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Posts posted by snote

  1. They are also said to "Bind any creature voidish or mortal" At the end of OB they bound The Thrill inside of one. You can say "Probably not" if you like but we know next to nothing about what happened on Ashyn. So little that using it as proof of anything is almost meaningless. That's like saying the creature that strides the Storm that Kal and Dalinar see is the Stormfather. It could be, but we don't know what it is. So any speculation related to it is exactly that, speculation.

    Sure, what I'm saying is speculation too but there is a lot more evidence pointing towards what I said being true. So much so that I am next to certain that I'm correct. I don't make that claim lightly and don't have any more evidence than you do but I'm not going to ignore the evidence I have simply because something happened on Ashyn that we know literally nothing about. BTW, it was also said that the surges were what destroyed the planet. It could have easily been a war for the Dawnshards or the Stone of Ten Dawns shattering that was the catalyst for the burning of Ashyn. I mean, can you provide me with any other piece of evidence besides that to make me doubt my theory? If not, without more information, Honor's claim about them doesn't undermine my theory at all.

    Edit: Also, in the Prologue of Oathrbinger Gavilar says that with the right gem you could bind even a god. I've wonder over and over again how, if men are of Honor and originate on Ashyn how Honor ended up on Roshar. It wouldn't make sense for him to have always been there if men weren't. Especially with the WoB that says that the Parshendi were not originally of Odium or Cultivation but never of Honor. Why not? So, to throw out an idea of how the Dawnshards could have caused the destruction of Ashyn and how Honor wound up on Roshar, the Dawnshards might have been used by Odium through men granted surges, to bind Honor inside of it and then somehow they escaped to Roshar with Honor inside the gem/s. This one I *know* is a wild theory but it's an answer to the hyphothetical you raised, "I don't see how perfect gemstones would have allowed them to achieve that."

    I could spend hours speculating on how they could have been used to destroy Ashyn. Not being able to imagine how that's possible is not grounds to discount that it's possibe.

  2. Today while listening to OB I cam across a quote from the Rysn interlude spoken by Vistm. It reads,

    “As far as scholars can tell,” Rysn said, “the King’s Drop never loses its Stormlight. A stone this large should have run out after a month. It’s something about the crystal lattice, the lack of flaws and imperfections.” “They say it’s a chunk off the Stone of Ten Dawns.” “Another story?” Rysn said. “You are a romantic.”

    Upon hearing this I had this powerful eureka moment. I think that the King's Drop is a Dawnshard. It was a piece (a shard) from the Stone of Ten Dawns A stone containing ten shards of Dawn...

    Then, once you take that as the meaning of Dawnshard you get to the quote about them binding any creature voidish or mortal to make sense. As that's exactly what Dalinar uses the King's Drop for. Binding a voidish creature.

    I can see the part about mortals either being a problem that doesn't fit the theory, a changing of things by the church, or Rosharn superstition that didn't understand the true history. As it implies that mortals are men and the voidish are something different. Yet we know now that men are/were the voidbringers and therefore both voidish and mortal. Unless it implies it can capture heralds as well. Though I concede the dagger used by Moash was confirmed to not be a Dawnshard. Even though the gem might not have been included as part of the question or the answer.

    It may also explain why they were "lost" or no longer understood in the modern world. As it is said that money changers in Shadesmar had gems that held light perfectly, as well as one of those stones that were left in Urithiru with messages in them said, "We the Elsecallers have the perfect gems. Let it be recorded." or something like that. Which would make sense. In order to get them out of people's hands they took them to the other side and left them with the spren, as I guess they assumed it was safer than in the physical realm. This is all further down the speculation highway than I'd like to go but the part about the King's Drop being a part of the Stone of Ten Dawns, making a literal shard of Dawn or a Dawnshard is very compelling in my mind.

    Please let me know if you agree, or if this theory is unoriginal.

