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Status Replies posted by Mistrunner

  1. I'm taking the ACT tomorrow.


    1. Mistrunner


      Thanks, Bleeder. :D I may get only 3 questions right on the math portion, but I will destroy the other sections. *insert inspirational quote here*

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    1. Mistrunner


      I'm not alone! Twi, we should make a club. A club of two. Where we eat Hawaiian pizza and have no strong feelings whatsoever. It'll be a riot.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  2. Praise be to all the people here who have recommended Night Vale. You have expanded my mind. All hail the glow cloud.

    1. Mistrunner


      Thanks, Bleeder. :P You're indescribably generous.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

    1. Mistrunner


      Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who has no strong feelings towards Hawaiian pizza...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  3. Apple juice is amazing. So are animal crackers. Who decreed that they be labeled 'juvenile' foods? I'd eat them at a business meeting.

  4. Apple juice is amazing. So are animal crackers. Who decreed that they be labeled 'juvenile' foods? I'd eat them at a business meeting.

    1. Mistrunner


      I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my enjoyment of kindergarten snacks. :P

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Friends, I have seen Fantastic Beasts, and, needless to say, my fears for the Cosmere films have not been assuaged.

    If Fantastic Beasts is the Alloy of Law to HP's Original Mistborn series,  I am underwhelmed.

    Dear Lord please do not allow Cockney Ginger Introvert Matt Smith (AKA Eddie Redmayne) to invade our sacred Cosmere)

    1. Mistrunner


      I added you to the message I sent Twi. It's long and rambly and somewhat incomprehensible but I'm hoping it leads to actual productive discussion. :P

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Friends, I have seen Fantastic Beasts, and, needless to say, my fears for the Cosmere films have not been assuaged.

    If Fantastic Beasts is the Alloy of Law to HP's Original Mistborn series,  I am underwhelmed.

    Dear Lord please do not allow Cockney Ginger Introvert Matt Smith (AKA Eddie Redmayne) to invade our sacred Cosmere)

    1. Mistrunner


      Oh great noodles and cheese sticks I'm such a nerd

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Friends, I have seen Fantastic Beasts, and, needless to say, my fears for the Cosmere films have not been assuaged.

    If Fantastic Beasts is the Alloy of Law to HP's Original Mistborn series,  I am underwhelmed.

    Dear Lord please do not allow Cockney Ginger Introvert Matt Smith (AKA Eddie Redmayne) to invade our sacred Cosmere)

    1. Mistrunner


      I found the character of Newt one of the only redeeming features of the film. He was interesting, though it seems Rowling was trying to downplay some of the things that actually made him an interesting character. Wizarding America seemed to be entirely conjured from what happened during the Salem Witch trials, which took place in the 1600s. It seems almost as though Rowling didn't do her research. How strange!

      (is anyone willing to let me discuss this over messages I could write an entire dissertation on the various names for muggle in the wizarding world)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. And now, to share a brief word with you all: 


    That is all.

    This has been 2 AM Thoughts With Cam.

  9. Hey, anybody got a spare 1,400 dollars or so I can borrow?

    1. Mistrunner


      That's good to know. Thanks! :D I've mostly been looking at euphoniums- they're more common, it seems.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hey, anybody got a spare 1,400 dollars or so I can borrow?

    1. Mistrunner


      I'd also like a tuba and a nicer trombone and a Steinway piano but those cost about as much as a small house so I'm starting small

      I may have a problem

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hey, anybody got a spare 1,400 dollars or so I can borrow?

    1. Mistrunner


      I really want a baritone

      or a euphonium, I'm not picky

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. My profile picture is Kate Bishop now, because dangit, I need the confidence.

  13. Hitchhiking is good! Towels are good too!

    1. Mistrunner


      Sounds like it's time for a group hug, everybody. Bring it in.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hitchhiking is good! Towels are good too!

  15. Maybe listening to Newsies while doing homework wasn't the best idea. It's making me want to boycott this essay instead of write it. :P

  16. I've decided to change my profile picture to something that more adequately represents my current mental state.

    I wish I was a Kate Bishop, but I'm more of a Clint Barton.

    1. Mistrunner


      Yay! :D

      I just wrote a long explanation in Random Stuff that now is irrelevant. I hope you appreciate it anyway. :P

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. I've decided to change my profile picture to something that more adequately represents my current mental state.

    I wish I was a Kate Bishop, but I'm more of a Clint Barton.

  18. Everyone should try drawing themselves as a superhero at least once. It's awesome.

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