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The H

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Everything posted by The H

  1. Well this is kind of awkward... I took a break from reading after ABOSAS, as I didn't have time these last few weeks, but when I got back to it a few days ago, I just read until the end of the book without posting. Chapter 9 - 82/EPL Sooooo much happens and I can't give my reactions to everything so I'll tell you some of my key points. *inhales* So Elend is sieging Fadrex City, and when he meets with Yomen, Yomen goes full scholar on my boy. Elend is late to the finding the balance between my selves, as Vin did it for the most part in the last book. He and Vin share a dance which was kind of adorable with Elend holding the same book hdjsbfuchjefdnbsuhjneds. Spook is doing recon in Urtauaiueuaiauuieauieiiiauuaiooaeuoauoeauoeiouaauua, and tries to go all main character by telling Beldre that he will kill Quellion. Not long after he gets captured and Kelsier speaks to him. One realisation (and Hemalurgic Spike) later, he starts getting these Zane-like whispers from "Kelsier". Sazed is also depressed so there's that. Anyway some foolish choices by Spook and Elend later, and Vin kills every known Inquisitor (save Marsh), levels Kredik Shaw, then Ascends to Shardhood?! She does some goofy lil' tsunamis and stuff, that's okay, it only heightened her kill count a few more thousand. Demoux then snaps and becomes an Atium misting, among many others, and they use all of the Homeland's supply of Atium, with Elend absolutely destroying the Koloss on the front lines. Vin fuels his Allomancy and he becomes the literal most invested non-Shard on the planet at that time (I assume at least). Marsh then chops his head off, which left a gaping hole in my heart at that time. BRANDON KILLING OFF CHARACTERS IN SUCH A QUICK SCENE IS LITERALLYTHE SPIKE BETWEEN MY SHOULDERBLADES! Preservation literally goes against her intent and kills Ruin, killing herself in the process. This was also so depressing and I just couldn't see the Mistcouple (tm) Sazed then takes up two Shards at once becoming the being the most Invested being in the Cosmere. Harmony re-beautifies the world back to what it was pre Final Empire. Then Spook meets up with everyone, and Ham reuniting with his family made me nearly shed a tear. Spook finds Elend and Vin dead on the grass together, which made me tear up. Spook finds the letter Sazed addressed to him among the book from the epigraphs. Spook is a Mistborn, and is cured from his Savantism. Him and Beldre share a moment and then the book ends. Personally out of any book or movie I've ever seen, Mistborn had the best ending. I teared up throughout it and I think that it was both fulfilling and meaningful. I've never been more excited to see what happens next. I've had fun doing this little documentation, and if I do this again for another series, I might put a reading cap/ post more often.
  2. Certainly, but what team would they use? (EDIT: Perhaps we should start a new thread as this is getting of track...)
  3. If an Elantrian was in close proximity to Elantris, they just might be able to overpower an incredibly powerful Steel Inquisitor such as (Mistborn Spoilers) However, they are (usually) unable to use AonDor when they are far from Elantris. I guess that puts them in a corner, where they can only 'be powerful' if the battleground is in Northeastern Arelon. How powerful a character is is in the eye of the beholder, it seems, as there isn't an objective definition for power. Is it skill, Investiture, abilities, or something entirely different? An Elantrian with Nightblood... I'm truly terrified. Maybe NB should just stick to running for president
  4. I wonder how we could still do it with the character's profile picture instead of the suggested actors... (EDIT: I am also going to private the fancast because I want to make sure to put all of the artwork credit in. Thx for your patience )
  5. After many long hours of research, I have finally created the definitive fancast on mycast.io. Have a look, and contribute if you'd like to. https://www.mycast.io/stories/the-stormlight-archive-10207 (BTW, I have not yet sort the order of characters properly, I'll make sure to do that soon)
  6. Haha yeah, that seems to be it, but I feel like adaptations are slowly becoming more faithful, and I predict that will also be the case for the Percy Jackson series on Disney+ and the Harry Potter series on Max. I just felt that as before the time skip in TFE, Vin only had ~2 months training from Kelsier. Elend has had a year and is around as skilled as Vin was with only a few years. Granted, Elend does have duties as emperor, along with many other pressing matters to attend to. And I guess that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I presume that Elend has more raw Investiture, but Vin has a great much more experience and skill as he. I also forgot to add this earlier, but I'm so happy that Elend and Vin got married, having them both fighting their insecurities and weaknesses throughout the book, and both finally comforting each other. In terms of Cosmere couples, I rank them exceptionally high. Wasing the joy of it. (I tried, but nobody can compete with Spook )
