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Posts posted by CtrlAltDepressed

  1. 4 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:

    Technically speaking, if this involved atium, wax would have been able to before without being mistborn as atium is a god metal.


    17 minutes ago, Treamayne said:


    Thank you both for the extra context. I know Wax wasn't Mistborn until the very end, and that Harmony was giving him some help with the mists. My confusion was coming from saying that Wax was being given Atium, as I think that is distinct from ruin's mist. I dont think we would expect consuming preservations mist to turn you into a mistborn like the godmetal does so im not sure what @hwiles means here. Were they just saying atium to mean ruins mists? 

  2. On 5/30/2024 at 7:53 PM, hwiles said:

    If I remember the annotations and WoBs correctly offhand, it's generally implied that, due to having his spiked earing in at the time, he theoretically may have been indulging in performance-enhancing allomantic supercharging by way of the mists during that scene. (Which technically means Harmony may have been microdosing pure atium into his soul without his specific consent or awareness).

    Im going to need a lot more information on this please. 


    So we already have this (in the text) unclearness around wether Wax is Mistborn or not. We know that he is from deduction but it isnt really mentioned in the books explicitly. Now we are adding this atium microdose after the fact as well? Why wasnt any of this mentioned in text - that would have made Era 2 so much cooler. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Argenti said:

    Aethers, Aetherbound and spores are all Invested; the only question is if they're invested from Ado, or from somewhere else. 

    This is where it gets tricky for me. 


    Brandon wont say for certain wether the Aethers are of Adonalsium or not. 


    However, he has stated on multiple occasions that all investiture is from Adonalsium. 


    He has also stated on multiple occasions that aethers are invested. 


    How does this mean something other than the aethers being of Adonalsium? Seems like if you are NOT asking specifically if aethers are of Ado that he will confirm that they definitely are of Ado since they are investiture and all investiture is of Ado. 

  4. 52 minutes ago, justsomekidinasuit said:

    Szeth require investiture to prolong their existence. despite there being some visual diferences in how both returned and Szeth are described, would it be wrong to say that Szeth is a kind of returned?

    I dont think Szeth requires investiture to keep going. As nale says, he wasnt fully dead yet so he isnt technically a cognitive shadow. 


    The shadow that Lift sees is more related to the corruption of his soul than him being a cognitive shadow.


    Sample Chapter Spoilers:


    Here is the quote from the chapter (at the bottom). I think it is pretty heavily implied that he is going to contact a shard. 

    Jasnah asks if he knows anyone who is an expert. He replies he only knows one from Roshar which would have to be Cultivation and implies he will need a shards help.


    Also, logically, it makes no sense to me that a dragon would be more capable in helping than Hoid. After all they are very similar ages, and Frost has chosen to not engage, so may be 'behind the times' as it were. It also doesnt make sense to me for Frost to be the expert he calls since Frost specifically sent people to Roshar to track down Hoid and said in his letters that he does not approve of what Hoid is doing. Why would he suddenly change his mind in this book and perpetuate the involvement he doesnt want happening in the first place? 


    Theres also the matter that Frost should not be able to help Hoid with this. Frost is not a shard, he is not anywhere close to a shard. For him to be proficient in finding errors in shards contracts would be a huge letdown for me. 


    So from that I truly believe it must be a shard he is contacting. I would agree Saze does not count as an old friend yet, and given that we know for a fact Valor is at least mentioned in this book, I think its a very safe bet. Although I will hedge that by saying I think it will be off screen. 

    23 hours ago, alder24 said:

    I strongly suspect that Hoid will contact Frost.


    “I need to study that contract. There might be loopholes.”

    “And if you didn’t see them?” She said. “You didn’t before.”

    “You’re right,” he said. He took a deep breath. “You’re… you’re right. We need an expert, beyond even my considerable knowledge in the area.”

    “Do you know any?”

    “From your world?” he asked. “Only one, but she and I aren’t on speaking terms. I will, instead, see if I can contract an old friend.”


  6. 15 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Personally, this seems to suggest Sigzil hasn't seen Kaladin in a very, very long time. This got me thinking about Kaladin's fate. Did he die? Or is he still around during the Space Age of the Cosmere? If the latter is true, then that would also mean that he and Sigzil have not met in a while. Thoughts?

    Agreed he has not seen him in a very long time.


    To me his certainty with the 'it couldnt' indicates to me that Kaladin died a long time ago. I like to imagine it was peacefully from old age. Kaladin doesnt seem the type to become immortal.


