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The Honorable One

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Posts posted by The Honorable One

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

    Weaver thought for a moment.

    “Agreed.” He said. “Can I bring this group?” He gestured at the ragged bunch of people.

    “Yes.” Clay said. “Ah! Altair. I remember when I proclaimed you. Many lives were saved by your adventures and heroics.”

    “You know of K’ach’ü’liae?” Weaver asked. “How?”

    “I-“ Altair hesitated. “A few years ago, my city was invaded by another nation. They started killing innocents just to get at my country’s leader. I saw people dying. I grabbed my sword. And soon the invaders were dying. I brought a sword to a gun fight and won. The last enemy I killed died slowly. As they died, their voice turned weird and they said ‘K’ach’ü’liae is intrigued.’ Altair fell silent. “I never understood that.”

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

    K’ach’ü’liae, the One of Worlds, Shadowbound of Reality.” Weaver said.


    “To explain to the rest of you: There are multiple universes. Not infinite, mind you, but multiple. There is only one Dream Realm, so anyone sleeping in a universe can interact with someone sleeping in another. The other way for them to interact is through the Gateways, which allow physical travel through universes. A few universes are cut off from their gateways, primarily the “Real World” where magic doesn’t exist, and a universe called TLT which was cut off by their Ennullers to keep us safe. The One of World plans to use the Gateways to destroy every universe she can, and shape them in her own way.” Clay explained.

    “I do, yes.” Weaver said.

    Altair staggered as if he’d been punched. “Did you say K’ach’ü’liae?” Altair asked. “I- I know that name.”

  3. 16 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

    "I didn't know you could fight. When'd you learn to do that?"

    “I started practicing when I was nine. I’m completely self taught.”


    13 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    "pathetic. 254" he grins. "i will say though, it was fun"

     “Hey, I’m a ‘mortal’” Altair said. “We can’t all be magical… things.”

  4. 3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    sleeper growls, his eyes going blood red. "YOU WERE NEVER MY FATHER- NOR WILL YOU EVER BE YOU SICK BASTARD" and his arms gain a weird veiny thingy that glows red. he swings, and lights it on fire.

    Altair was racing towards sleeper at full speed, but backed away when his arms turned red.

    "Do you need assistance, scary sleeper guy?"

  5. Just now, Nameless* said:

    "The person who's haunted my nightmares, and the nightmares of every member of my family for centuries."

    "Of course he is," Altair sighed.


    1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    sleeper effortlessly cuts down the clown. "yeah, i dont care for you" then he looks at the hellish creature before him. "you should have died" and he swings, albeit weakly.

    "Hey, does that guy need help?" Altair said, pointing at sleeper. "Because he looks like he needs help."

  6. 4 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    “Oh hey.” Zodiac appeared beside him. “You’re pretty good with that.”

    "It's just practice. Learned from reading books and watching movies, mostly."


    3 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

    Shovel man fought his way over to Altair, barely seeming to pay attention as he struck down any bone-corpse that crossed his path. "Hey Altair, these guys didn't kidnap you, did they?"

    "Not really," Altair replied, dodging a lunging enemy. "I expected an adventure, so here I am, I guess."

  7. 2 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:

    When Altair woke up, he was very confused. The scenery surrounding him was nothing like he'd ever seen. Also, he was in the middle of a battlefield. Altair groaned and sat up. He grabbed his sword, then pushed himself to his feet. He was surrounded by monsters, immortal beings, and someone wearing a bag over their head. He was tempted to go back to sleep. Then he saw shovel man, his neighbor. What the heck was he doing here?

    "Hey there everybody," Altair said, readying his sword. "These zombie things in need of killing?"

    Everyone was too busy to answer him, so he unsheathed his sword and charged toward the nearest zombie. His sharp blade easily cut through it, then he spun around and killed another. Altair moved through the ranks of the undead with the precision of someone who practiced with a blade every day.

  8. When Altair woke up, he was very confused. The scenery surrounding him was nothing like he'd ever seen. Also, he was in the middle of a battlefield. Altair groaned and sat up. He grabbed his sword, then pushed himself to his feet. He was surrounded by monsters, immortal beings, and someone wearing a bag over their head. He was tempted to go back to sleep. Then he saw shovel man, his neighbor. What the heck was he doing here?

    "Hey there everybody," Altair said, readying his sword. "These zombie things in need of killing?"

  9. 15 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

    "And so...? I can't tell if you're trying to kill us or not."

    “Okay, I am very confused,” Altair said. “First of all, who are you guys? When I saw adventure on that letter, I did not expect the Grim Reaper —sorry, “Weaver” — to step onto my porch. Also, don’t try to kill me. If you do, you’ll find out I can use this thing.” He raised his sword.

  10. I know that this sort of thing is a bit dangerous, but I just wanted to see what would happen. If it starts leaning more towards fantasy, then we can just make it a fantasy one if we want. The same for Sci-Fi, or anything else.

    This might not get any posts. This might get hundreds of posts. I don’t really care what happens, I just want to see that happen. Make sense?

  11. Hello everyone, I wanted to start an RP where anything goes. I currently have no plans for it. This can be fantasy, sci-fi, comedic, serious, or anything else. It could be all that at the same time too. A little violence is fine, but don't go overboard with the descriptions. Also, no killing other people's characters unless you have permission from them. You can have however many characters you want. And remember to have fun! Or not, I don't care. All right, let's get started.


    Altair stared out into the night. All was quiet as the grave. Altair rested his hand on his sword and prepared himself for what was to come. One week ago, he found a letter waiting for him on his porch. The letter only said "Be ready in a week for an adventure. Bring that sword of yours." And that was it. The envelope it came in had his name on it, Altair Ashler, and nothing else. So, Altair did the same thing any self respecting adventure seeker would do. He waited until it had been a week, then grabbed his sword, a sharp, double edged broadsword made of fine steel (it was, like, a thousand dollars off of eBay and totally awesome. Definitely worth it. He called his sword Geoff.) and sat on the swinging chair on his porch, waiting for an adventure.

    He sat like that for four hours.

    Finally, Altair stood up, having finally convinced himself that nothing was coming. It was probably just a prank from some random, er, prankster. He was about to head inside when he heard a whooshing noise. Altair spun around, trying to determine where it had come from. He picked up a flashlight in one hand, his sword in the other, and crept off his porch. He had gone no more than a few feet when he caught a glimpse of something in the trees. He gasped and dropped his flashlight in surprise.

  12. Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

    Welcome to the Shard! What books by him have you read?

    All of the important ones, I think. Both Mistborn Trilogies, Stormlight, Elantris, Warbreaker, White Sand, Sixth of the Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Skyward, Rithmatist, Reckoners, Alcatraz, and the secret projects.

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