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Everything posted by Wyrmhero

  1. You would have to RP as different characters, yes, since you don't know who you are paired up with initially, and it may not be a good idea to reveal who your other identity is (Though if you and your partner decide that's the correct thing to do, there's nothing to stop you). I will never confirm that two players' characters are connected unless they die or someone uses an Action to find that out.
  2. Each player can only post in the Day or Night, so RP will be confined to that Turn. Otherwise, I am not sure what you mean? Spec Doc links will be sent out once the game starts.
  3. There's no name, it's just a generic town really. I am happy to take suggestions for names :P.
  4. QF22: Ghosts in the Night Or: Two-Headed Elimination The Ghostbloods are well-known for being a secretive organisation. It could be said that this secrecy is the only reason they have existed for such a long period of time. They carefully pick and choose their people, evaluating each individually before adding them to their members. They operate in small groups, each only aware of the one they report to and the others in their group. Everything has been done to minimise risk should one of their number be caught. The secrecy the organisation has thrived on has now bled completely through into the very lives of their members. It is said that a half-decent Ghostblood could walk out the door, and suddenly they would be a completely different person. A different face, different hair, all changed within a matter of seconds. It is for this reason that they are known as ghosts, an ethereal presence that many doubt even exists. But through time, they have become complacent, and their hidden nature has started to work against them. Their recruitment methods have become lax, slowly, and they have been infiltrated by their enemies. The Sons of Honour walk amongst their members, their own secrecy preventing them from finding out who they are. The order came down from someone - who, no-one knew - to purge the Ghostbloods of these people. The ghosts are grim, but determined in their task. The Sons of Honour are their enemy, they know this, and if they are left unanswered, they will slowly dismantle the organisation from within. They must be eradicated before that can happen, if the organisation is to have any chance to survive. In the quiet, forgettable town that this division operates in, an unnatural hush has fallen over the night. The normal folk go about uneasy, keenly aware that something is not right but unable to figure out what it is and entirely powerless to stop it. Within the houses, Ghostblood agents make careful plans to deal with the threat from the Sons of Honour, using their skills of subterfuge and skullduggery to fool their neighbours, friends, and even their family. But when every potential threat in the town is two-faced, how can one tell who is a friend, and more importantly, who is a foe? The Rules The variant is the same as a normal set of Elimination, but with one major difference; At the beginning of the game, the GM assigns half the players to be Day Players, and half the players to be Night Players. Players are then paired up, Day/Night, until everyone is in a pair (all pairs will be completely Village or completely Eliminator). In the event of an odd number of players, one player is both Day and Night. Day Players may not post in the main thread unless it is the Day, and vice versa. The pairings between players are hidden, and only the player knows who their partner is. However, all players start the game aware of whether each player is a Day or Night Player. Each player pair shares an Alignment and has the same Role, and they share a Role/Action PM. If a player dies, then the paired player dies with them. Day Players may not talk in PMs unless it is with their pair. Players may talk to their other half via the PM, regardless of whether it is a Day or Night Turn. In the event of one half becoming inactive for a complete Cycle within both thread and PMs, the active half may request to the GM that they take over both Day and Night. This will be stated to happen publicly if it occurs. During the Day, Day Players can discuss in the thread and place votes for another Day Player to lynch. Night Players cannot be voted for. This Turn will last for 48 hours. During the Night, Night Players may target other Night Players with their Action and if PMs are open, talk to other Night Turn players. Day Players cannot be talked to via PM or targeted by Actions. This Turn lasts 24 hours. There are no cross-Turn Actions. It is possible that the game will be Role Madness, but not by any means definite. Rollover will be at 9PM GMT, and the game will begin on Tuesday 14th at 9PM GMT. Roles Assassin - The Assassin's job for the Ghostbloods is to take out anyone who may be a threat. They have the ability to use a Kill Action every Night. Backup - The Backup has been trained in one of the other Roles, but lacks the go-ahead to use his skills. If a player with the