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The Honorable One

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Posts posted by The Honorable One

  1. People.

    Of the Shard.

    (Rant incoming)


    Life is great sometimes.

    When you bite into a warm chocolate chip cookie and it melts in your mouth. When you do well on a test. When you listen to your favorite song. When you watch a good movie. When you read your favorite book. Life is great sometimes.

    But also, life sucks sometimes.

    When you get a panic attack out of nowhere, and suddenly you feel everything and can't feel anything at the same time and realize all the problems about your life and you are constantly thinking that you are going to die or some other bad thing will happen unless you brush against that couch with your other leg just so you feel the same on both sides. And nobody even knows that you feel like that because they're busy with other things, and you don't want them to worry.

    When they touch you to try to give you a hug you flinch away. They ask what is wrong, and you say "nothing" so they give you a hug. And you're just standing there, trying to ignore the obsessions, trying to enjoy the hug, because there is nothing you want more than to hug your mother. But you can't enjoy it. You feel the non-perfectness and you can't think about anything else. And then your mom says that you need to learn how to hug, and you want to tell her everything, but you can't tell her anything because she doesn't know who her son is and hasn't known him for two and a half years.

    Nobody knows who you are. They think you are that person who always does the right thing, the person who never fails anything, the person that is always reliable, the person who will always be "the smart one," the person that will never get in the way.

    Nobody knows that you spend hours every day doing research, trying to understand what the scud is wrong with you. Nobody knows that you procrastinate too much and when you should be doing homework, you are instead watching hours of YouTube videos, even though you don't enjoy it at all. Nobody knows that you lie whenever your parents ask about your mental health. Nobody knows that you hurriedly close tabs when anybody approaches you. Nobody knows that you start to panic every time your dad says your name. Nobody knows that you have been in a secret relationship with someone before and that you ended up breaking their heart because you were a coward and couldn't handle it. Nobody knows you are a terrible person, except the person who secretly hates you now. Nobody knows that you're not the perfect child you're supposed to be.

    You want to talk to your family about this, any of this, all of this. But it is impossible. You can't. You don't want them to know you are a coward. You don't want them to know you are a terrible person.

    You can't show them anything other than perfection.

    Even though they love you very much.


  2. Hero of Ages spoilers:



    "Today, men, I ask of you your lives,” Elend said, voice echoing, “and your courage. I ask of you your faith, and your honor—your strength, and your compassion. For today, I lead you to die. I will not ask you to welcome this event. I will not insult you by calling it well, or just, or even glorious. But I will say this. “Each moment you fight is a gift to those in this cavern. Each second we fight is a second longer that thousands of people can draw breath. Each stroke of the sword, each koloss felled, each breath earned is a victory! It is a person protected for a moment longer, a life extended, an enemy frustrated!” There was a brief pause. “In the end, they will kill us,” Elend said, voice loud, ringing in the cavern. “But first, they shall fear us!"


    "Today, my countrymen, I pray for your souls," Allende said quietly, praying for strength. I pray for faith, honor, courage and grace. I don't pray anymore. Because I'm not going to tell you whether you're good, beautiful or bad. But that's exactly what I'm saying. Many battles take place in caves. We try to breathe a thousand times. All swords die, all mighty swords break, all souls flee. "It is victorious! The enemy has arrived and entered the cave.


  3. 21 hours ago, TwinSouls said:

    Let’s see… Really tall, generally is a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy, but sometimes just isn’t in the mood, grayish eyes, sandy blonde hair, a few freckles, and medium hair length.

    About half of that is right.

    3 hours ago, shortcake said:

    you give off Hamilton vibes but I cant really describe your appearance because then everything just goes poof


    2 hours ago, Aeternum said:

    Tall, you seem like the quieter type & are online a lot. Play a lot of video games? I don't really know much haha.

    I'm not tall, but I am quiet (mostly) and yeah, I guess I'm online a lot.

    • Fear of decisions (decidophobia)
    • Fear of failure/making mistakes (atychiphobia/atelophobia)
    • Technically not a phobia I don't think, but anything remotely related to medical stuff can make me pass out/almost pass out (for example: cancer, other people's blood, hospitals, broken bones, kidney stones, surgery, snake bites, spider bites, infections of all kinds.) One time I was at a camp and learning about first aid and I literally collapsed when they showed a picture of a broken leg.
    • Social anxiety
    • Oh yeah, also I probably have OCD (undiagnosed but my siblings and friends all agree with me), so that causes problems.
  4. On 3/26/2024 at 10:01 AM, Lord Spirit said:

    when you watch a tv show, like it, find out that it was based on a book series, read the book series, realize the tv show is not accurate at all, and am conflicted because the tv show has a more enjoyable storyline.

    YKYAN when you realize that not everybody does that.

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