  7. Chapter 1 - Chapter 9 Elend is comfortable with emotional Allomancy, but It's strange that he has had a year as a Mistborn, and is still average at physical Allomancy. The two defend a city from Koloss, and find one of Rashek's caches. Sazed has lost faith in the religions he preaches since Tindwyl's death, and in this chapter, is sent as an ambassador along with Breeze. Also, I don't think I'll be posting here for around a week or so, considering that I started A Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes yesterday. (Some of my friends asked me if I wanted to see it, and I accepted, so now I have no choice but to read it before we watch it )
  8. I have something to admit... I broke my ten chapter rhythm and finished the book. Chapter 14 - Chapter 59/EPL I can't... too much to recap... Look, after Tindwyl's death, Sazed becomes depressed and this side of him is interesting, but scary. And Elend is casually a MISTBORN WHATTTT. Honestly the ending after Straff's death felt a little rushed, but I felt that I wouldn't wnt it any other way. Also OreSeur's death and TenSoon being the imposter was so sus. There is so much to talk about, but the first thing I did was just lay on the floor and B R E A T H E. Then I immediately started the Hero Of Ages.
  9. The Well Of Ascension: Chapter 1 - Chapter 14 Alright so this is set around a year after, and Straff is back to take the Central Dominance. Turns out Elend just took over the CD, and left the other Dominances for everyone else or something. They know the political power of the CD, along with the theories of the atium cache. Vin defeats Lord Cett's assassins and a Mistborn who tried to kill her, with help from the Watcher; a mysterious Mistborn who she sees stalking the nights often. OreSuer's body was injured, and he eventually gets a wolfhounds body, which is SICK. If y'all have ever read The Medoran Chronicles, (minor spoilers): Anyway, the people seem to not respect Elend as much, since he treats all more equally than the Lord Ruler, and sets up an unnecessary Assembly; an advisory parliament , which only reduces his status. We cut to Sazed, who has been trying to spread his knowledge at a time where the people are trying to rebuild. His efforts bear fruit, but not as much as he'd hope. Marsh arrives at the town Sazed was staying at, with his personality a bit more rough. This kind of scares me, as Marsh has grown on me so much as a character. Anyway, the two go exploring an abandoned Fortress Inquisitorus Inquisitor fortress. Sazed finds an engraved slab of metal with writing from the scholar Kwaan, and his recounts and musings on the prophecies and Alendi. Sazed recounts it and the chapter ends. And so Cett brings his army to Luthadel, with the persuasion and planning of a certain Breeze. We later find that an unknown kandra is disguising somewhere in Elend's vicinity. A Terriswoman Keeper tells Elend that he has a chance to be a great ruler, and she is willing to teach him the biographies of great kings for him to learn from. This book started off a bit confusing, but I like it so far. Also Spook is no longer as shy and reserved ever since he learned to communicate with more people by learning the common dialect. It's kind of sad, because this Spook is like a new character. maybe the eventual perspective chapter @Treamayne was telling me about could help me like him better. Also, so far, who is the character the community hates the most in the series? I like seeing this as it brings up some hilarious debates like: (Spoilers for Oathbringer) And (Spoilers for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay)
  10. Well there we go! Mistborn #1 is done! Chapter 25 - Chapter 38/EPL Stuff happens and then Kelsier kills an Inquisitor, with the Lord Ruler showing up himself and then KILLING KELSIER! This scene was so memorable, but left me with a feeling of emptiness on the inside. Vin gets captured by Kar, brought to the LR, then uses the 11th Metal, Pulls on his Feruchemic bangle things, causing him to age normally again, with Vin dealing the final blow. Elend becomes king, blah blah, ooh and Marsh is a Inquisitor which is crazy! I hadn't read any of the book since the last time I posted, with the exception of last night where I couldn't resist just completing the entire book. I read the final 13 chapters last night between 9:30 and 11:30, with the Big Bang Theory meme stuck in my head; "I don't need sleep, I need answers." Also Elend deserves to be king more than anyone else, provided he does everything right, taking away the feudal system with skaa treated as animals, et cetera... So, my conclusions are that Sazed has a lot to do teaching and learning alongside the other Terrismen ("I think"), and Dockson, Hammond, and Breeze have skills crucial to the future roles of the empire, and Elend has to reform the whole empire. The bookn left me with more questions than answers, but I have a feeling that they will all be answered in the coming books. I can't wait to see what The Well Of Ascension will be about!