Role that the Backup has dies, then a Backup is randomly selected among the eligible Backups to become that Role. The Backup Role cannot be detected until they become that Role. The Backup is aware of their Role. Hired Goon - The Hired Goon's job is to be a target while other Ghostbloods carry out a mission, and is hardened and tough in combat. The Thug's first death is nullified. Messenger - While at least one Messenger is alive, players may send messages to other players within their Turn. Shadow - The Shadow is able to conceal his own nature, and potentially that of another as well. Players targeted by the Shadow's ability cannot have their Day Player, Alignment or Role discovered. Spy - Who said that the Ghostbloods didn't have their own agents amongst the Sons of Honour? Each Night, the Spy may dig up information on a player, confirming whether or not they are a Son of Honour. Stalker - The Stalker is able to stealthy follow a player back home each Night, and is informed the identity that they go by during the Day. Strategist - The Strategist is privy to knowledge that most are not. Each Night, they may use their Action to discover another player's Role in the organisation. Surgeon - The Surgeon's task is to prevent the deaths of the Ghostbloods. They may save a player (excluding themselves) from death each Night. Alas, despite the theme of the game, Kas is buried in work, so I have no co-GM. Anyone want to volunteer? Mission Countdown Quick Links: Player List
  5. I wouldn't say that they're 'insanely' powerful. Strong, yes, but within the story for the most part the particularly strong Planeswalkers are ones that get their strengths from elsewhere and were around pre-Mending - Bolas from the Conflux, Liliana from her pacts with the four demons, Ob-Nixilis because he is a demon, and Ugin is strong due to his transcendance of the Colour system of mana, and Karn has the Legacy Weapon and the Might- and Meekstones embedded within him. For the most part, if you ignore the hax present within story-based Planeswalkers, they are effectively just normal people who have an innate understanding of magic. Canonically, that's what they're meant to be, anyway. But I don't see the problem with going up against stronger enemies than normal, for that matter. Planeswalkers are out-of-context and larger than a single world's problems, so it makes sense that they would be dealing with more world-shattering events than normal people, especially when you are not bound by physical methods of transport (though admittedly it is difficult to Planeswalk to a specific place). MtG has a lot of strong antagonists you could use, from constructs of mana such as demons to other Planeswalkers to non-Planeswalker creatures of might, such as Alhammeret and so on. Nahiri's kind of in a corner here, character-wise. If you were using her, I feel it has to be an alternative history where she decides to not go nuts and destroy everything because she believes Zendikar is unsalvagable. Having said that, I am not against the invalidation of the current MtG storyline and the creation of an alternate universe :P. I don't think you can use her after the events of SoI/EMN without entirely changing her character. It would be pretty cool for Karn to create his own task force to act as an insurgency against New Phyrexia, since he's meant to be doing stuff but we haven't heard from him for 7 years (seems about standard for MtG plotlines...). You could try searching for Koth, maybe try and find Elspeth and get her back, start running assault on Phyrexian outposts... That has a lot of potential, even if the story is mostly based on the plane of New Phyrexia/Mirrodin/Argentum (depending on how far back you want to go with names :P). Karn has enough knowledge about the rest of the Multiverse to be essentially a quest-repository, so fairly easy to get a campaign set up there.
  6. It's not free-to-play (Costs £7.50 a month, but there is a free month's trial available), but it is cross-platform with PC and PS4. Also PS3, but they are discontinuing service on there due to the age of the technology. Personally, I've played a few and I'm never really sure about F2P MMOs. They have a disappointing trend of going downhill, as they almost often start incorporating pay-to-win elements in their shop rather than cosmetics. The only one I have played which has managed to avoid this entirely is Path of Exile, which is another really good MMO that knows what it's doing.
  7. I started playing this game about a year ago on PC, and then stopped between April and Christmas until I started playing again with a friend or two. It's the MMO I've played for the longest time without a doubt other than maybe Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine. I've just done a bit of content with a player called 'Kaladin Kholin', so I wondered if they were on this forum or not. But aside from this 'I Saw You'-style ad, what about everyone else? Does anyone else here play this MMO? And if anyone does and plays on the Phoenix server (unlikely considering it is an EU server), let me know!
