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Blog Comments posted by Comatose

  1. As for enjoying Brandon's works from the beginning (I bought Elantris randomly soon after it came out, and have pre-ordered all of his other adult fantasies. He also led me to wheel of time, not the other way around) but am not being "in the loop" as far as unpublished things go (I even resisted reading Warbreaker until I finished MB3, and then I just couldn't wait any longer): me too. Though I get jealous sometimes, I must say, middle ground is not a bad place to be.

  2. For your chapter six comments: (Spoilers)

    I think the Lord Ruler's perfect memory might also be genetic: his uncle, Kwaan,had a photographic memory, even without his metal minds, so I took that to mean Rashek might as well. However, it is just as likely due to his feruchemy.

    As for how Alendi heard the wells pulses, one of the the epigraphs mentions something about Rashek believing he wore the "piercings of the hero" unjustly. I'm still behind the theory that these piercings were hemalurgic.

    And for Kandra, The Inquisitors can see the metals within a person's body, so I believe they would be able to see a Kandra's spikes, since the pure metal would contrast with the dispersed metals found in the rest of the body.

    As for chapter eight, I think Ruin has been influencing Vin in regards to the earring since it was given to her, building up attachment, so even when it is out, she still prefers to have it in. It's not so strong that she can't remove it, or won't for practical purposes. But there is, I think, a bit of irrationality in her attachment to it that has been caused by Ruin.

    Great comments, keep it up :D

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