  11. Chapter 15 - Chapter 25 Vin is constantly provided with pewter while her wounds heal, and therefore cannot leave the mansion to go to noble balls and parties. Kelsier then explains his story in the Pits and how he Snapped at Mare's death. Kelsier tells Vin that besides the fact that Mare might have betrayed him, he was glad that he had the time with Mare. In Ch.18, she attends another party, but she then notices some of Elends books, openly critiquing the Final Empire. I thought that Elend was a bit more unbiased about Skaa at first, but is still noble in every other way. This scene caught my attention that perhaps he has unknown motives. We see Lady Shan Elariel, Elend's former fiancé, who Vin finds is a Soother. She seems to believe that her status as a lady of a Great House lets her boss around lesser nobles such as Vin. It doesn't seem she has any ulterior plans for controlling Vin, except getting Elend back, and furthering her reputation. I feel so stupid saying this as this is the perfect setup for a big reveal but whatever, I'll read on. AND NOW HERE COMES THE REAL JUICY PART :DD Kelsier creates more chaos between the Great Houses by assassinating a lord and planting his body on the Keep of his allying Great House. He then goes to a street informant to give a census of what info has been revealed of his plan. It struck with me when Kelsier addressed him as the one, the only... H O I D! :)) He is in disguise as an old Skaa man who doesn't have any importance, and I couldn't help cracking up laughing, seeing Hoid-y vibes coming off this old man. Then Kelsier inspires the rebellion, all that stuff, etc... Then Spook comes- and I just want to say that I absolutely love him because he is such a pure character. He tells Vin (in his very hard to understand dialect) that Dockson arrived with weaponry, and proceeds to hand Vin a handkerchief, which omgomgomgomg, we find out that he wants to seriously court her. Spook + Vin shippers anywhere?? (You all probably just ship Vin and Elend anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) We learn about Feruchemy from Sazed, (who is also an amazing character) and he tells us about how hard the Terrismen have had it over the centuries. Later, after reading Ch.24, I find out that her life behind a noble facade has made her more confident, which I certainly like, but this is seriously going to mean she is edging close to nobility, and she might feel uncomfortable with Kelsier killing them. Ham talks about how he provides for his family alongside his own morals, rather than joining and army, He goes to a few Skaa soldiers in the garrison and asks if Vin can train with them. They respond saying that they have a tight schedule and they have found news of the Skaa rebellion. Spook is an all time Chad, along with Sazed. Sazed gives me major NPC vibes, but I find that better. He holds so much knowledge and knows how to conduct himself. His time around Kelsier influences his humor a bit more, which is actually a good thing. All I'm asking for is a chapter from Sazed's perspective, and maybe Spook's. Also, unrelated, I feel like throughout the Cosmere, Brandon describes flatbread VERY well. Not only in Mistborn, but even in TSA. Anyway, thoughts?