  3. I don't know how to spell Sirius's name either. So, don't feel bad. On a semi related topic, I actually think that the Aimians are somehow related to the Kandra. That since they are immortal and studying the very nature of the Cosmere itself, they started experimenting, figured out Shadesmar travel and some landed on Roshar. When they got there they started doing further experiments, this time with spren and other things like Stormlight. They figured out that intent is a huge part of controlling yourself and what you can do, as well as the world around you to some extent. That if you believed hard enoug, with enough investiture, then you could do just about anything. Also, I'm *extremely* curious about how the Sleepless are born. It has to be a ritual or something. There is no way it could be a "natural" event that would happen as we're used to. Unless there is some form of "Lynch Pin" cremling... OR, and this just came to me, they are Soulcaster Savants who released themselves from their bodies and figured out how to control creatures through intent. Oh My God! I'm a genius! Everyone, come listen to what I have to say, it's so important and worthwhile that you'll never realize how dumb I really am!

    Anyways, I've rambled enough. I'll say this. Your theory is so accurate I dare say it's as confirmed as the Clegane Bowl and everyone knows it's 100% confirmed GET HYPE!!!

  4. Hoid is a humunculus. 

    Hoid is not a "real" person. He was created by the "keeper" of Adonalsium to be their apprentice. Hoid resented this. When the 16 came to destroy their god, they felt that he might be a hindrance to their plans. Instead, he turned a blind eye to it. He was a present non-participant. In the madness, his master died. The master named Hoid, whom he should have loved.

  5. @TheBlueShifting

    Sorry, this is off topic, but have you ever considered making straight up theorycraft videos for the cosmere? While I do like your "Letters from the Cosmere" series, I think myself, and others, might be more on board, with your videos, if it wasn't made in the format it's in. I don't want to imply you do a bad job or that there is anything wrong with what you're doing already. I just feel like the way they are put together is a barrier to having a larger viewership. People like me who prefer just informative and interesting research presented as such, might be more likely to like/sub/comment. 

    I don't know of any big YouTubers doing Cosmere theories at the moment. There is a channel called "Bridge 4" whom I tried to talk into making Sanderson-centric videos. He just didn't care to do it. He loves the Cosmere stories, obviously by his name, but didn't want to take away from his other videos, which mainly focus on Game of Thrones and other popular TV shows. As the time and effort to make them, might not be as lucrative as making videos in the series he's already created. The difference is that you already focus on Sanderson's works, so it wouldn't be as big a time investment and detraction from your viewership's expectations. You are honestly the go-to channel for the Cosmere at the moment, to me at least. Meaning you have positioned yourself into a wide open market.

    Either way, thanks so much for doing what you do. It's really great stuff. You keep doing what you think is best for you. I just wanted to make a suggestion that hopefully you'll consider.

  6. On 3/13/2017 at 6:41 PM, Spoolofwhool said:

    Are you saying that everyone who disagrees with your speculation is wrong or that everyone who is offering a definite answer is wrong?

    Anyone who says, "We know "For a fact!" that what you're offering up for speculation is 100% incorrect." is just wrong to say that, based on what we know. I can't stand naysayers. I don't mind discussion and debate, that's fine, but someone who has half the facts going, "That won't work." or "Nope, can't do that." even though there is no reason to think otherwise or no way to know for sure, is just fundementally irritating to me. I don't have any problem being incorrect in my assumptions or my guesses. I do, however, get very defensive when someone who hasn't spent as much time looking at facts I've looked at says, "Nope. Sorry, you're wrong." Which, I feel, was *exactly* how I was greeted with this idea.



    On 3/13/2017 at 11:31 PM, Djarskublar said:

    To expand on @Spoolofwhool's fairly exhaustive explanation to make it easier to understand, there are some properties of Investiture that he didn't delineate that you perhaps don't know. Investiture usually comes 'tainted' by an Intent that derives from its Shard of origin. Stormlight comes from Honor, Cultivation, or some mix of the two, as well as some from when Adonalsium originally created the Storm and infused it, so Stormlight is pretty complex. Regardless of the exact mix, it has Intent aligning it with the Shard(s) it comes from, and the magic it normally powers follows that intent. Breath comes from Endowment, and that is why Breath cannot be taken, only freely given.