  8. Recently, Wizards of the Coast has been releasing little bits of roleplaying fluff for D&D 5th edition for each of the worlds that we have recently visited during the main story of MTG (Zendikar, Innistrad, Kaladesh). Now, these are just bits of marketing for D&D/MTG rather than tried and tested rulesets, and some of them contain a few omissions (such as not noting that Aetherborn do not need to breath) or questionable design choices. Having said that, I am unsure how balanced they are ruleswise, as I have not played 5th ed and do not know the rules. However, regardless of what they are and how they have been implemented, these rules have put me in the mood, yet again, for an MTG roleplaying game. As someone who has only really played Pathfinder as a fantasy pen-and-paper system, my idea would simply be to use those rules and, if the players are all Planeswalkers, give them all a Planeshift spell with either a longer casting time or a per-day restriction. However, ultimately I would prefer to run it as a freeform game. There are of course problems with this too, in that it can tend to be a bit directionless and conflict between players is harder to sort out, but it also means that it is easier to run and requires no knowledge of anything other than the setting (and not even that, arguably, if you are a new Planeswalker). As for the setting and characters, I would prefer to do something fairly current in terms of the timeline for MTG, though that would be more of a background than an excuse to interfere with the official plotline. Think Dack Fayden, in that he is around whenever the plot is going on but does not interact with the main heroes of the block. I would prefer Planeswalkers, as I feel that the main draw of RPing in the MTG universe rather than a specific setting is the ability to have the characters experience the multitude of worlds and to show cultures and ideologies clashing. I have a few characters that would be in mind for this - A BW human cleric/necromancer (in the original sense of speaking to spirits rather than zombie-summoning) from Innistrad who was designed because I hate Lilianna's presence as Token Evil Teammate on the Gatewatch, and a RW kor stoneforger, because I love the idea of stoneforging and there is a wonderful sense of adventuring on Zendikar. But, as I play MTG based on casual theme decks rather than competitively, I could pick practically any of the decks I have on Cockatrice (numbering over 150 by now, easily...) and create a semi-coherent and hopefully interesting character from them. If you were to take part in an MTG Roleplaying game, how would you prefer it to be run? Is there a system you would have in mind to formalise the rules, or would you prefer to do it entirely in roleplaying form with no dice and few hard rules ('few' as some, like the Colour of your characters, should of course be adhered to)? What would you want to do as a plot, at least to begin with? Would you prefer Planeswalker characters exploring the Multiverse, or non-Planeswalkers on a single world? What would your perfect character (or characters) be? Please be aware though, this is not necessarily indicative that I would like to start and GM an MTG RP/RPG. This is at the moment a few questions, just to see what people think.
  9. Well played everyone. I must admit, I thought we were done for at the end. There were so many failed kills on our part too. You guys just wouldn't die :P. I would also like to say that I do not recommend that anyone else does what I did and does everything in-RP. It's a real pain and requires a lot more time than playing normally takes, hence why I was not around as much as I would like. Could I ask about your Role distributions there? There are a lot of Smokers for only one Seeker (AG2 was the same, I believe, so it is understandable), but I am curious as to why you gave us a Lurcher and a Thug when there was only one Coinshot around. Was it just for the ability to WGG? For that matter, what made you pick three Mistborn? Certainly can see it would have been hard to predict/game the Roles, but I am curious as to whether there was any strategy you were subtly encouraging or anything.
