellas came after the game, but I would say my personal favorite is Radriar. In the Infinity Blade: Awakening we see how intelligent and controlling he is, and that layer of a sinister character underneath that calm nature. In the second book, we learn how he see's his so called oppressed subjects, and we see that even though he's a tyrant immortal, he considers his duty as a King more important than his life truly being destroyed. We see intelligence, charisma, twisted kindness, and in then, loyaty from Radriar.


    Also his armor is badass.

  8. Yo, just joined the the forum, and since Brandon Sanderson was the one who wrote the Infinity Blade novellas, 


    Since we've been told that the Infinity Blade universe is going to expand beyond just original trilogy of games, i'm curious about some of the many aspects of the plot that haven't been pointed out. 



    One of the many problems of the Deathless is that they love to be as ambigious and god-like as possible, so we only get snippets of information, but here some thing we do know.


    Apocalypse: The Previous Apocalypse that began this deathless world was the instantaneous mass-production and release of teleportation technology, which of course would be misused in every single possible way, such as terrorists, thieves, wars, bombs, teleporting armies. In other words, total apocalypse.


    Q.I.P = Sci-fi explanation of the Soul. The Deathless have modified Q.I.P's that are eternal, except when disrupted by an Infinity Weapon,. or if there is no living matter for the Q.I.P's to inhabit, hence the apocalypse event in IB3. The Infinity Blade required a bloodline with either a Deathless Q.I.P, or their children, impliying that the Q.I.P also has something to do with DNA and genetics.


    The Infinity Weapons/ The Redemer Device: The Infinity Weapons are the only things that can disrupt the Q.I.P's of a Deathless, other than the total destruction of all life. The Redemer Device is able to wipe a Q.I.P of it's memories and make them be reborn as a child, though the memories will return if one constantly is reborn through the normal way of rebirth.


    Cycle: It's implied in the books and the games that Galath has constantly destroyed and rebuilt the world, creating the ultimate infinite cycle.. until Ausar screwed it all up by throwing Galath in the Vault of Tears. Freaking Anomalies.


    Ausar the Vile: Ironically enough, the most monstrous Deathless of them all, if what everyone else has to say about him is true. The guy is implied to the most vile evil even in the skewed perspective of the Deathless, basically being seen as the Devil. We do know that Ausar programed Tel to constantly turn Ausar back into a memory-less child, but it's also stated that Worker was the person who first destroyed Ausar's memory.


    Ausar the Vile for all intents and purposes died on the Plains of Koroth, since he was then reborn as a child.


    The Anomaly: Galath, having access to the Q.I.P's of all the Deathless, is able to predict every move that any Deathless would make, but Ausar for some reason is unpredictable. We never got a complete answer on that.


    So yeah, I haven't even gotten to point of the thread and it's already massive.


    So, what is the deal with Ausar? What makes him an anomaly? And why is the Moon shattered? Did the Worker erase Ausar's memory, or did he do that to himself? And what the hell happened to Uriel? Did he die? Did he become a Deathless through other means? 


    Honestly, the idea of this story not continuing would drive me mad, simply because the questions it leaves behind are massive.


    And what about you guys? What's your opinon on the unanswered questions of the Infinity Blade universe?

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