    This leads into the actual point: to convert Light into Breath, you don't just need to change its form and properties, you also need to change its inherent Intent, which is incredibly difficult to do, and there is only one thing in the canon at the moment that can do so. This isn't to say that it is impossible for anything else, it is just the only thing that can right now. That thing is Nightblood. When Nightblood rips the Breaths and then the very spark of life from a person, it is taking Endowment's Investiture. That shouldn't be possible normally, as I stated above, so it 'corrupts' the Investiture and changes its Intent. While this Investiture still exists somewhere, it is no longer accessible by Endowment, so it is effectively destroyed. To convert Light into Breath, you need to make something Honorable/Cultivating into something that Endows. That is much easier said than done.

    Basically, using Light to Awaken is somewhat similar to trying to use a windmill rather than a waterwheel for mechanical power. Doable, but requires some pretty complex hacks when you are talking about magic. On the other hand, actually converting Light to Breath is like trying to convert lead into gold. Also possible, but far, far more difficult.


    Can Breath be used to power Surgebinding?


    They are very similar Investitures, and most of the magics can be powered with the other magics if you are capable of making that happen.

  7. I absolutely don't want to beat a dead horse here. I just want to clarify a few things.

    Vasher doesn't *currently* know how to convert/use Stormlight as an Awakener's tool.

    So what?

    There are reasons that doesn't matter.

    He isn't the only scholar, nor is he the only one who has been off world. Both Denth and Shashara have been, at least one has been specifically to Roshar, if not both. (I'll find them exactly if anyone distrusts this.) according to WoB on the topic.

    One of the last things Vasher says to Denth is, "I know the commands to make you forget." As Vasher himself was ashamed of some of his past and, it was implied, wanted to remove it from his mind to allow him to forget his sins. It seems entirely possible that the process of how to convert Breath to Stormlight or use it in Awakening, whichever is required, is in that block of information he deleted from his mind.

    Also, someone said, "50,000 Breaths aren't all that many." True, but the scholars had so many more than that, that we know of. They had the phantoms, the King's Treasure, Nightblood, Lifeless, and on and on with research, staying alive, and lost/failed awakenings. I would say closer to half a million Breath were spent by them, if not more. I know I would be a lot more likely to spend a wealth of Breath knowing I can just pop over to Roshar and get as much as I want, without having to harvest them from the living. Not that the scholars were all that empathetic but it would definitely make things easier.

    I may be wrong about all this. I still stand very firm on the point that we DO NOT KNOW enough information about any of this to say definitively YES or definitely NO, when it comes to the question originally posed by me. I just thought it was interesting to postulate. I still would like anyone to chime in with what they think about the idea. If you can provide a definite answer, please do so. Just know that I am not trying to argue with anyone I think we all do and have agreed on all of this, except for one single point, which is that they didn't do what I'm suggesting. I say they're wrong and everything I can find says they are but whatever, I still would like to hear from anyone with anything to say on the matter.


  8. Okay, this is kinda frustrating. I feel like you're assuming they couldn't do something, we don't know if they could or could not do. We do not, at least based on the evidence that's been posted by you, know if they did or did not have the ability to interchange the two investitures on Nalthis. I say they did because everything Brandon has said on the subject says that all investiture is interchangable. At worst we don't know. Not that it isn't possible but simply that we don't know.

    22 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Yes. No one said it isn't possible, just that no one, as far as we know, is capable of doing it. Also, this still doesn't mean that you are able to convert one into the other.

    In fact, you did.

    On 3/1/2017 at 11:00 AM, Spoolofwhool said:

    Stormlight isn't breath. We've been told, or at least its been implied, that Vasher cannot awaken with stormlight. There is no reason to think that he can somehow interconvert between both forms of investiture either.



    Can Vasher draw Breath from a highstorm?


    I will answer that eventually... You know what, yes he can. Not Breath though, he can draw Investiture the way he needs it.

    and another saying exactly the same thing in a different way.



    Can Breath be used to power Surgebinding?


    They are very similar Investitures, and most of the magics can be powered with the other magics if you are capable of making that happen.


    What would happen to the Breath?


    The Breath would be consumed in the same way that Stormlight is. A renewing resource, much like Atium is.