    The worldhoppers are generally not who you expect them to be (like sigzil)

  7. 5 hours ago, MerlinArcane said:

    in reply to @CtrlAltDepressed

    Dang I hadnt considered that. You're probably right.


    Sa 5 sample chapter spoilers:


    How long does it take for hoid to consider someone an old friend? Hes known saze 300 ish years which is a long time, but hoid has been alive 10,000....


    Not trying to refute your point just a fun thought i had.


  8. On 5/20/2024 at 2:43 PM, The Stick said:

    Also, I find it very doubtful a Shard could stay hidden in the Rosharan system. However, we do know from this WoB that Valor is name-dropped in SA5.

    Have you all read the SA 5 sample chapters?


    Sample Chapter Spoilers:


    Hoid realizes that Odium has taken his memories, and knows that he is not capable of expanding the possibilities to find a loophole in the contract, so he says he needs to reach out to an old friend.......


    Im very certain that Valor is going to try to help Hoid find a loophole in the contract. Im really hoping we get to see that interaction but im sure it will be Hoid coming out of a room alone and he will say 'ah yea Sally (hypothetical Valor name) told me there arent any holes, were good' 


  9. 3 hours ago, Dabbid said:

    You could become a Mistborn, Feruchemist, Bondsmith, Windrunner, and Lightweaver and all you would have to do is have the right metals and people with those powers.

    You could. However, at least some of these spikes would require God metals that are extremely hard to come by. Disregarding the testing and knowledge required (which are also huge roadblocks) you still need the right metal to steal that power. 


    Harmonium is extremely reactive and yields minuscule amounts of God metal. 

    Trellium is very rare and would more than likely require interacting with Autonomy. 

    Raysium is also rare and would require negotiations with Odium or a Fused.

    Edglium hasnt been seen.

    Aonium hasnt been seen.

    Skaium hasnt been seen.

    Tanavastium only exists as Honorblades.

    Koravellium hasnt been seen. 


    The other shards we havent even met yet. 



    Personally I would put a Fullborn as the strongest. Compounding is seriously seriously op. Disregarding speed, strength, and all the allomantic abilities, being able to compound Atium would make you nearly invincible on its own. If you combine that with ridiculous speed and strength, weight manipulation, mental capacity heightened, speed bubbles, health, AND emotional manipulation....its not really a contest. Fullborns are way way way too strong. I fully believe Rashek could push / pull a Radiant like a ragdoll without even needing to compound. 


    One smack from Rashek at full compounded strength would easily break shardplate in my opinion (just based off kaladin breaking plate with a couple lashings and his bare feet). 

  10. 17 minutes ago, Aredor said:

    Why? They broke the bond they had with their weapons. By all accounts, that's it. They're no longer connected to the Honorblades. If they were, when Jezrien was killed by Moash, his blade would have appeared next to him. It didn't. If Shallan's mom was Chana, then the blade in the safe would have to have been her Honorblade. It wasn't. It was Testament instead. 

    I would tend to agree on all these points, but none of that is actually confirmed. 


    Jezrien could be a different situation because he actually died, he didn't go to Braize. 


    The blade in the safe being Testament does not exclude her mom being Chana. Im not sure the blade being Testament works out since Shallan specifically broke her oaths in her gardens AFTER killing her mother. Testament could not have been trapped in the safe and also appeared to Shallan when she broke her oaths. 


    Personally I am of the opinion we have not seen the final, actual truth regarding the safe. I like the seon theory, but honestly its going to be something we haven't seen yet. Like her father knew all the herald stuff and when he saw Chana get stabbed he quickly was able to siphon her soul into a gemstone or something similar (just an example).

  11. This inspired an idea. Stormlight Spoilers:

    On 5/15/2024 at 4:59 PM, Dragonheir said:

    Koloss chasmfiends! (No. Brain, that is not what I meant by that last parentheses.) Seriously, though. Chasmfiends already are exempt from the square-cube law, and now they can be even bigger, and mind-controllable. Alternately, you can spike the mandra bond into a human koloss, to get really big ones.


    Add a spike to give the Koloss a gemheart. Now you have basically infinite versions of the koloss. Workform koloss. Nibleform koloss. Warform koloss. Stormform koloss. 


    Mateform koloss could even work to create a completely new self replicating species (like koloss after Catacendre).