  10. "I'm thinking that the so-called prophet is someone we should be looking at more closely," I said. Prophets. Anyone who claimed to see the future like that was a heretic. I'd seen enough charlatans trying to con decent people out of their money, but at least they never believed it themselves. People who said they could foretell the future and believed it of themselves were worse though. Honest criminality was understandable. But claiming to see The Lord Ruler's plans like that? Maybe even subvert them? That was a sin on a much greater spiritual level. But that's not a reason to suspect someone. I wouldn't let my dislike of his so-called visions colour the investigation. No, it was something else that caught my eye. A few days ago, we strung Carmichael up, Hoid was the one who started the dog-pile, commenting that it sounded like Carmichael was being all 'look at me, I'm still alive and it surprises me, I can't possibly be evil guys', with his commentary. Thing is, while I can understand why you might find it odd, he did exactly the same thing a few days ago with his comments on El's death. 'I have no idea why she was killed, when will they come for me, I can't possibly be evil'. Seems like he might've been fishing for a reason when it came to Carmichael. Plus he did the same when it came to our courier coming back into action. 'Poor evil guys, getting Tin like that, it can't possibly be me inconvenienced by this'. Not sure if he was a Mistborn or if he was just lamenting that his team was affected by this, but he certainly seemed to me to be acting odd.
  11. "I still do not trust the madman*," I said, tipping out my pipe onto the floor. Woulda called it littering, if it weren't for the fact that there was ash everywhere these days anyway. Sky was full of it. "He's been up for it several times now, and every time he's been saved late in the day. Now I would understand if it was a tight race, but sometimes the voting's gone completely the opposite way to how it was looking. That kinda reversal doesn't sit right with me. Looks engineered, and I'd go so far as to say it was." "And for what it's worth, Senn, I've been around. I've just been busy is all. Takes a while to think about these things, and life's rather more hectic than it used to be." *Three guesses who (STINK) I know I haven't been as active as I'd like this game, but life caught up with me in a big way a little bit in. With my self-imposed challenge to RP everything, coupled with early starts and long nights, it's been rather difficult to find time to post. I have at least tried to remain active enough to read the threads and post at least once a Cycle though, so I'm not inactive-inactive, just busy.
  12. Another day, another attack. 'Least today, no-one had died, thank the Lord Ruler. Seemed a bit weird to be thanking God for saving skaa considering how most nobles ended up treating us, but I guess that even He wouldn't want His property destroyed. But someone was still going around trying to destroy us, and in my mind, there was no-one more suspicious than the madman who had returned to, at least partial, sanity long enough to get one of us killed. *Still STINK. Orlok, I hope you're on your way to a speedy recovery.
  13. "I still don't trust the madman*," I said, lightning my pipe. Thank The Lord Ruler, assuming he was still watching over us, for the passing merchant from the south. Godspeed to him too. He left the town like an Inquisitor was after him. Can't say I blame him for quitting on us like that. He has no loyalty to this place. He didn't grow up here, make friends with people. Well, I guess I didn't grow up here either, but this place certainly became my home. I couldn't do a runner like he did. And that meant trying to figure out what was going on here. "He says a lot now, but manages to somehow say almost nothing at all." In my mind, that made him still someone to watch out for. *Still STINK
  14. "Jack," I said, resisting the urge to vote for him out of protest, "mind telling us why you've just outed a potential Seeker or Mistborn because you think you're more important to the village than a Coinshot?" Maybe El had the right of it when she refused to tell him what she was. "I mean, it's all very well to say you've been played, but I wouldn't mind some supporting evidence to say it was him."
  15. Hm, I guess El spoke up. Good, wouldn't want someone to die because they never said anything. Odd reasoning though. Why would you be so cautious if you haven't got anything to share? I'd keep an eye on her, maybe pay a guy to tail her. I was more curious now about the mad, supposed 'Mistborn'* and his behaviour. Perhaps that was a bit odd, to think a madman was acting oddly. I don't know, it just felt wrong to me. Call it a gut feeling or instinct or even paranoia. Whatever the case, he definitely wasn't helping to make matters clearer. What was the point of 'watching and thinking' if you never did anything with it? Very strange. Maybe a prod could get him to state some of these thoughts. *STINK, you do make it hard to refer to you in character...