  12. I found that doing one chapter at a time required me to keep coming and going, so I decided to do it by how much that I read every few days. Also the Coppermind gives it to me in one dump, while the book just slowly gives me the basics and builds upon that
  13. Chapter 5 - Chapter 15 Vin gets taught basic rules of Allomancy which was far easier to understand to than it's explained on the Coppermind. Vin meets Marsh, who I sadly know all about already from my curiosity, and tries talking sense into Kelsier. Kelsier introduces Sazed, a Terris man with mysterious abilities. (Spoilers for the Hero Of Ages:) Kelsier then organises a ruse after killing Lord Renoux, filling his place with an imposter who seemingly looks very close to the lord. Vin pretends to be Lady Valette, a distant relation of Renoux, and goes to Lord Venture's ball in Luthadel. Long story short she meets a boy named Elend who turns out to be Lord Straff Venture's son, who finds balls and parties tiring. Vin follows Kelsier to the Lord Ruler's palace and the two are attacked by THREE STEEL INQUISITORS?! Kelsier tries to hold them off, but Vin escapes and is gravely injured, Sazed finds her and brings her to Clubs' shop. Kelsier feels horrible for bringing Vin along and gains a larger sense of responsibility which is about time like seriously. The inquisitors seem to be after Vin though, which is interesting. Also in the epigraphs it seems that we're following a boy who is meant to be hero, but I believe that it is meant to lead us to think that it might be written by a pre-Ascension Lord Ruler. However, Since I already have spoiled for myself the name of the Lord Ruler, I know it isn't him. And who else thinks that Vin will be betrayed one way or another, leading her to be less trusting and contemplate how foolish she was to trust in the first place. She is one hundred percent going to go into a full blown Comsere depression, (Spoilers for The Stormlight Archive)
  14. Woah cool! I really look forward to reading it next, as it gives of so many good vibesss
  15. Ah, that was the word! Yeah my mistake, I accidently posted the chapter 3 commenting in two different posts due to a keybind on my side. I combined them into the original one, but couldn't delete the second, so I edited it.
  16. Discussion time! I have some questions: where is Reen? I have a feeling he'll come back later, if not in this book, in the next ones. Also I'm so intrigued to discover what betrayal happened to Kelsier to lead to his sentence to the Pits Of Hathsin.
  17. This is my proposed theory: (Prerequisite: Learn how to use the same time dilation technique that Hoid uses) 1. Be born a full Twinborn (Mistborn + Full Feruchemist). 2. Swallow a bead of Lerasium to become a more powerful Allomancer. 3. Travel to Sel, and use Feruchemy to Connect yourself to the world, turning you into both an Elantrian, and a Forger somehow. 4. Make sure to bond a Seon while you're on Sel, making interplanetary communication far easier. 5.Travel to Roshar, and swallow the crystal of Yelig-Nar, granting at least 9 surges, possible all 10. (Use Hoid's hacking of the magic systems to be able to leave the systems that might be difficult to leave) The main things I haven't thought out yet are the difficultness of leaving the Selish system because of the dangerous conditions in it's Cognitive Realm, and how you are supposed to leave Roshar while bonded to Yelig-Nar. For context, I have only read Stormlight and Elantris, and the rest is stuff I've accidently spoiled for myself through both my curiosity in the Coppermind, and in the forums.
  18. Alright so I think it's time to start the posts: Prologue We start with the text on top, which I am used to as I see it frequently in TSA. It seems to be from a man who is supposed to be a 'hero' but doubts himself. The chapter properly begins with Lord Tresting, a man who is ruthless to his slaves, well by our standard anyway, it seems that the Skaa are treated like animals, and even worse than other slave groups in the Cosmere. He gets a visitor for a kind of religious, law-enforcing ambassador who shoves Tresting's treatment of the Skaa under the rug and commends his great work keeping them under his control. He notices a Skaa worker who is smiling directly at him, and feels uneasy, calling for a beating to make him feel better. We then cut to the perspective of a man named Kelsier, which's first paragraph describes the setting of the world a bit more. It seems that he is unafraid of the nobles and would spark as much hope and rebellion into the Skaa working in their plantations. As Kelsier is conversing with an elderly Skaa named Mennis later that night, he is interrupted by a loud scream. It is mentioned that he earlier swallowed some Allomantic metals, and then he accesses his reserves of tin, enhancing his senses. I know that there is a whole system of metals and their attributes, but right now I'm clueless. He could hear a young Skaa girl being taken away from an older woman who seems to be her mother. The very next day, Mennis wakes to find that the girl, whose name is Jess, had come home safely, and Lord Tresting dead. Mennis