    Truly a terrifying possibility. 


  12. 1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

    Nomad was wanted because he could help find the dawnshard, can Hoid somehow track him through the planets like the night brigade? If so, could the brigade also catch Hoid?

    Hoid wasn't exactly tracking him to my understanding. Aux and Hoid were leveraging the Connection that Nomad and Hoid have from their time together to allow Hoid to speak to him. I don't think Hoid had any idea where Nomad actually was or how to get there. 


    There is a wob that Hoid does not have the ability to skip, this is unique to Nomad. 


    1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

    If so, could the brigade also catch Hoid?

    This is why they are trying to catch Nomad. It is mentioned in the book that they can make a spike from Nomad that will point them to whoever had the Dawnshard after Nomad, which we assume is Hoid. 


    1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

    I dunno, do we have any evidence that there might be some kind of conspiracy between Hoid and the Night Brigade?

    The conspiracy is that a reason Hoid had Nomad hold the Dawnshard was to delay the Night Brigade. Hoid will protect the Dawnshard at all costs, even if that means condemning Nomad to a life on the run to protect himself and the Dawnshard. 


    This is why Nomad is so mad at Hoid. Hoid knew when he gave the Dawnshard to Nomad that he would never be safe again - and he did it anyways. Nomad tells us that Hoid explained the danger in taking the Dawnshard but Nomad (and most people) have pointed out that you could never truly impress the gravity of that decision. Therefore Hoid was intentionally misleading to Nomad because he needs him as a meat shield essentially. 

  13. 17 hours ago, EdgedancerJacob said:

    I understand it from a writing and storytelling perspective, but in-world, he has many of the characteristics they're looking for.

    My head canon is that he is already taken by Maya. Their bond is clearly unique given her awareness. I think we will see him revive her and become a Radiant with Maya as his spren. 

  14. 50 minutes ago, The Stick said:

    Yes, especially on a planet where cream builds up regularly to cover pretty much everything old.

    These aren't abandoned buildings, they are one of the most valuable items on the planet. We are told they are literally worth kingdoms. There is no way that hundreds of blades have been lost to the crem. Some of them, absolutely, but there are hundreds and hundreds of blades that are missing.


    23 minutes ago, listerfeend said:

    So, what we have is an account of more deadeyes in and around Lasting Integrity than known Shardbearers in the world. So either there is a massive army of Shardbearers that literally no one has mentioned, or there is something else going on entirely...

    23 minutes ago, listerfeend said:

    there are more Shardblades in the single scene of the vision Dalinar had of the Recreance at Feverstone Keep than there are currently recorded, and that was only part of the entirety of the Knights Radiant of the time


  15. 13 minutes ago, The Stick said:

    First of all, it is mentioned multiple times that a lot of blades were simply lost over the centuries

    Yes, but are we to assume that thousands of the most valuable object are just lost? Sure some of them are lost but where are the rest? There were more deadeyes at lasting integrity than all of the known blades. Are we to assume all of those are bonded? Where are these shardbearers?

  16. Hello friends,


    @listerfeend and I were discussing deadblades and noticed some inconsistencies. Dalinar tells us there are somewhere around 130 blades that the Alethi know about. I think we can take this number as mostly accurate given they have warred with pretty much every nation and have an extensive spy network.


    In Lasting Integrity during Adolin's trial, it is noted that there are far more deadeyes outside the walls than all the known blades on Roshar. In addition Dalinars vision shows hundreds of Radiants abandoning their oaths. This is the first inconsistency. Where are all of these blades? I think the current theory is that the shin have them, and that is a theory I can get on board with but it doesn't explain everything. 


    Second inconsistency is the actual presence of the deadeyes. We know that when a person who has bonded a blade dies, they drop the blade in its physical form, meaning there is not a deadeye spren in the CR - they can only be one or the other. From this you would assume that any deadeyes who are not currently bonded would exist as physical blades somewhere. Its my understanding that a deadeye can only exist in the CR if they are bonded and their person does not currently have them in hand. How then are there permanent deadeye residents of Lasting Integrity? The ones that show up during the trial could be blades bonded to shin soldiers, but there is still an inconsistency here I think.


    Can you all shed some light on what is happening here?

  17. 11 minutes ago, listerfeend said:

    Honorblades aren't just God Metal, they are highly Invested God Metal blades, and thus would likely resist being used as a metal mind. 