  16. I stood in the crowd assembled in the town square, listening to Jack go and rile people up. Mob justice, huh? Yeah, right. There's no justice in mobs of any kind. Just a load of anger and pain that something in the world isn't right and that only violence will solve it. Leave the peacekeeping to people like myself. ...Well, not myself, not anymore. I wasn't an enforcer, hadn't been for many years now, I just investigated. The militia would be the ones making any sort of arrest. I looked into things and hoped to protect people that way. If I gave the right information to the right people, things would work out. That was the idea, anyway. How true it was... Well, that was anyone's guess. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness, I've heard it said. Some days though, felt like cursing would do more good. But you know, as much as I hated myself for it, I could see where Jack was coming from. Why his words had the effect on the crowd. Maybe there was some Allomancy in there, I don't know. But his words made perfect sense to me. Why would Arinian lie about Jack's innocence to us like that? Sure, you could construct some kind of reasoning for that, but really, only sensible answer was that he wouldn't. So Jack and the rest we could take as trying to help us rather than hurt us. So in that case, why would you not tell the guy what you could do? Jack didn't seem like a gossip, she could've even just impressed on him why it was so important he didn't squeal to anyone else, so why did El simply not tell him? Simple answer - It would incriminate her.
  17. To confirm, it was Stink, as his names are apparently various, making him hard to refer to in-RP. I will edit my post to contain that.
  18. I went for a walk around town to clear my head. Lord Ruler, I needed it. The hangover had developed into something worse, and it was all I could do to crawl out of bed this morning and make it in to the office. Of course, soon as I did, I got almost barreled over by that madman who claimed to be Mistborn, whatever name he was going by these days*. Hell, if he's Mistborn, I'm the Lord Ruler. Still. He disappears for ages and then only appears when summoned? Bit odd. Woulda thought he wouldn't care if he was truly nuts. Maybe he wasn't quite as insane as people thought. Would be a good act to hide evil intentions behind. At the very least, he should be locked up for his own safety, and our own. In the meantime, I went back to my office. I needed a strong cup of something warm, and after that, I'd need to pour back over my notes when I had the chance. *STINK
  19. I woke up late in the day and with a splitting headache. They say that justice never sleeps, but the people responsible for it certainly have to. Sometimes it's tempting to just pull the blanket over your head and turn over, wishing the world would go away and leave you alone. Life's not like that though. Has to be faced at some point, it practically demands it. I didn't intend to go to sleep, and certainly not at my desk, but after my herbal pouch'd run out, I started to turn to another of life's vices to get me through the day instead. Bottle of whiskey smuggled in from the capital. Lord Ruler, I'd barely drunk any and it practically knocked me over. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I had this headache to deal with. Guess loads of things are worse in hindsight. Now the room was starting to spin, like a... like a... I dunno. I can't do metaphors when I'm like this. I felt myself start to wretch a bit, but kept it down. I swallowed a mug of water, filled from the drain on the roof from when it last rained. It wasn't great; we had a filter system to sift out the ash and muck that got in with it, but it wasn't completely perfect. But it was better than feeling like this. I twisted the knob again and filled the mug again, downing it just as fast. Then I stuck my head under it, hoping I'd wake up a bit. Well, that bit worked. Headache was still there, but at least it was manageable. I put the mug down and closed the valve. I ran my hands across my face to try and remove some of the water, flicking it onto the floor. My shirt was a bit soaked, but it'd dry quick enough. Two deaths last night. We were quickly running out of time. If this kept up, before long there'd be no-one left to apprehend the murderers. We'd got a couple of them, but it didn't look like it was gonna be over for a while. Not with the number of deaths last night. Could've been someone going vigilante again, but I didn't buy it. Vigilante justice was a good way to disguise murder. Hell, it was murder. Even if the perp was trying to help us, there was no way I was going to let that go unanswered when this was all over with. Assuming I was still around to arrest them. I'd write a note, let my partner know to do it if I wasn't. I wasn't going to let something small like death stop me from getting the guy. The board was still covered in bits of paper and little bits of string to draw connections. But I disregarded that for now. My main suspect right now was still doing suspicious stuff. No-one'd said much about him, but already he was voting for himself. What sort of person even did that? I was still slightly drunk, and even I could see it wasn't a good idea. It just muddied things. Well, I wasn't going to let Enias do that quietly and go unchallenged. I wanted to know why.
