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Posts posted by AyeJay

  1. Why do you say that? Nothing in your post makes my statement incorrect.


    Schizophrenia is a mental condition, not a curse. I would hope, given the amount of care he took in handling depression and PTSD, he wouldn't use schizophrenia in such a manner. Especially given that it is the curse that drove Taravangian into being an antagonist. The implications of that would be disconcerting. 

  2. However, she didn't share all of it , she still kept secrets like her mother's death. I personally think it would have been more powerful if we learned what happened in the chasm's scene and not in Urithiru, but this really isn't all that relevant.


    edit: woops, wrong character


    She didn't tell him about killing her mother at this point because she doesn't remember what happened until the end of the book. That was the truth Pattern had been pushing her to confront the whole book, but she kept blanking it out. 

  3. We need our own thread so we can squee without needing to worry about defending our ship. I figure I might as well kick things off since I'm checking the other thread obsessively.

    To celebrate us having our own thread, I present this.

    So what got you all hooked on Shalladin.

    Me, it was when she smiled at him. That was amazing.

    Edit: the art is not mine, just something I tripped over on tumblr.

  4. I don't see Szeth having Nightbood as being good for him character developement-wise (note, this is not the same as me thinking this is bad writing). In WoK and WoR he spent most of his time pushing the blame for his actions off onto other people. It was the oathstone holder's fault for ordering him to kill, it was the victim's fault for not being able to stop him. He was truthless, none of this was on him. When he sees evidence to the contrary he is willing to believe the most flimsy explanation to explain that evidence away. When he is finally confronted with the truth, the guilt break him. Those deaths were all him. Even if someone holding a rock ordered him to do it, he still carried out the orders. Then a stranger came along and said it wasn't Szeth fault, but rather all of this was caused by the people who had named him truthless. Szeth grabs hold of this new form of denial with both hands, and then acquires a weapon who will happily justify killing 'evil' people. Nightblood isn't really known for his ability to tell good from evil, and it seems like the transition between worlds has turned off some of his attributes. In Warbreaker he would repelled good people (as seen in his first encounter with Vivenna) but cause evil people to go on a murder/suicide spree. This doesn't seem to be present here. 


    tl;dr: Szeth, unlike the other main characters, refuses to confront his issues. Nightblade will not help with this. 

  5. I think Shallan's mother was just scared of what her daughter was. After all, Shallan possessed powers, unseen from the times of the Radiants, and the only thing worse than a Radiant are Voidbringers according to Vorinism (at least my impression of it). In a very religious society, this easily goes the bad way towards killing the supposed Radiant. So, it's not necessary that Shallan's mother was something more than an overly religious woman, though it's possible that there was more to it that I've missed.

    Shallan's mother obviously learned her parenting skills from Stephen King.


    Shallan murdered her father.  She also killed her mother, although it was apparently self defence.  She also allows an innocent wagon driver to be murdered to further her own goals.  Doesn't seem too honorable there.


    Her father was being an immediate threat to her brothers when she killed him. The mother was most certainly self-defense (and probably a lot of flailing). She didn't allow the driver to be killed, she was too inexperienced to realize the danger she was putting him in. The bits where she lies a lot and occasionally steals things are her less-than-honorable habits. 

  7. Thematically Kaladin and Shallan's journeys have reflected each other. They are both avoiding family issues (Kal doesn't want to confront his parents after his little brother's death, Shallan's family is a total mess), they both traveled to the Shattered Plains in the same slave caravan, they interact with the same minor characters, ect. Normally this wouldn't mean much, but symmetry is important in Roshar. Look at the names and how the plateaus are laid out.

    On a humorous note, Shallan and Adolin's kids would look like Yugi Moto. This should not be allowed.

  8. You know...Navani has a lot of experience with choosing the wrong man and getting the right one later. Maybe she'll have some words for Shallan lol.


    It would be nice for Navani to get a chance to mother Shallan, it sounds like she missed out on a lot with Jasnah. Obviously Shallan's mother left plenty to be desired. I bet Navani would be able to pick up on things on her own, and then try to resolve things in a way that doesn't break the bonds that are forming between the trio. I very much doubt she would encourage anyone to remain in a relationship out of obligation. 

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