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Posts posted by Emaebe

  1. Elantris has different magic systems, I'm afraid. Little bit of spoiler regarding that:

    Magic in Sel is tied to the land. So each region has their own manifestation of magic.


    Actually, AoL is more of a spin-off but it has an upcoming sequel called The Shadow of Self. The second trilogy will probably come after the 5th book of Stormlight Archive. No idea when the third trilogy will be.


    I read about 100 pages of Elantris last night and i'm definitely enjoying it. Even though it's a different magic system from Emperor's Soul, it's still awesome per always! I need to go back to Emperor's Soul and compare maps (it's been a while since I read that novella, so I'm having a hard time placing those two books within the same world). I think I'll reread Emperor's Soul after finishing Elantris so that I can place them in my mind correctly.


    So AoL and The Shadow of Self are not the second trilogy within the Mistborn world...? Interesting. Anyways, I can't wait to read AoL since I just bought that. I'll be reading that after finishing Elantris and Steelheart. I wonder what time he is placing the second Mistborn trilogy in terms of how many years ago after the last book of the first trilogy.



    Mysty, on 14 Oct 2013 - 17:08, said:snapback.png

    If you need something funny, read Legion, his other novella. LOL that was a great read. (note hardcopies are out of print; it was a small print run, ebook and audiobook only) Can't wait for the sequel.


    And if you still need something brandon to read after that check out the Rithmatist. It's a YA book which feels to have a slightly younger target audience than Steelheart, but still quite good.


    There are also the Alcatraz books, aimed for middle grade readers. I haven't read those myself, but I hear they are good. however with a dissagreement with the original publisher they are hard to find right now. Brandon will be rereleasing them under Tor I believe. Be forwarnd that the 5th and final Alcatraz book will not be published for a while, also due to the dissagreement with the origninal publisher.


    I saw Legion on his book list on the website. I'll have to check that out. Too bad I can't buy an actual copy (I own lots of ebooks but prefer paper in my hands to an iPad!). I was definitely planning on checking out Rithmatist as well; the description seemed appealing to me and I enjoy the occasional YA fantasy!


    I might look at the Alcatraz books since I could probably read most of the series in an afternoon; you never know what you'll enjoy until you read it! 


    Thank you!


    Is there a timeline for his planned book releases somewhere on the forum? 




    cem, on 14 Oct 2013 - 14:44, said:snapback.png

    Once you read Elantris and the Alloy of Law, you'll have read all the published Cosmere books.


    So is the Rithmatist not part of the Cosmere books? 

  2. I was reading that Elantris was in the same world as Emperor's Soul which is why it was next book on my list. I am hoping/assuming that the magic system is the same with the stamps as that was the reason I loved Emperor's Soul so much. 


    I did not know that Alloy of Law was going to be another trilogy! That's very exciting (and another trilogy after that trilogy!? YAY!). I just read a bit about AoL and am interested in seeing more of the allomantic and feruchemical powers as well as how the world developed after ... well ... ya know the end of the Hero of Ages. I might need to check out those theory pages especially since I'm interested in some things which I might have been reading into at the end of the Hero of Ages regarding Vin and Elend. 

  3. Woot! I'm so excited for another Warbreaker! And, I've not had the pleasure to attend one of Brandon's signings; my friend did gift me with a signed copy of Steelheart on the first day of it's release (he went to the signing; I was working). Although, I do hope to lurk at one of his signings and get a picture with him or something (after all, I live in Utah!).

    I've become quite addicted to Brandon Sanderson's website and finally got up the nerve to delve into his fansite. Basically, I ended up just wandering over here as I was searching for some answers to questions which I had to Way of Kings and to search for more information for a possible sequel to Warbreaker

  4. Hello! 


    I'm new to this forum. I will most likely be lurking and searching through threads for information which I'm seeking in rather than posting [for now--that is!]. 


    I knew of Brandon Sanderson from the Wheel of Time series but did not think to search out his books. I recently picked up Emperor's Soul which I read in an hour. A colleague found out that I had just read Emperor's Soul and suggested I try Way of Kings or Mistborn. This suggestion came last month. Since the beginning of September, I have read...



    Mistborn, The Final Empire

    The Well of Ascension

    The Hero of Ages

    Warbreaker (Will Brandon Sanderson be writing another book within this universe?)

    The Way of Kings (I loved Kaladin/Syl--I can't wait for Words of Radiance!)

    Steelheart (less than half way through this book)


    I'm actually going to Barnes and Noble tonight to pick up Elantris and a paperback copy of The Way of Kings since I plan on rereading it (I read this book on an iPad and want a paper copy to read again; I also plan on buying a hardback copy from Brandon's store). Any suggestions for what I should devour next by Brandon would be greatly appreciated.


    Also, I've never played Infinity Blade; would reading his books be worthwhile if I have no idea what the game is about? 


    Finally, hello! Thanks for having me on your forum! I can't wait to explore all of the theories and get more from his books.

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