    God metals are already investiture turned physical. I can't wrap my head around them becoming more invested than already BEING investiture. The honorblades are not alive like spren blades which have 'extra' investiture attached spiritually that is the sprens soul. 


    Obviously the Honorblades are not just blades made of Tanavastium as that wouldn't explain how they give different surges but I dont know that would exclude them from being used as a metalmind. Like I stated above, and Atium metalmind is literally made from investiture, so it should already be difficult to store in it, but not impossible. I dont see why an Honorblade would be any different unless Tanavast specifically restricted that with the Honorblades. 

  18. 2 hours ago, alder24 said:

    Killing your mother, which you've loved dearly, causing your father to go mad and abuse your brothers, which ended up with him banishing one of them, killing your step-mother, crippling your brother and you killing your father isn't something terrible?

    Yes it is but none of that is Shallans fault. Even remotely. Yes the emotional attachment is difficult and i dont mean to dimish it, im only saying that so far the only thing we have seen is a completely oblivious and innocent shallan kill her mother completely on accident. I dont mean to say a child should be able to logically look at their situation and know they are not at fault. Just that shallan seems to accept at this point as a young adult that she is not at fault for killing mom / dad, yet still believes herself to be untrustworthy and destructive ('if only he knew the real me'). That personal narrative seems to indicate there are events we dont know about that shallan was an active participant in, rather than an innocent child swept into tragedy.

  19. 9 hours ago, Ookla said:

    So, what end result of this conscious decision might he be aiming for? What could the purpose behind the twist be?

    Off the top of my head, it has been said that the other radiant spren do not trust the cryptics. 


    So far we havent really seen anything to explain why. If pattern has been lying to shallan because the cryptics are working for chana / caused the desolation, that would explain it. I dont think the cryptics are betraying humanity but sanderson pays off on small comments like that all the time. Combine that with shallan thinking she is a terrible person, when she hasnt done anything wrong from what we have seen. Killing her father could definitely be argued as self defense and her mother was undoubtedly self defense. If pattern has been lying my guess is he wants to protect shallan, he thinks this truth can remain a lie (him being in the box instead of a seon). 


    If she was working with her mom and helped her come back, thus causing the desolation, that would explain her terrible perception of herself more, even if she didnt understand what her mother was doing since she was a child.

  20. 7 minutes ago, Aredor said:

    I'd think that while he'd love to kill Koravellium Avast, She Who Brings the Dews at Dawn /Stormfather, he'd be just fine with leaving them bound to the System and unable to stop him from murdering the other shards that are alive. 

    I didnt mention this but I believe Odium is Invested in Roshar at this point (i think there is a wob). Even if he is released he can't just leave without injuring himself. Rayse knew this and thats why he was talking about the war of the gods. Instead of going around as a free shard to shatter the others, he will be more of a general presiding over his galactic army. Once the army has conquered the physical location, they will bring Odium with them spiritually, growing his influence without him ever needing to 'leave' Roshar. 

  21. 5 hours ago, Aredor said:

    In the contest of champion agreement, Odium said that Dalinar could have released him from the ties Honor placed upon him that bound him to the system. Rayse also said that all he wants to do is get off "This miserable planet."

    Not disagreeing at all, just want to point out that Rayse is lying here. Yes, he wants to get out of the Rosharan system - but not before killing Cultivation and the remaining splinters of Honor (the stormfather for example). 


    Dalinar asks Rayse what he will do if released and he responds that his transformation of the realm (Roshar) will be substantial. One of the restrictions that Honor placed on Odium is that the shard is not able to directly interact with as many people as Rayse would like

    MB era 1 spoilers:


    We see in MB 1 that a Shard can easily wipe out all of the people on a planet. Ruin was only indirectly wiping out Scadrians (he was really trying to destroy the planet, the people were a side effect) by erupting the ashmounts and causing the earthquakes, etc - and that was a weakened shard.

    If Odium was not restricted by Honor he would almost certainly smite a lot of people. He also mentions to Dalinar that there is a 'war of the gods' coming and he needs soldiers - hence the myth of the Tranquiline Halls. He is not simply looking to leave Roshar.

    On 5/8/2024 at 3:32 AM, Oltux72 said:

    Do I need to point out that the original Honor approved a plan that got 90% of Roshar's population killed over and over?

    Honor is the only reason that 10% survived each time. Odium is there to wipe out their Gods and enslave the people for a cosmere wide war of the gods. 

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