    This in fact does mean it can be done. There is also the fact that Vasher is still alive, he is converting the Stormlight into Breath. Whether consciously or subconsciously. We know the Returned need a Breath a week to live. He is alive and that quote states it with no ambiguity, he is using the investiture on Roshar to do something that requires Breath. That is a conversion if you want to call it that. From my understanding investiture is investiture. The planet and who made it have a hand in shaping what its magic system does. Like if you gain the Stormlight equivalent of investiture to reach the 7th heightening, you won't gain the abilities it would grant if you had the Breath equivalent. At least not while you're on Roshar. You just simply have a bunch of Stormlight. (As far as we know, at least.) Because it was produce by the Shards of Roshar and not Endowment. 

    Also, think of it like this. Can Szeth use Nightblood? Absolutely. Otherwise the story would suck for him to have a sword he can't use. The problem, as far as we know, he doesn't hold any Breaths. So, can Nightblood use Stormlight to feed instead of Breath? Everything points to "Yes". The thing I'm talking about is the same. The pool of investiture can be used to fuel whatever system the wielder wishes, as long as the right amounts are held. It's the wielder, who has the intent and Shardic influence on them. They are tainted by whatever planet they came from and/or whichever Shard made them or the planet. I'm sure the investiture when created on that planet, also bares the taint I'm talking about, but not to the point it can't fuel other magics. It's still just investiture. There are tons of WoB and pieces of story that say, at least in different wordings, that this is the way all this works.

    I think I'm done trying to convince anyone of my thoughts on the God King's treasure. I don't see any evidence that says I'm wrong, just arguments that seem to change each time I post a piece of evidence undermining the last argument. Which wasn't what I wanted to do when I started this post. I wanted an interesting discussion or proof that showed it wasn't possible. I've not seen any proof. Though, there is a lot of proof that shows that everything about what I originally said was possible. The only unproven part is if the Awakeners at the time actually did it. Not if it was possible, just if they did. They knew about Roshar, they knew how to get there, the two are compatible and "Similar in investiture" (To quote Brandon). So, it is absolutely possible. Unless you all have some smoking gun quote, that I wasn't able to find, I don't see what the point in arguing about this would be, anymore. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree or something.

    Also, I messaged Brandon about this on Reddit, I'll post the reply, if he allows me to, when/if he gives one.
  9. Here's a WoB that implies, at least from the opposite direction, that you can use other investiture to power other systems.



    Can Breath be used to power Surgebinding?


    They are very similar Investitures, and most of the magics can be powered with the other magics if you are capable of making that happen.


    What would happen to the Breath?


    The Breath would be consumed in the same way that Stormlight is. A renewing resource, much like Atium is.


  10. I have always wondered how the scholars acquired so many breaths. I know, over a long period with the elderly and dying donating their breath to the them, they could definitely acquire that many. I just wondered if, since we know, that they were aware of Roshar and at least its Shardblades, (Since we're told in a WoB that Nightblood was an attempt to recreate one.) if they could have traveled there to start siphoning off its investiture and bring it back to use in their research. It would definitely be a more moral way of acquiring that much Breath. Send one of the five over to to Roshar, hop through Honor's perpendicularity, come back do a little research and keep themselves alive for a few years, go back. 

    Like a milk run, if you will.

  11. In one of the last, if not the last, vision Dalinar has, he was told, "It will be harder now, since we've lost the Dawnshards." It is then said that a Dawnshard could "bind" anything, voidish or other. I don't know what's implied by "bind" in that sense, I don't think it's ever really addressed specifically either. 

    I just had that as a fun idea. Any takers?

  12. I have been a fan of the numerical aspects of the Cosmere for a while. A couple things I noticed. One, I think Cultivation is 9 and Odium is 11. I don't have a huge amount of evidence for this but at one point, I believe it's Teft, curses by "Damnation's 11th name." Which is the only time in the books that I've found a specific reference to one of the other shards having a number associated with it.

    I like the idea of 9 being cultivation because of its properties, it's square root is 3, it's interesting multiplication mechanics where the two numbers added together are always 9. Also, with 11, it is such a clunky number to do anything with.

    Anyways. Just thought I'd add my two bits in.

  13. I think, if OP is correct and I feel he might be, in the journey Brandon is taking Kaladin on. That it might be important for him to be around his parents to learn the next oath. As in something like, "I will protect all lives without distinction. I will not show favor to those I love."