discovered that Kelsier escaped into the mists, which Skaa are terribly afraid of. Chapter 1 We get introduced to Vin, a low-level criminal with a weird ability hmmmm I wonder if she'll ever meet another character with similar abilities hmm... She calls it 'Luck' and it seems to help soothe people's emotions, but doesn't really seem to understand it that much. It looked like she had a brother who was somewhat protective of her, but still a bully of sorts. She seems to accept that there is no such things as friendship in the underworld, and whoever she thinks she trusts will ultimately betray her. The leader of the crew Vin works for, Camon, (I feel like Michael Jackson probably made up that name first but whatever) has a job that would pay well and orders Vin to come along. Anyway long story short she uses her Luck on Laird, the obligator, and he secures a deal with an undercover Camon. Chapter 2 Kelsier again! He goes back to the capital, Luthadel, and meets with his friend Dockson. The two discuss a criminal plan, and who they would invite to the team. We learn that Klsier has a brother, Marsh who sounds like Mudkip's second evolution. We switch back to Vin, who is chilling alone at the hideout, reflecting on her life and how she was beaten the previous day. Camon then walks up to her and tells her that it is time for something. Vin travels alongside Camon to the Steel Minisrty's Canton of Finance, where Camon is staging another agreement to get his hands on as many boxings as possible, with the persona of 'Lord Jedue. Vin and some of the other crewmembers act as Camon's servants, as he is instead met with a High Prelan, as Prlean Laird had been called away on business. She felt as if the obligator was getting suspicious of them, and used her Luck on him, making him less so. We're again focused on Kelsier, as he is stuffing some waiting room cakes, as Camon exits the building. He and Dockson agree that Vin is special in one way or another, and Kelsier notices Vin's bruises from being beaten by Camon. As the two leave, Kelsier spots a Steel Inquisitor, with a metal spike pounded through his eyes. They assume that he is after Vin, and Kelsier leaves to deal with them. Chapter 3 Vin suspects that something bad would happen, and the three thousand boxings they swindled out was too good to be true. She tells Ulef, her 'friend' that they need to leave immediately. AND THEN ULEF THE FLIPPIN IDIOT BETRAYS HER BY TELLING CAMON. Camon beats up Vin for it, but Kelsier steps in, and seems to be known by all the criminals as The Survivor Of Hathsin, being the only one to ever survive the Pits Of Hathsin. Milev listens to Kelsier's demand in exchange of dealing with the Inquisitor, and takes over the reigns of the team. Kelsier asks for an audience with Vin, as he and Dockson introduce themselves and runs tests. Turns out that Vin, along with Kelsier is... A MISTBORN!!!! (The name of the book :0 ) Chapter 4 Vin is introduced to Kelsier's Boisand meets Breeze, Ham, Clubs and their employer, Yeden. Kelsier arrives and casually mentions that their plan is to straight up overthrow the Final Empire, which has been active for a thousand years.
  19. @Treamayne Thanks for the help, the post interface is new to me. No, I have read The Stormlight Archive (and its novellas) and Elantris (+Hope Of Elantris) My goal is to read the entire Cosmere so far before Knights Of Winds And Truth comes out. I have a list of all books that I've read since 2020 in my 'About Me' section on my profile
  20. Yes I have read Elantris, and perhaps my question was too broad How about this: A free for all with only one of each of these warriors. Elantrian (with power as if they were in Elantris) A Knight Radiant (pick any order you believe would win) A Fullborn (Twinborn who is a full Feruchemist + Mistborn) And I don't know enough about Warbreaker, White Sand, and Hemalurgy to include more. (Also, I haven't read Mistborn, but know about its magic system briefly from my curiosity on the forums and Coppermind)
  21. Hey everyone, this is my second post on the Shard, and it will probably be a bit long-running. I recently got the box set of the first three Mistborn novels, and I thought as I read through them, I would make a post for a group of chapters that I've read per day or two.
  22. But once I get into a sprint, I might just read for hours though Also, to spice up this topic for anyone who joins, I'll ask a question; What do you think is the most powerful magic system in the Cosmere?
  23. Thanks, I'm already 5 chapters in, but have stopped myself from reading until I start the topic
  24. Hey everyone! I'm new to the Shard, but not particularly to Sanderson's books. I like reading fantasy books such as The Stormlight Archive, and playing in fantasy worlds such as The Legend Of Zelda. I created my account a good while back, but was to busy reading the forums to create a post. I'm also thinking about making a topic as I read through Mistborn, with a new post every day about what I have read so far. Anyway, I am excited to be a part of the 17th Shard and contribute to it too.
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