  20. But you can leave your friends behind... More seriously, if your side wins, you win. If you had to be alive to win, that would lead to people making suboptimal plays and deliberately sabotaging their own side just so they could survive for the win. Another day, another death. And this time, it was someone helping us with our inquiries. I wasn't too surprised. Even if he wasn't someone we'd turned into a proper snitch, talking to the authorities about stuff like this was still a dangerous job. I wasn't surprised someone tried to kill him. Was surprised that he died, though. Felt someone would've probably jumped in to defend him. Guess not though, and that told us rather a lot about things. None of them particularly good. Still, at least one good thing came of this - The people he named, well, we could be fairly sure about that lot. No reason for the guy to lie about something like this when we knew he was on our side. So that helped to narrow down the suspects quite dramatically. I found Enias to be acting a bit odd. Right now, he was advocating that we just methodically kill ourselves so only Arinian's people were still alive. Didn't sound like a particularly smart way to go about things to me. Sure, the enemy was within that number. But that didn't mean we should give up on trying to puzzle out who was actually behind it. The more people we could save from this, the better. He also sounded a bit odd to me. Not just how he said stuff, but in his actions as well. Particularly now, when he changed who he voted for so very quickly. What was the point of placing a vote on someone you found suspicious and then removing it immediately after? And for what reasoning, exactly? Did he even have a reason to vote for Drake, regardless of how I was looking at the guy? Certainly hadn't said anything along those lines.
  21. I unlocked the door to the office, and swung it wide open. Some days, it felt good to do something so sweeping. Made you forget everything else that was happening. Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. There was a ruffle of paper and a banging sound. I rolled my eyes and stepped around my partner's prone body. He swore at me for banging him on the head with the door. "Maybe you shouldn't have slept there," I pointed out, rolling my eyes a little, Hardly my fault if I happened to brain someone with the door when I opened it - Who slept on the floor, anyway? Real helpful, partner. I told him to go home and get some proper sleep; judging from the bags under his eyes, the poor sod'd been working all night and fallen asleep at his desk. Probably didn't even wake up when he hit the floor. Well, that's our detective agency. We practically ooze competency. Though if I were honest, wasn't like I was doing much better sleeping at home. This case had a bit of a habit of getting to me, guess you could say. Don't think it'd be fair to blame me for that either. Sure, I've been stabbed and Coinshot at before when pursing cases, but that wasn't anything personal. It was kinda professional, in a way. At the end of the day, the perps didn't want to kill me, they just didn't want to get locked up in the slammer. It was understandable, you could say. Just business as usual. But this was the first time I had a case where I could die because they wanted me dead. I don't do so well with the personal stuff. You have to be detached in the business, be able to take a step back. Couldn't exactly do that when my back was against the wall. My partner'd been messing around with my board. Guess he'd got a tad restless on his own case, thought he could solve mine for me. Thanks for the vote of confidence there, partner. I'd be offended if I knew I wasn't getting anywhere myself. Ah, what the hell, I'd choose to be offended anyway, it's fun. But I'd sent him home now, so not like I could complain at him. I felt a bit robbed. Sometimes the world just wants to kick you when you're down. Though I guess it was unfair to complain that I couldn't make him as miserable as me. Guess the world was saving me from myself there. I had a look at the notes, frowning a bit as I tried to make them out. Not that his writing was worse than mine. My partner's writing looked like a drunken spider had written it. Mine, only chance you had to read it was to run past it and pray it magically became readable. 'Felix - Arrived before first death?' I guess it made sense. I frowned a little as I went through the events in my head. A stranger arrives at the village, and suddenly people are dying? Well, it was certainly possible. Would explain why it just started. More to the point, it was interesting that he'd only really started to perk up about things when there'd been this many deaths. Interesting that he'd slipped under everyone's noses until now, and was simply going along with the crowd instead of using his own reasoning.