    If so, it needs to come fourth. It's a hard lesson to learn but a vital one perhaps. Soldiers are taught that all the time. Imagine you're a National Guard member and there is a huge viral outbreak. You're holding down the quarantine line and your sister comes and begs you to let her and her son through. Every emotional part of you is dying to let that happen but the very nation might suffer for it. How can you survive with yourself either way? Severing those ties might be important.

    Kaladin, now the only known KR with his level of military experience/fighting ability/power has just abandoned his liege, men, friends, and principles all to fly halfway around the world to check up on his parents. Emotionally, it's absolutely the right thing to do. Duty wise, even with permission from Dalinar, it was wrong. His duty was to stay and guard those who came to Urithiru. So, he should, at some point, have to make that oath. To dedicate himself to the needs of the many over the needs of the few. No matter their relationship. I could never do it but he can. (Not just because he's fictional but because it's the character that's written.)

  14. I take it no one likes my idea that his weakness might be a vulnerability to anyone who thinks he isn't smart? I also think that, if my theory is true, it might be why he didn't want people like Dave around. Someone that is a free thinker, isn't a sycophant, is capable of figuring out that Prof is an epic, and is adept at discovering weaknesses might be a threat not only to the Reckoners but to Prof personally.

    Also, keep in mind what Regalia says to Dave about Prof, (I'm paraphrasing from memory) "Is Johnathan still wearing his costume? The black lab coat and goggles?" Which implies there might be a reason for it, like it being a symbol or for recognition, but I feel like it's to mask or counteract his weakness. A lot like what Steelheart did with the propaganda unit Dave and Megan discovered in the power plant. It is Prof's way of assuring he's always seen as intelligent by those who see him. Even before they talk to him, just from a distance you would thinking, "That guy is wearing a lab coat, he must be smart!" It's a stereotype that almost everyone prescribes to. Also, he was a 5th grade school teacher, which is not an age group that usually calls its teacher "professor". 

    I can't see a reason why this isn't his weakness. I keep thinking about it from every angle and everything points to it being "likely". That might also be why he fled during his confrontation with Megan. She was capable of putting him in his own force-field bubbles. He obviously knows how smart he is and if that's his fear, he doesn't think of himself as smart.That might also be why Tia is almost always ops instead of being in the field.

    Sure she's useful as over-watch and for group coordination but it might also be that he's scared of her. Either because she is wise to his weakness or because she doesn't see him the way everyone else does (Due to her working for NASA or their personal relationship) and therefore he is vulnerable to her. It may also be true that he's keeping her back because he cares a lot for her and would never forgive himself if she were hurt or killed during a mission, either by accident or by his own hands. He knows (maybe from personal experience) that epics go after everyone they knew prior to their gaining powers, because those people are the most likely to discover the epic's weakness.

    Any thoughts, suggestions, or rebuttals would be greatly appreciated. Like, does anyone know of a reason that this theory doesn't work? Why isn't his weakness linked to his perceived intelligence?

  15. Prof's weakness is being seen as dumb. He talks about how Tia being his gf was the greatest day of his life. Because a NASA scientist was saying he was smart enough to date her. He wears his lab coat, uses chalkboards, and goes by Prof. All of those things go with being smart. I have thought about this a lot and think that has to be it. I may be wrong but I think it's a good guess.

  16. We know bits about their cohesion powers enough to know what it is meant to affect if not their full capabilities in doing so, and transportation does nothing of the sort, which in my opinion leaves their non-surge ability. And we don't really know any of those yet so extreme in the supernatural. But who knows.

    I'm sorry, where do we know this from? Is it a WoB? I have missed it if so, because I have read both books many times and never saw the description of the Willshaper's power. If anything though, the order's name would imply that they have the ability to control people or at least sway them. That's what comes to mind when I hear "Will Shaper" anyway. I can't say with any certainty what any of the orders can do except the ones we have directly seen in action. We have seen what, Windrunner, Edgedancer, Lightweaver, Eslecaller, and a bit of Truthwatcher. I am drawing a blank with anyone showing of Willshaper surges. I'm not being coy, I really want to know if I missed something. 

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