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Ancient Elantrian

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Posts posted by Ancient Elantrian

  1. 24 minutes ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

    Kyz turns into a falcon a flies away successfully, he shapeshifts back into his human form, clasping his throat.


    35 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

    She sighed.

    “Ruuuude!” Ono says, rolling his eyes.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

    Crap, Kyz thinks

    Ono walks over to Kyz. “Shapeshifter? I ate one of those once. Made great bacon.” He put his hands around Kya’s neck in an iron grip, then unfroze time.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

    Kyz grew angry at this creature’s poor treatment of 25. He changes into his giant snake form once again and spits acid at Ono.

    Ono flinches. “O NO YOU DONT!” He says. He waves a hand, manipulating the nothing so that time suddenly freezes. Kyz is rendered immobilized. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Exotic Almond said:

    Almond leaves and takes a few turns before realizing he never knew where the cafeteria was. He tries to go back to Ave's room but finds that he is lost. Fully gripped in panic at this point he begins dashing through seemingly endless hallways his vision tunneling. Almond, in his panic, doesn't realize that his Darkness is creeping over his fur. In his panic he doesn't see the door in front of him and smacks into it. In a daze he looks up and sees the words "Cafeteria" above. He wipes his bleeding nose while he grabs some stuff labelled chaouta and teleports back to Ave's room.

    “You o-o-okay?” Lukas asks.

  5. 13 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

    Tondon tries to fill connection, but he doesn’t have any duralumin, so he has to resort to tactful conversation. “Thanks. Sorry. Uh, hope you win your next game? Bye?” He takes his stuff and scurries away, potentially meeting up with Jaksyn. @LightRinger 

    “Bye…” the gambler grumbles as Tondon walks away.

    12 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    I just actually have REALLY bad luck.


  6. 12 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

    “Ok, cool!” He sets the spores back on the table. “Is that two games or one? Will it take all my spores to bet for it, or just some? Why am I still dizzy?” He presumably needs to roll the dice again. “5 2 5 and 5 5 3! These are pretty good dice! But I’ll stop betting now, unless I lose, cause my luck will run out eventually. I might come back, though. What’s through the other doors in the building?” 

    “So many QUESTIONS. 6, 1, 2, then 1, 2, 6. You win both.” The Gambler looks VERY angry. He alters the fabrial and gives him some stormlight filled spheres.  

  7. 2 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

    “Ok!” Tondon rolls his dice. He gets 6 6 2. “That’s pretty good, right?” 

    “Hmm. Maybe I’m hungry.” He eats a multivitamin and a beef jerky, which, while not the best meal, is fast, portable, and much better than just Verdant. 

    “1, 6, 3.” The Gambler grumbled, saying his score. He slid over a fabrial with a large gemstone.

  8. 1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

    "Oh, well I hope you feel better. You have a brother? That sounds fun. Do you get along well?" Almond seems excited by the prospect of meeting a new person.

    “H-had three. Only f-f-found one. D-don’t know where he i-is. Left before I w-woke up.”

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