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Everything posted by Block

  1. Maybe we should stop before we go too deep into the philosophy of war.
  2. I propose that we put a hold on the war for now until we figure all this out.
  3. I was going to say the same thing. Things have really escalated since I got off. I would also like to hear what Raven has to say.
  4. Add me as well, stick is amazing *sends virtual hug to stick*
  5. Sneaks up behind Weaver Leave the sticks if you want to live
  6. Yep, you will stay very alive. Unless you betray us…
  7. As long as you stay a part of The Cult of The Gingers
  8. If he is orange, he should join The Cult of The Gingers! WE WILL DEFEAT THE STICK!
  9. The stick will burn under the power of The Cult of The Gingers!
  10. Join The Cult of The Gingers. Embrace your inner soullessness!
  11. Ha, I knew you were working for the other side!
  12. We are now at war with both The Cult of The Stick and The Brunette/Brown/Black Hair Cult. We need agents to join both cults and attack from the inside.
  13. Ok, you’ll be locked in a good room until I can interrogate you.
  14. Hmm, @The cheeseman, lock him in a room until I can interrogate him.
  15. As the leader of The Cult of The Gingers, I formally declare war on The Cult of The Stick.
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