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Posts posted by Inkthinker

  1. I've been of the mind (and haven't been contradicted... yet) that there's no "one cut" for a mistcloak. There's a lot of range across the Dominances, and there's plenty of room for variables in mistcloak design, so long as you stick to the text, as noted above. That means hundreds of long, layered ribbons of fabric hanging from a cloak mantle. Beyond that is a lot of room to play.

    Hoods or no hoods, either works. I've done a couple designs with double-mantles to add extra layers to the ribbons. The ribbons can be any number of widths, or even mix up the widths (I suggest being careful about going too thin or you get something close to pom-poms or fringe). I like to keep 'em 1.5-2 inches wide, and then layer 'em at least 2 or 3 rows deep, overlapping the layers.

    Personally, I'd like to see a cloak made out of heavier cloth than I usually see. Leather, or satin maybe. Of course, that would be prohibitively expensive (not to mention hot). I also like any swirling pattern you can get into it. I like hoods, but I don't put 'em on all cloaks (Kelsier's, for instance, is hoodless).

    Point being, it's hard to be wrong in your design so long as you stick to the text. If someone says yours doesn't look like the one they imagined, tell 'em it's a Southern Dominance cut. :D

  2. Even if the Ghostbloods don't know about Shallan's ability, don't we have a running theory that her father and possibly her brother were secretly members? He might have been feeling her out to see how much she already knew and whether she'd be able to pick up where they left off.

  3. Please be careful about taking anything I say as utterly canon, as I may be easily wrong about anything. Peter and (of course) Brandon are much more reliable sources. I'm just a concept-monkey, and I'm really supposed to know better than to speak out of turn.

    Although I'm fairly certain I was right about what I wrote there (or I wouldn't have written it)... it's nothing you wouldn't work out from reading the novel and the broadsheets. We know there's unions and parliamentary parties in some sort of voting democracy just by reading the news articles and the ads.

    I was wrong when I wrote about there not being anyone of pure skaa or Terris lineage (which makes sense, some people would have an ancestry almost purely one or the other), for instance.

    All things considered, it's probably better if I speak less in general. I'm not knowledgeable enough to speak authoritatively, but I know (or I think I know) just enough to make a mess of things.

    Soooo... yeah.

  4. 1) Maybe that's all the time they need. The poop is, it would seem, not far from the fan.

    2) Don't get caught. And it seems likely that they have powerful friends to protect them from powerful enemies.

    3) Shallan's a new wrinkle, but she's from a falling house of little consequence. Kill her too.

    As to your second point, I think you might be right (that it's something she's found already), but that doesn't means she's realized it herself. Or she knows something, but she's keeping it to herself. Remember what Brandon says, "there's always another secret".

  5. Well, we aren't sure how much landmass is included in the world. We know that there is two 'colonies' of humanity. The first is what we are most familiar with, the second is a group that Rashek left alone in terms of genetics in case he made a royal mistake.

    We don't know if the second colony is on a land mass, if they are living underground, or what...

    I'm like, 95% sure he's said in interview that the second colony lives in the polar region, and underground (which protected them from most all of Rashek's "adjustments"). Brandon's got some sort of plan for 'em.

  6. Easily the most impressive storm I've ever seen was several years ago when two storm cells merged and just smashed into Provo. Broken trees and quite a bit of rain, but I'm not sure it has really anything on a Highstorm.

    Since a highstorm can pick up a tall, fit, very muscular man (Kaladin has been carrying around a bridge for a while at this point. He'd be 220 at the very, very minimum), can we calculate the necessary wind speeds to push him around like a kite?

    Hurricanes throw multi-ton cars and boats like toys. At Cat 2 or 3, roofs are torn away and walls are knocked down. At Cat 5, towns are flattened. Cat 1 and 2 winds will easily knock you down and roll you over, winds at Cat 3 and above are more than sufficient to throw a human of pretty much any weight, and it's been known to happen.

    Locals are blase about it because we've grown used to the threat (and thankfully for where I lived, a hurricane had to follow a very narrow and specific path to constitute a catastrophic threat), but they're still dangerous and damaging storms.

    A Roshari highstorm is a Cat 5 or better, which is more than sufficient to scour the land. Check out what Hurricane Andrew did 20 years ago to Homestead, Florida... it was a Cat 5 and it cleared entire subdivisions down to matchsticks.

  7. This brings up a secondary question. Is there an upper limit on how many spheres you can charge in one highstorm? If there isn't, does that mean that they are effectively unlimited in power? And if there is, what would that mean?

    I think there's an upper limit on how much of a charge a given sphere holds (dependent on the type of gem and its cut). More valuable spheres hold more charge (I think. Peter confirm?).

    Given that every sphere exposed to a highstorm anywhere takes a charge, I don't know if there's a limit on total number of spheres themselves.

  8. On that note, I'm also curious as to greatshell biology. Most terrestrial crustaceans have very simple lungs, limiting the maximum size they can grow to. If I may be permitted to speculate, I suspect that Roshar has more atmospheric oxygen than Earth. In part, this is suggested by the presence of Greatshells - and additionally, the Highstorms themselves.

    I've got some side notes on chull biology that came about when I was doing the designs (like, how they grow giant boulders on their backs), but I don't think Brandon canonized any of it. Might come in useful someday, but it's all under wraps at his discretion. I just send stuff to him as it comes around during the design process, I expect he probably throws most of it away but every so often I get to win one :)

    He does think about this stuff though, as do I in my (very) limited capacity. It's not all just Rule of Cool.

  9. Soooo... I guess I'm the only one who thinks it sounds a little like a decongestant? :)

    When colds, allergies and other sinus problems get you down, Adonalsium gets you back on track! Ask your doctor if Adonalsium is right for you! Adonalsium: your solution for sinus relief!

    Anybody? No?


    Please don't fire me.


    Bad punctuation makes me twitchy.

  10. I doubt it's a genetic trait, but it does appear to be an experience which is formally recognized by Alethi culture. There's no reason to believe that it's not something felt by other warriors.

  11. Well, there was the giant sea-spren, and the Purelake... although the Purelake is to the center-west, and I swear I recall Brandon saying in an interview somewhere that the storms diminish in strength as they move east to west, so maybe by the time it gets there it's just a decently heavy rainfall.

  12. I wouldn't say chulls "shrug off" highstorms... they hunker down and go into full-on Boulder Mode. But they are probably one of the only species that survives exposure to the storms, every other critter has to find a place to hide.

    As you say, everything has evolved to deal with semi-weekly flash storms that come with 150+mph winds and rain and all that implies. What few trees exist are sturdy and thick-trunked, and most everything gets a sort of stony-exterior thanks to crem buildup.

  13. I grew up near the Gulf of Mexico so I understand the immense power of thunder/tropical storms and the flooding/noise/damage they can cause.

    However, I grew up near the Gulf of Mexico, so I also understand the routine, blase "what an inconvenience let's just sit tight while it all this majesty of nature blows over" sentiment that takes over when these things happen regularly. A few times every summer.

    Hahaaaaa... I grew up in Tampa Bay, it's like "oh... hurricanes. *sigh*... Bring in the cat."

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