  22. Ha! Seemed like there was someone among us with half a brain. Good old Arinian, doing his own bit of sleuthing in the background. Now, I wasn't exactly going to take his word for it, but it seemed easy enough to prove that he was indeed a Seeker. Either we could kill him and make certain of it, ask for proof, or we could take it as read that he was right. Certainly he was putting his neck out like this, but that didn't mean he was a target for our enemies. I remember back in Luthadel, a group of crooks once sent one of their guys to us, claiming he was turncoat. We followed his lead, and then what happened? Three dead 'cause we trusted his info blindly. Well, we could at least make sure he was telling some of the truth first. I wasn't willing to lynch the guy just to find out if he was being honest with us or not. It was possible, sure, but it seemed a bit... Final. Was there any proof he could provide, at least that he was a Seeker? Seemed like a good initial step. Hardest part to fake, after all. But for now, I'd give him the benefit of my trust, for all the good it did. His claims of innocence meant that there was only one real choice left to us today, after the failed lynch yesterday. Nyah we could either lynch or let the Seeker sniff out. I was inclined to do the former, and let The Lord Ruler sort it out. At least then we'd have put the whole issue of Nyah to rest and could concentrate on other stuff.
  23. I can hardly keep up-to-date with the current game thanks to the amount of work on my plate all of a sudden (building baby's first website, amongst other things, if you're curious). Afraid I will be playing one game at a time for the near future unless something really grabs my attention.
  24. I woke up this morning on the wrong side of bed again. Nightmares about paperwork ran through my head even while I was awake. Even in my dreams I couldn't find any rest. Worst part was, wasn't sure if there was anyone to blame for that. The work needed to be done, that was for sure. Didn't mean I felt any better about it. In fact, made me feel worse. I had no target for my anger at the amount of time wasted on it. I gave a newsboy a clip to tell me what had happened while I was buried under paper back in the office. Turned out Reginald did move from thefts to murder, which was a shame. I didn't think it impossible, but it's always sad to find someone that could have been a good person has fallen so much from The Lord Ruler's grace. Thefts were annoying but understandable. Murder of innocent people, though? There was no coming back from that for a person. Still, it was for the best that he was killed now rather than later. He'd already clung to life for too long in the face of everyone's suspicions. It was preventing us from looking elsewhere. Had to agree with the current talk of the town that the people who advocated vigilante justice on him seemed a mite odd. I could understand it if it was a general suggestion, but after he'd already been shown to have someone protecting him? It was risky even before it was said out loud for people to plan against. Seemed like too much of a bad thing for the village to have been a mistake. Did suggesting that make someone evil? Well, not in my book. We all make mistakes. Hell, I've made more than my fair share in my time. Thing was, mistakes seemed to be at the centre of this whole lynch. On one side, we had someone who openly declared a target for vigilantes and who shared confidential information, and on the other, someone who misheard what the other had said. The other part of the argument against Nyah was that Reginald seemed to defend her early on when this mess all started. I didn't really rate that as an argument though. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - There's no honour among thieves. It was an easy to do their job for them, to assume that anyone they defend must be their ally. Just as likely it was a simple tactic I've seen before, incriminating others. Weaponising their death. Seemed to me they'd happily martyr themselves just to see this village dead. Problem was, there was only one way for us to find that out. And if we didn't, well, it'd be hanging over us all for ages now. We'd continually be wondering. Seemed to me we had to find out as quickly as possible, and it was better that then we all get muddled wondering and never do anything. Considering Nicki was 'winning' the contest so far, seemed like the best place to start. Better than nothing, certainly. If that got us nowhere, and there was nowhere better to look, we could sort Nyah out tomorrow. So people are aware, life has become very hectic for me in a short period of time. I don't think next week will be much better. Not going to go inactive, but I might not have enough time to post every day (as I didn't yesterday).
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